
Tucho Issues Clarification of Sodoma supplicans: "No Room For Doctrinal Dissociation"

Cardinal Tucho Fernández issued a five-page statement on January 4 to "clarify" the scrawl 'Fiducia Supplicans', published 17 days earlier.

Tucho argues now that the implementation may vary in different cultural and ecclesial contexts. But the scrawl must be respected as “a text signed and approved by the Pope himself”. There can be “no total or definitive rejection of this way proposed to priests.”

And, “There is no room to distance ourselves doctrinally from this Declaration or to consider it heretical, contrary to the Tradition of the Church or blasphemous.”

For Tucho, the real novelty of the scrawl is not the pairwise blessing of sinners but the invention of “spontaneous or pastoral” blessings as distinct from liturgical or ritual ones [which, despite the sophistry, are the same in nature]:

“We all need (!) to grow equally in the conviction that: non-ritualized blessings […] are not a justification of all their actions, and they are not an endorsement of the life that they lead.”

Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith proposes blessing

Finally, Tucho suggests a rite for his non-ritual blessing. It should last between 10 and 15 seconds. This is the liturgical prayer:

"Lord, look at these children of yours, grant them health, work, peace and mutual help. Free them from everything that contradicts your Gospel and allow them to live according to your will. Amen".

Rubrics: “Then it concludes with the sign of the cross on each of the two persons.”


J G Tasan
Dear Lord Jesus Christ!, graciously hear us!
Dear Lord Jesus Christ!, graciously hear us!

Is he impatient for the schism?
Bonnie Louise
The goal: empty the Church of the faithful. Replace with unrepentant sinners. This replacement theory will fail on it's face.
Tony M
With the way Tucho plays us with his word games...... he is a slippery as.... THE SNAKE!!!
De Profundis
Fernandez: "The real novelty of this Declaration ... is not the possibility of blessing couples in irregular situations. It is the invitation to distinguish between two different forms of blessings: 'liturgical or ritualized' and 'spontaneous or pastoral'." Please, make it stop!
Everyday for Life Canada
There is no clarification possible with a document that says, yes, no, sometimes and maybe. It’s theological doublespeak.
Tucho, in your FS Document, you wrote that the Bishops can decide, have you forgotten it? Well, the Bishops are deciding, but you don't like it.
All the priests of the Prelature of Moyobamba support their bishop and ask the Pope to annul Fiducia Supplicans.
Group of Spanish priests ask the Holy Father to annul Fiducia SupplicansMore
Tucho, in your FS Document, you wrote that the Bishops can decide, have you forgotten it? Well, the Bishops are deciding, but you don't like it.

All the priests of the Prelature of Moyobamba support their bishop and ask the Pope to annul Fiducia Supplicans.

Group of Spanish priests ask the Holy Father to annul Fiducia Supplicans
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Faithful Catholics in general, as well as Bishops and Cardinals should not only oppose this document, but oppose Francis, Tucho, and any/all bishops who side with them. There should be organized world wide a huge movement of the faithful to force Francis to resign, to create so much opposition to him that he has no choice other than he and his associates quit en masse in disgrace. It's not impossible …More
Faithful Catholics in general, as well as Bishops and Cardinals should not only oppose this document, but oppose Francis, Tucho, and any/all bishops who side with them. There should be organized world wide a huge movement of the faithful to force Francis to resign, to create so much opposition to him that he has no choice other than he and his associates quit en masse in disgrace. It's not impossible. Otherwise, increasingly, many are beginning to think the Catholic Church is a cult of Francis, that he can run roughshod over any and all faithful bishops, destroy tradition, and blaspheme before God with impunity without consequence.
la verdad prevalece
The Scripture says that those who continue to sin have not known God and become children of the devil. And those who persist in sinning after receiving the revelation of the Truth trample on the Blood of Christ and there is no more sacrifice for them so the Eternal Judgment awaits them. Furthermore, Saint Paul warns us not to let ourselves be deceived because unrepentant homosexuals and effeminates …More
The Scripture says that those who continue to sin have not known God and become children of the devil. And those who persist in sinning after receiving the revelation of the Truth trample on the Blood of Christ and there is no more sacrifice for them so the Eternal Judgment awaits them. Furthermore, Saint Paul warns us not to let ourselves be deceived because unrepentant homosexuals and effeminates are condemned. The Judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah remained as an example of the end that awaits those who give themselves over to the vice of sodomy. He also warns that no Christian can associate with someone who, calling himself 'brother', is immoral and advises that you should not even go to dinner with that (apostate).
la verdad prevalece
Fernández, an apostate gay activist in complicity with Bergoglio, wants to impose rebellion against the Laws of God and the moral doctrine of the Church
Everyday for Life Canada
Read Fiducia Supplicans and you will see how the devil can cite scripture (“blessings”) to suit his purpose.
This is what we call here in the United States, “upping the ante.” Faithful, orthodox Bishops and Priests are told unceremoniously to toe the line and drink the Vatican’s Kool-Aid or else, while the entire German Church threatens full, all-out, unmitigated schism; with their hierarchy leading — once again, and in grand Luther style — the whole Church in Germany into absolute satanic rebellion …More
This is what we call here in the United States, “upping the ante.” Faithful, orthodox Bishops and Priests are told unceremoniously to toe the line and drink the Vatican’s Kool-Aid or else, while the entire German Church threatens full, all-out, unmitigated schism; with their hierarchy leading — once again, and in grand Luther style — the whole Church in Germany into absolute satanic rebellion against the Deposit of Faith in their total rejection of the Doctrines and Dogmas of Holy Mother Church, with nary a word of rebuke or correction from the Vatican. But now, Anti Prefect Kiss-the-boys-butts, after having shocked, outraged and sickened the Faithful around the world (during Christmas, no less) with the promulgation of apostasy, sternly “warns” that no one will be allowed to dissent or distance themselves from his heretical sodomy-blessing madness. Faithful Bishops and Cardinals the world over should tell him to go to hell and inform him as to where he can stick his damnable Declaration. Man…where is a Saint Nicholas when you need a heretic slapped?
Clement Jaeho Chung
Shut up!!! Crazy man!!!! our Orthodox Teachings can't blessing to same sex couple!!! Pope John Paul II Said too!!! Catholic People and Christian People are must, must against to same sex union!!!! Holy Fahter Pope Benedict XVI said same message too!!! but Bergoglio and all Bergoglian destroying to our Orthodox teachings...so horrible....they said to many area of African Churches, and all Orthodox …More
Shut up!!! Crazy man!!!! our Orthodox Teachings can't blessing to same sex couple!!! Pope John Paul II Said too!!! Catholic People and Christian People are must, must against to same sex union!!!! Holy Fahter Pope Benedict XVI said same message too!!! but Bergoglio and all Bergoglian destroying to our Orthodox teachings...so horrible....they said to many area of African Churches, and all Orthodox area.....have to merciful mind....jajajaja....What?! Merciful Mind?! Who the hell are you to talk about Merciful mind?! You praise and approve of those who blatantly destroy the Orthodox Church, but you take ridiculous steps to remove or otherwise retaliate against cardinals, bishops, priests, religious, and all other members of the Church who speak out in defense of the Orthodox teachings!!! You virtually shut down the celebration of our precious Traditional Latin Mass!!! Who are you to talk about hearts of mercy! You disgusting Pharisees!!! Bergoglio and your followers!!! Please know that you are the Pharisees that our Lord Jesus Christ hated the most! If you are not Pharisees, who are you to talk about tolerance, understanding, and mutual respect when you are not only not practicing any of it, but oppressing those who defend the Orthodox Faith! going to hell!!! Tucho!! Bergoglio, all Bergoglian!!!!
🤣🤣🤣🤣 Anti Prefect Kiss-the-boys-butts has got our friend Clement so upset and riled-up that he’s writing in perfect, unbroken English. I love it. 🤣🤣🤣 That’s right, Clement, you tell ‘um!!!!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Clement Jaeho Chung -Hi Clement!! Your post is great...100% true. Tuch's scribble should be used as toilet paper. THat's all it's good for.....same for anything Bergoglio says as well. More bishops are coming out against Bergoglio and Tucho today...from France believe it or not. This ain't going away. Francis' papacy is now as crippled as he is. 😉
Louis IX
Ape of the Church.
Francesco 1967
The document says in section 41. What has been said in this Declaration regarding the blessings of same-sex couples is sufficient to guide the prudent and fatherly discernment of ordained ministers in this regard. Thus, beyond the guidance provided above, no further responses should be expected about possible ways to regulate details or practicalities regarding blessings of this type.
They don’t …More
The document says in section 41. What has been said in this Declaration regarding the blessings of same-sex couples is sufficient to guide the prudent and fatherly discernment of ordained ministers in this regard. Thus, beyond the guidance provided above, no further responses should be expected about possible ways to regulate details or practicalities regarding blessings of this type.

They don’t have a choice but to continue to respond so they can advance their evil plans after so many faithful Catholics have proclaimed the truth.

Jer 6:16 Thus says the Lord:
“Stand by the roads, and look,
and ask for the ancient paths,
where the good way is; and walk in it,
and find rest for your souls.
But they said, ‘We will not walk in it.’
De Profundis
"Heal me with your mouth"
Jan Joseph
Geweldig wat een dombo, er is geen gelovige Katholieke meer te vinden die zich van de handtekening van Paus Franciscus iets aantrekt. De strijdt gaat niet tussen progressieven en traditionele gelovigen, maar tussen gelovigen en niet gelovigen.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Every time Tucho or Francis speak about this blasphemy anf heresy, I hope the worlds bishops defy them all the more, and priests as well. I hope there starts a total war in the Church, a rebellion against Francis which will end with his resignation, or sudden death.
Where are voices like little Cardinal Ray Burke who went crawling back to Francis last week for an audience with the pervert Pope.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Happy New Year!! Kenjiro....even though this year..2024....very hard year anytime....but until come to horrible moment....enjoying today...thanks be to God gives to always is very important....really hope you and all your family, lovely people are always happy, healthy..I am very angry to this horrible message...Bergoglio and Bergoglian said to many area of African Churches, …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Happy New Year!! Kenjiro....even though this year..2024....very hard year anytime....but until come to horrible moment....enjoying today...thanks be to God gives to always is very important....really hope you and all your family, lovely people are always happy, healthy..I am very angry to this horrible message...Bergoglio and Bergoglian said to many area of African Churches, and all Orthodox area.....have to merciful mind....jajajaja....What?! Merciful Mind?! Who the hell are you to talk about Merciful mind?! they praise and approve of those who blatantly destroy the Orthodox Church, but you take ridiculous steps to remove or otherwise retaliate against cardinals, bishops, priests, religious, and all other members of the Church who speak out in defense of the Orthodox teachings!!! they virtually shut down the celebration of our precious Traditional Latin Mass!!! Who are they to talk about hearts of mercy! they are disgusting Pharisees!!! Bergoglio and your followers!!! Please know that they are the Pharisees that our Lord Jesus Christ hated the most! If they are not Pharisees, who are they to talk about tolerance, understanding, and mutual respect when they are not only not practicing any of it, but oppressing those who defend the Orthodox Faith! my strong message...going to hell!!! Tucho!! Bergoglio, all Bergoglian!!!! I told you always...if Lord will send Orthodox Pope, real Pope..fast time...I must going to Underground Church....like Arian crisis...Orthodox Catholic People escape to Desert....I think now almost going.....much thinking about Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani's prayer too....many talking sorry....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day again...always really happy..hear about your great opinion!! and Happy New Year again....