Peruvian Bishop: Francis' Sodomy Blessings Abuse the Most Holy Name of God

Francis' homosexual propaganda pamphlet 'Fiducia Supplicans' "damages the communion of the Church" because it promotes blessings of homosexuals that are "in direct and grave contradiction with divine revelation and the uninterrupted teaching and practice of the Catholic Church," writes Spanish-born Bishop Rafael Alfonso Escudero López-Brea, 61, of Moyobamba, Peru, in a January 2 statement.

Blessing adulterers and homosexual concubines "is a grave abuse of the Most Holy Name of God, invoked over an objectively sinful union of fornication, adultery or, even worse, homosexual activity," Escudero writes.

He adds that "God never blesses sin", that "God does not contradict himself" and that "God does not lie to us". Escudero is puzzled by Francis' strange distinction between "liturgical" and "pastoral" blessings, since the latter "is still a blessing, of the same nature": "To bless a couple is to bless the union that exists between them, there is no logical, real way to separate one from the other. Why else would they ask for a blessing together and not separately?"

Monsignor Escudero knows that "not a few" priests and bishops have led the faithful astray with the "blessing" of sinful unions, "committing a terrible sacrilege". He warns of the destructive and immediate consequences of such behaviour, which is intended to destroy the Church's Tradition.

As a priest and bishop, Escudero has sworn to uphold the faith. He therefore orders his priests "not to perform any form of blessing for couples in an irregular situation or for homosexual couples".


Wilma Lopez
More from the Bishop:
Given the lack of clarity of the document, we must follow the uninterrupted praxis of the Church to date, which is to bless every person who asks for a blessing, and not same-sex couples or those in an irregular situation. We will avoid all scandal, confusion, inducement to sin and at the same time we will continue to show the mercy that the Church has always shown to every …
More from the Bishop:

Given the lack of clarity of the document, we must follow the uninterrupted praxis of the Church to date, which is to bless every person who asks for a blessing, and not same-sex couples or those in an irregular situation. We will avoid all scandal, confusion, inducement to sin and at the same time we will continue to show the mercy that the Church has always shown to every sinner who approaches her, above all, offering him conversion, forgiveness, the life of Grace and Eternal Life.

The Church blesses sinners, but never their sin or their sinful relationship. Our pastoral charity towards those in sinful situations obliges us to call them to conversion. Every sincerely repentant sinner with the first intention to stop sinning and to put an end to their public sinful situation (such as, for example, living together outside of a canonically valid marriage or same-sex union), can receive a blessing and even better, sacramental absolution and Holy Communion.

Dear priests and lay faithful, let us not minimize the destructive and short-range consequences resulting from this effort made by some Church hierarchs to legitimize such blessings, in some cases with good intentions and in others, as not a few have been manifesting, with the intention of destroying the Sacred Deposit of the Church's Tradition.

On the day of my episcopal ordination I solemnly swore to "preserve the deposit of faith in purity and integrity, in accordance with the Tradition always and everywhere observed in the Church since the time of the Apostles". Therefore, I admonish the priests of the Prelature of Moyobamba not to perform any form of blessing of couples in an irregular situation or same-sex couples.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This bishop is brave! I hope more in Peru stad up against Francis
Brave but removed by Bergoglio-Zanchetta-Rupnik-Pachamama within the week. Francis = Pastor Diabolicus.