Paul Anthony Melanson
Francis wants to ban the Latin Mass outright

Francis wants to ban the Latin Mass outright

Lifesite News is reporting: "Several 'credible' sources informed a traditional Catholic media outlet that the Vatican is planning to issue a document 'banning …
True Mass
There will always be good faithful non homo priests who will offer the TLM. It's on the laity to find and support them. Enough with V2 and all the filth.More
There will always be good faithful non homo priests who will offer the TLM. It's on the laity to find and support them.
Enough with V2 and all the filth.
Maria delos Angeles
In order to do the First Saturday I only attend my local Mass strictly for receiving Holy Communion and then to depart so not being present for any of …More
In order to do the First Saturday I only attend my local Mass strictly for receiving Holy Communion and then to depart so not being present for any of the ritual of the Novus Ordo. This is allowed under the providential disposition of the CCanon Law 1983. This is as much as I can bear, as to be present for any of the Novus Ordo rite is literal torture. There is confession after the Mass.
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Cardinal Sarah and Practical Atheism in the Church

Cardinal Sarah and Practical Atheism in the Church

Cardinal Sarah is reminding usthat rejection of the traditional liturgy and morals are forms of " practical atheism" in the Church. Our Lady warned of …
The Retreat from Truth

A collapsing culture

Increasingly, our sin-sick culture is banning sanity from the public square. A grade school child has been punished for wearing a shirt that says there are only two genders. See …
Hard Truths

Hard Truths

Hard truths. In one of his last homilies, Archbishop Oscar Romero, the martyred Archbishop of San Salvador, said: "A preaching that does not point out sin is not the preaching of the gospel …
Ecclesiastical Masonry in action

Ecclesiastical Masonry in action

Lifesite News reports on the Sixty Minutes interview with Francis here. We are witnessing the fulfillment of Our Lady's prophecy to Father Stefano Gobbi: "The black …
Proximate preparation for the Reign of Antichrist: A wrecked economy

Proximate preparation for the reign of Antichrist: Planned food shortages

The globalist continue their plan to create artificial food shortages - see here for example -and to wreck the economy so that …
Catholics every where be on the alert ,be focused on our Lord Jesus
The war against orthodoxy: Preparation for Antichrist

The war against orthodoxy: Proximate preparation for Antichrist

Troubling developments in Rome. See here. And yet, many Catholics (and other Christians) are either blind as to what is occurring or refuse …
Cardinal Cupich: Liar

Cardinal Cupich: Liar

Pro-LGBT Cardinal Cupich is asserting that Saint Pope John Paul II would have supported Francis's crackdown on the Traditional Latin Mass. See here. What to make of this load of …
Francis calls upon humanity to unite behind One-World Religion; Proximate preparation for Antichrist

Francis calls upon humanity to unite behind one world religion

Francis is openly calling upon humanity to unite behind a one-world religion - see here. As Francis leads so many souls to pantheism and …

A ration of wheat costs a day's pay..

"When he broke open the third seal, I heard the third living creature cry out, "Come forward." I looked, and there was a black horse, and its rider held a scale in …
Pope Benedict XVI has died, now Venerable Emmerich's prophecy reaches its fulfillment

Pope Benedict XVI has gone to be with the Lord

Pooe Benedict XVI has passed . I saw also the relationship between the two popes - here .
Benedict has gone to his judgement. God rendered a just and merciful judgement, as He will to all of us.
Laura Yunque
God have mercy on his soul.
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The Masonic infiltration of the Church

The Masonic infiltration of the Church

Over at Lifesite News, the Masonic infiltration of the Church is examined. See here . This infiltration by demonic Masonry will soon resul...
Facebook covers up excessive Covid deaths

Facebook covers up excessive Covid deaths

Facebook is covering up excessive Covid deaths by banning articles and posts which reveal the deaths and by imposing restrictions on those who dare to speak the …
Cardinal Miller to Francis: You have no authority to change Church teaching

Cardinal Müller to Francis: You have no authority to change the Church's teaching

Once again, Cardinal Miller has reminded Francis that he has no authority to change the teaching of the Lord Jesus through …
A non pope?
Hound of Heaven
Where is the phalanx of hierarchy ready to stand with Cardinal Muller to correct this misguided 'leader'? Perhaps we should take a cue from James Bond's …More
Where is the phalanx of hierarchy ready to stand with Cardinal Muller to correct this misguided 'leader'? Perhaps we should take a cue from James Bond's car and install an injection option in the Chair of St Peter when its occupant oversteps his authority. "Get behind Me, Satan." It helped Peter 'wise up', hopefully, and prayerfully, this injunction could do the same for Francis.
Francis: Learn from the meekness of plants

Francis: Learn from the meekness of plants

My response here
Laura Yunque
Sister Mildred Mary Ephrem and America

Our Lady to Sister Mildred Mary Ephrem

Sister Mildred Mary Ephrem was professed as a religious in 1933. In 1938, Sister Ephrem began to have mystical experiences. These messages were published in a book …
Jeffrey Ade
@SHJ-IHM She spoke of her loyal sons and they were back then. And of Her Immaculate Heart. Doesn't seem amiss at first glance.
Does anyone else sense that something is amiss in these "messages"?
Francis, Pope Pius XII and Rigidity

Pius XII and Francis the false prophet

I've said this many times over the years: Francis is attacking Christ Himself. Who do you stand with? He Who is the same yesterday, to...
Joe Biden calls for one party State and dictatorship

Joe Biden calls for one party State and dictatorship

Tucker Carlson on Joe Biden's open call for a one party State and dictatorship here. The English psychiatrist William Sargent explained that, "It is …
A democracy that is God's but bad ghost's invention must finally comes to an end to give the whole power for one world emperor.
they will do everything possible to mess up the november elections
More government lies against Trump

More government lies...

Tucker on the government lies following the FBI raid on Trump's home here. "Speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into Him who is the head, into Christ....…
The dangers of Facebook and its exhortation to "follow the science"

Facebook lowers my posts in its feed because I questioned its interpretation of the science on Covid

As noted in my last post, Facebook decided to block me for 24 hours for questioning its interpretation …
Malki Tzedek
The Great Reset, when on examines it closely, is actually a secular modern version of the Reformation. As there was a Counter-Reformation, there needs …More
The Great Reset, when on examines it closely, is actually a secular modern version of the Reformation. As there was a Counter-Reformation, there needs to be a Counter-Great Reset movement starting at resetting the Internet and social media to what it was before the technogarchs began to act as if it was their fiefdom.