Tucho Issues Clarification of Sodoma supplicans: "No Room For Doctrinal Dissociation"

Cardinal Tucho Fernández issued a five-page statement on January 4 to "clarify" the scrawl 'Fiducia Supplicans', published 17 days earlier. Tucho argues now that the implementation may vary in different …More
Cardinal Tucho Fernández issued a five-page statement on January 4 to "clarify" the scrawl 'Fiducia Supplicans', published 17 days earlier.
Tucho argues now that the implementation may vary in different cultural and ecclesial contexts. But the scrawl must be respected as “a text signed and approved by the Pope himself”. There can be “no total or definitive rejection of this way proposed to priests.”
And, “There is no room to distance ourselves doctrinally from this Declaration or to consider it heretical, contrary to the Tradition of the Church or blasphemous.”
For Tucho, the real novelty of the scrawl is not the pairwise blessing of sinners but the invention of “spontaneous or pastoral” blessings as distinct from liturgical or ritual ones [which, despite the sophistry, are the same in nature]:
“We all need (!) to grow equally in the conviction that: non-ritualized blessings […] are not a justification of all their actions, and they are not an endorsement of the life that they lead.” …More
Denis Efimov
Well, for a non-liturgical and non-ritual blessing, the heretic Tucho developed a ritual and prayer. He also expressed the idiotic idea that his heretical document, signed by him and another heretic, could not be doctrinally distanced, considered heretical or blasphemous. Yes, for a conciliar-synodal church this is a completely orthodox document, signed by two heresiarchs at once. For a Catholic, …More
Well, for a non-liturgical and non-ritual blessing, the heretic Tucho developed a ritual and prayer. He also expressed the idiotic idea that his heretical document, signed by him and another heretic, could not be doctrinally distanced, considered heretical or blasphemous. Yes, for a conciliar-synodal church this is a completely orthodox document, signed by two heresiarchs at once. For a Catholic, this is, of course, a heretical and blasphemous document, from which the doctrinal distance, the distance from Tradition, is colossal. Who is this kissing pervert trying to fool?
More and worse abominations. This, clearly, is the perverts’ official “Declaration of War,” which we knew was coming and expected to be issued soon, as a consequence of the solid and unprecedented outraged resistance to the original sodomy-blessing document demonstrated by entire Episcopal Conferences, Dioceses, Priestly Societies and other groups of the Faithful around the world. Now, the Vatican’s …More
More and worse abominations. This, clearly, is the perverts’ official “Declaration of War,” which we knew was coming and expected to be issued soon, as a consequence of the solid and unprecedented outraged resistance to the original sodomy-blessing document demonstrated by entire Episcopal Conferences, Dioceses, Priestly Societies and other groups of the Faithful around the world. Now, the Vatican’s repercussive push-back against the dissenters begins, and those resisting this vile heresy will become targets of the reprobates’ wrath. May the Lord’s devoted Shepherds and Servants throughout the universal Church be strengthened by all the Hosts of Heaven, and may they remain strong, and strongly committed to the defense of the Faith.
Ivan Tomas
"And the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrha brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven.
[Genesis 19:24]
Ivan Tomas
Someone should buy a Bible for Tucho.
English Catholic
@Ivan Tomas Sodom was destroyed because of the sin of homosexuality. There are 'LGBT' groups who try and misrepresent the Gospel as to why the destruction of Sodom occurred, like this one: Sodom and Gomorrah does not condemn homosexuality - The Reformation Project If these people already reject Gospel teaching, and think they are doing nothing wrong, then the formula of the blessing shown above "…More
@Ivan Tomas Sodom was destroyed because of the sin of homosexuality. There are 'LGBT' groups who try and misrepresent the Gospel as to why the destruction of Sodom occurred, like this one: Sodom and Gomorrah does not condemn homosexuality - The Reformation Project If these people already reject Gospel teaching, and think they are doing nothing wrong, then the formula of the blessing shown above "Free them from everything that contradicts your Gospel" is meaningless, and affirms them in their sin, because they already think that the practice of homosexuality doesn't contradict the Gospel. There are many texts condemning the practice of homosexuality in Holy Scripture. I think I have heard all of them explained away and misrepresented at one time or another by dissident LGBT groups/individuals.
@Ivan Tomas Unfortunately, Ivan, that wouldn’t do any good. He has Bibles aplenty. He just doesn’t believe any of them. But, yes, I did understand your sarcasm. 😆 Sadly, it would be lost on Kissy.