Facebook censors truth about Deathvax

Facebook blocks me for 24 hours over their Covid Propaganda

For simply posting this article, Facebook has blocked me for 24 hours. Facebook, like Google, doesn't want people to know that the "vaccine"…
This article should be read and passed along everywhere. Repost on your facebook accounts if you have not already canceled them.
Dr. Rachelle Walensky on Monkeypox

Males did shameful things with males and thus received in their own persons the due penalty for their …

The radical left doesn't want to hear the truth about Monkeypox. See here. "The wrath of God is indeed …
Thank you, Jeffrey Ade! I surely didn't know that, though I certainly know aout the dangers of Electrico Magnetic Radiation! So interesting. So this is …More
Thank you, Jeffrey Ade! I surely didn't know that, though I certainly know aout the dangers of Electrico Magnetic Radiation! So interesting. So this is another adverse event?
Jeffrey Ade
@John A Cassani Yes! Take those blinken phones off them!
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Archbishop Vigano issues battle cry

Archbishop Vigano's battle cry

Archbishop Vigano issues the battle cry here The Archbishop says that, Catholics have "sacred and urgent duty" to resist Cardinal Cupich’s Latin Mass crackdown The …
Jeffrey Ade
Similar to Archbishop Lefebvre's battle cry 50 years ago! Just a day late and a dollar short! Not gonna get on that train, its left the station!
El Francisco and his MUCHACHOS
Archbishop Vigano warns those who participate in "Gay Pride"

Archbishop Vigano on the Satanic nature of "Gay Pride"

Archbishop Vigano is an authentic Shepherd who doesn't mince words. His compassionate warning to homosexuals who participate in pride demonstrations …
Sorry Francis, Pope Saint Pius X was a Restorationist

Sorry Francis, Pope Saint Pius XII was a Restorationist

In “E Supremi,” Pope Saint Pius X, the Pope of the Eucharist. The Pope who railed against Modernism, announced that his pontificate would focus …
Lisi Sterndorfer
This is why Francis canonized Paul VI and John Paul II:
The Satanic State grows

The Satanic State grows

Archbishop Vigano on the Satanic State and the Bergolian church promoting it here. The Termite Nations have dispensed with God and His Commandments in their quest for unbridled …
Bruceph Mildur
Paratroopers... All of them young priests, all trained up on military doings, dropped in unannounced, retaking the entire state, and within hours live …More
Paratroopers... All of them young priests, all trained up on military doings, dropped in unannounced, retaking the entire state, and within hours live casting the trial of Bergoglio, followed by the cabal of cardinals and bishops, which is most of them. Of course, there would have to be a dead man switch involved, as the Italian army, which literally sits outside the gate, would not stand for such a correction.
A prophecy being fulfilled

A prophecy being fulfilled before our very eyes

Time and again, motivated by a spirit of evil, Francis has attacked the universal language of the Church. As noted here: Francis lamented on the feast of …
Angelo Santelli
Archbishop Of Lima ... Says Jesus Died As A Layman And Without Offering A Sacrifice Who in the name of God let this bozo be made an Archbishop? He says …More
Archbishop Of Lima ... Says Jesus Died As A Layman And Without Offering A Sacrifice
Who in the name of God let this bozo be made an Archbishop? He says Jesus died as a "layman." Did not Paul call Christ our "High Priest"? (Hebrews 4: 14-16)?
The Archbishop probably is ensconsed in a gild edged mansion, while homeless continue to suffer in the US.