
"I AM Preparing For you an Era of Love - THE ERA OF MY THIRD FIAT."

"I AM Preparing For you an Era of Love - THE ERA OF MY THIRD FIAT." Jesus to Luisa - Feb. 8. 1921…ne-Will-ORATORY-OF-SAINT-PHILIP-NERI-12-10-22-.pdf V10 - 1.28.11 "I Supplicate that …More
"I AM Preparing For you an Era of Love
Jesus to Luisa - Feb. 8. 1921…ne-Will-ORATORY-OF-SAINT-PHILIP-NERI-12-10-22-.pdf
V10 - 1.28.11
"I Supplicate that they make these Houses of Reunion, saving for Me the Priests who shall come into these Shelters...
And through these few Good ones shall My Church Recover from Her Agony."
In charity the SoG Luisa Piccarretta’s detractors should read and recall Luisa never wanted to write one word, but only under obedience to her Archbishop. …More
In charity the SoG Luisa Piccarretta’s detractors should read and recall Luisa never wanted to write one word, but only under obedience to her Archbishop.
We wish to present two testimonies given by Fr. Domenico Franze and Fr. Consalvo Valls. They are the following:
Dear Father,
Almost a year ago last September, your Excellency, along with another dignitary, interviewed me regarding two manuscripts of the book entitled “In the Reign of the Divine Will”. It was your wish that I render a judgement about the book whose author had sought absolute anonymity. Well, Reverend Father, as you know, I wasn’t content in just reading the book but wanted to also meet the author so as to better be able to render an opinion.
Having read the book and met the author, I didn’t stop with my own convictions, but sought the opinions of some competent religious colleagues. I am enclosing one such testimony. It is the opinion of Fr. Consalvo Valls, professor of Theology in our university, the International …
giveusthisday Luisa Piccareta's works are heretical.More
Luisa Piccareta's works are heretical.
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Bishops vs. God's Seers in 2024 & What WW3's Cause Will REALLY Be—Regis, CoRedemptrix, Piccarreta,++

English Catholic
To be completely fair and objective, I have sat down this afternoon and watched this video. The main message seems to be that if Luisa Piccaretta's …More
To be completely fair and objective, I have sat down this afternoon and watched this video. The main message seems to be that if Luisa Piccaretta's writings are formally condemned, then that will tip us into WWIII. But he tells us to run to the grocery stores. If WWIII happens, there won't be any grocery stores to run to (or food to buy). This guy is really, really dangerous and possibly needs psychiatric help. His earlier quote stating that he wasn't listening, or reacting to any disagreements about his views, suggests some kind of Messiah complex. He is the king of 'doomsday porn' and is causing unnecessary anxiety to many easily-led, confused or anxious Catholic souls, who need to trust in Jesus and Mary and not Daniel O'Connor or his like. Remember what Our Lord said to Sr Lucia at Rianjo: "It is never too late to have recourse to Jesus and Mary". The Apparition at Rianjo (1931) | The Fatima Center Also, think about another locally approved apparition. As far as I understand, …More
English Catholic
@V.R.S. @Scapular is being disingenuous. I have already explained to him (twice) that 'Servant of God' is merely an honorific title - see my full …More
@V.R.S. @Scapular is being disingenuous. I have already explained to him (twice) that 'Servant of God' is merely an honorific title - see my full comment further down, accompanied by the French bishop's letter. And my comment at the bottom of this thread.
38 more comments

Short Introduction about Father Celso by Father Celso

YEAR 1 - 0 - Short Introduction about Father Celso by Father Celso On this Feast of St. Annibale Maria di Francia, we dedicate this new series to him, who helped guide Luisa in the Living of the Divine …More
YEAR 1 - 0 - Short Introduction about Father Celso by Father Celso
On this Feast of St. Annibale Maria di Francia, we dedicate this new series to him, who helped guide Luisa in the Living of the Divine Will and dedicated himself, once found, to publishing her writings.
The works of Luisa Piccaretta are on the list of forbidden books; her work is full of heresy and may be the work of the devil. NOT FOR CHILDREN. The …More
The works of Luisa Piccaretta are on the list of forbidden books; her work is full of heresy and may be the work of the devil. NOT FOR CHILDREN. The "Divine Will" devotion is repulsive, from the ultimate spiritual predator.
42 years a Priest. DG

400,000 Germans quit Catholic Church as talks between Vatican, Synodal Way continue

‘A concrete form of synodality’ Warning of a threat of a new schism from Germany, the Vatican intervened as early as …
All Saints
That’s tellin’ ‘em!🙄

Like statistics?

Scroll down this page for the statistics of an English country church, note they added the TLM Parish Appeal 2024 - Most Holy Trinity Catholic ChurchMore
Scroll down this page for the statistics of an English country church, note they added the TLM
Parish Appeal 2024 - Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church

Our Lady of La Sallette

Ave Maria brilliant video! DG I don’t think I ever read this part "The Church will be eclipsed. One will not know which is the true pope; for a time:…More
Ave Maria brilliant video! DG
I don’t think I ever read this part
"The Church will be eclipsed. One will not know which is the true pope; for a time: the Holy Sacrifice will cease to be offered in churches. The Holy Sacrifice will not cease, but it will be offered in caves, in barns, and in alcoves”
English Catholic
@Scapular Did you see the 10 min Remnant video on Our Lady of Salette pilgrimage? From The Remnant: OUR LADY of LA SALETTE: “I will fight for you!”

The Church will soon be handed over.

🙏 🙏 🙏
All Saints
This is interesting because it seems to me that some of the Five Wounds have already been inflicted upon the Mystical Body. The Great Schism of the …More
This is interesting because it seems to me that some of the Five Wounds have already been inflicted upon the Mystical Body. The Great Schism of the Orthodox, the Protestant Revolt, Vaticon II and antipope Francis. What will be the fifth and final wound? The unLawful banning of the Catholic Mass? Or something even more nefarious?
What a great time to be Catholic! Let’s get this party started!
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Major apology millions of Aussies deserve

Major apology millions of Aussies deserve Mounting evidence shows the vaccines were rushed, less effective than you’d expect of a jab and – in some cases – …
Not much help for those who are no longer with us. Massive class action pending? I wouldn't rule out criminal charges being laid against those responsible …More
Not much help for those who are no longer with us. Massive class action pending?
I wouldn't rule out criminal charges being laid against those responsible either. Ignorance is no excuse - even more so for politicians and medical professionals.

AWAKENING! Expert delivery on the truth of the matter.


Her ministers infiltrated by “mass of rotten flesh”

Prophecies Of Virgin Of Revelation: A Pope Will Deny The Faith "The entire Church will undergo a tremendous trial, to clean up the mass of rotten flesh that has infiltrated into Her ministers, in …More
Prophecies Of Virgin Of Revelation: A Pope Will Deny The Faith
"The entire Church will undergo a tremendous trial, to clean up the mass of rotten flesh that has infiltrated into Her ministers, in particular among the Orders of poverty: a moral trial, a spiritual trial. For the time indicated in the heavenly books, priests and faithful will be placed at a perilous turning-point in the world of the lost, which will rush to the assault with whichever means: false ideologies and theologies! Supplication from both parts, the faithful and the unfaithful, will be made according to the trials. I, among you the elect, with Christ as Our Captain, will fight for you […] The wrath of Satan is no longer restrained; the Spirit of God is withdrawn from the earth, the Church will be left a widow, behold the funeral drape, She will be left to the mercy of the world. Children, become saints and sanctify yourselves more, always love each other. […] Marshal yourselves under the banner of Christ. Working in …More
Dr Bobus
I was at the Shrine multiple times. It is near Tre Fontane, where St Paul was martyred.
Sean Johnson
What about the 5 before him?
Our Lady of the Revelation on OBEDIENCE! One of the most touching visions is that of 28 April 1986. Cornacchiola found himself in St. Peter’s Square and Our Lady says to him: “Although the one who …More
Our Lady of the Revelation on OBEDIENCE!
One of the most touching visions is that of 28 April 1986. Cornacchiola found himself in St. Peter’s Square and Our Lady says to him:
“Although the one who gives an order seems in error, you are bound to obey, unless that order touches faith, morality and charity. Then no! “(Op. Cit., P. 174).
Global Earthquake, Nuclear War, Apostasy, Invasion of Italy, Destruction in Vatican

Global Earthquake, Nuclear War, Apostasy, Invasion of Italy, Destruction in Vatican

The End Times Prophecies of the Three Fountains “Saverio Gaeta wrote an interesting book called In April 12, 1947, …

Litaniae de Sacratissimo Corde Iesu

Kyrie, eleison Lord, have mercy Christe, eleison Christ, have mercy Kyrie, eleison Lord, have mercy Christe, audi nos Christ, hear us Christe, exaudi nos. Christ, …

Desire to receive the Sacraments today but can’t?

Turn this suffering into reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. “If there are some who abuse the Sacraments, there are also many good daughters who receive them with the due dispositions, and …More
Turn this suffering into reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
“If there are some who abuse the Sacraments, there are also many good daughters who receive them with the due dispositions, and who would suffer very much if they could not attend them.’ And He: "Too scarce is their number; and then, their pain for not being able to receive them will work as reparation for Me, and to make them victims for those who abuse them."
Volume 2 of 36, October 1, 1899 Jesus speaks with bitterness about the abuses of the Sacraments.
This morning lovable Jesus continued to make Himself seen in silence, but with a most afflicted appearance; He had a thick crown of thorns driven onto His head. I felt my interior powers silent and I did not dare to say a single word; but in seeing that He suffered very much in His head, I stretched out my hands and, very carefully, removed the crown of thorns. But, what a bitter spasm He suffered! How His wounds opened more and His blood poured out in torrents! In …More
Tasmania, Australia

A Monastery in the Benedictine Tradition

ABOUT Notre DamePriory Notre Dame Priory is a a Ora THE MONKS' LIFE OF PRAYER The life of a Benedictine monk is one of noble service of the Divine Majesty in …

Communist, murdered a Bishop and a Priest.

Our Lady converted him in 60 minutes. Miraculous life of Bruno CornacchiolaMore
Our Lady converted him in 60 minutes.
Miraculous life of Bruno Cornacchiola
Excellent presentation! I like the quote that faithful Catholics will become the protestors ( Protestants) against the false church! What a diabolical …More
Excellent presentation! I like the quote that faithful Catholics will become the protestors ( Protestants) against the false church! What a diabolical disorientation. But above all remain in the Immaculate Heart for “I am the one that is of the Divine Trinity.”

“In the Mass there is all the depth of our sacrosanct religion“

JMJ Reading Volume 1 Book of Heaven. Sometime before September 1899. “Now, while seeing Jesus or the priest celebrating the Divine Sacrifice, Jesus would make me understand that in the Mass there is …More
JMJ Reading Volume 1 Book of Heaven.
Sometime before September 1899.
“Now, while seeing Jesus or the priest celebrating the Divine Sacrifice, Jesus would make me understand that in the Mass there is all the depth of our sacrosanct religion.”
Our Lord referring to the rites of Mass before the Council.
Of consideration the offertory the new rite offers bread.
“Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation, for through your goodness we have received the bread we offer you: fruit of the earth and work of human hands, it will become for us the bread of life.”
The old rite offers the spotless or Immaculate Host.
“Receive, O Holy Father, almighty and eternal God, this spotless host, which I, Thine unworthy servant, offer unto Thee, my living and true God, for my innumerable sins, offenses, and negligences, and for all here present; and also for all faithful Christians both living and dead, that it may profit me and them for salvation unto life everlasting. Amen.“ Our Lord to SoG Luisa “Sometimes,…More
Luisa Piccareta has been placed on the Index of Forbidden Books for heresy! Father Mawdsley goes through the writings of Luisa…

The Secrets of Garabandal

Absolutely brilliant! The Secrets of GarabandalMore
Absolutely brilliant!
The Secrets of Garabandal
Thank you for uploading. Great to listen to!
Recycled hysteria it's like living 1990s all over again. You're walking backwards off of a cliff.
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A New Era by Fire! Fr. Celso: A New Era by Fire! The Prophecies of Fatima, Garabandal, Akita and Luisa!More
Fr. Celso: A New Era by Fire! The Prophecies of Fatima, Garabandal, Akita and Luisa!

Bishop's Blog / Just Folllowing Orders

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, “Roma locuta; causa finita est!” “Rome has spoken; the matter is finished!” In these pastoral letters that I have been …