
Reaching Out to the Religiously Unaffiliated

He will announce the good news that there is unprivilege way to salvation?

Jordan Peterson Prays, “God forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.”…

Atheist is ok, they probably have their chance, but satanist is the one we must hate, they hate humanity, and constantly at war with the Church.

Francis Removes Latin als Normative Novus Ordo Language

I am sure that the devil will reward Card Bergoglio for what he has done to remove all things that causing pain to the devil.

BREAKING: Pfizer Senior Director of Worldwide Research Vanessa Gelman RUNS from Veritas' Questions

She should be given the jab and all boosters when caught.

What Will Francis Say Now? “Vaccinated” Cardinal Dies from Covid-19

Of course he will say that if he didn't get the jab, he would have spread it out to more people, and more people would have died also.

"Overcome Beliefs That Hold Back" - Francis Hammers on the Table

"it may be necessary to leave(the Catholic teaching), to change direction, to overcome beliefs (the True Faith) that hold back and prevent us from moving and walking together (in NWO)”

Francis: Pope of Exclusion and War

Certainly, Pope Benedict XVI started his apostolic letter with:
The Supreme Pontiffs have to this day shown constant concern that the Church of Christ should offer worthy worship to the Divine Majesty, “for the praise and glory of his name” and “the good of all his holy Church.”
And he also says that it "never abrogated" which consistent with his writings elsewhere on the respect and veneration …More
Certainly, Pope Benedict XVI started his apostolic letter with:

The Supreme Pontiffs have to this day shown constant concern that the Church of Christ should offer worthy worship to the Divine Majesty, “for the praise and glory of his name” and “the good of all his holy Church.”

And he also says that it "never abrogated" which consistent with his writings elsewhere on the respect and veneration of ancient liturgy and at the same time repect for the decision of his predecesors on the Novus Ordo.

Francis: Pope of Exclusion and War

To call 50+ years old Novus Ordo as the unique expression of the law of prayer of 2000 years old Catholic Church and to regard 2000 years old Mass of the Ages as invalid is absurd. It only make sense if the new religion was invented 50+ years ago.

Today we celebrate the Feast Day of Pope St. Pius X. A true Catholic Pope who already condemned Francis …

"Non serviam" who serve themselves will never understand.

Francis Confirms: The Novus Ordo IS NOT the Roman Rite

Very confusing... I thought he said Novus Ordo is the unique expression of the law of prayer of the Roman Rite, and yet a priest who wants to celebrate the Roman Rite "has to ask permission from Rome,"

The "Roman Rite" of the Costa Rica Bishops (Video)

I assume that this is a protestant church. Let them enjoy.

Francis: Rumours About a Resignation

We have been here before, I think it is just a rumor spreaded by his handlers, to make him work faster and harder to bring the distruction of the Church, otherwise they will replace him.

Vatican II Was Worst Spasm of Iconoclasm in History

I tell you that I am Jorge, and on this Old Catholic Church, I will build my Church (Pachamama Vatican II Church) and the Gate of Heaven will not prevail against it.

Practicing Catholics: Over HALF Have Disappeared

How about the requirement to get the jab to come back to mass?

Cardinal Zen On Traditionis Custodes: Couldn't They Wait For Benedict's Death?

Can't wait, time is running out.

The SSPX chapel in Singapore (!), has had so many new faithful attending they now have SIX liturgies

Yes, and every week the mass booking is finished within 2 minutes after the opening...

Motu Proprio Abolishing Summorum Pontificum WORSE than expected

What's next? Abomination be introduced to NO?

Yes, there are limits to the obedience we owe to our legitimate superiors

As far as it doesn't contrary to obedience to God. Because God is the final Judge.


He cannot resign, task has not completed.

Fr Rafael Ghattas, who was ordained to the priesthood recently for Charleston diocese has a sister …

Their parents must be saintly to raise such children!