
Vatican II Was Worst Spasm of Iconoclasm in History

Francis is tearing the Church apart, Michael Brendan Dougherty, a writer at National Review and Roman Mass goer since 2001, writes on NYTimes.com (August 12). He says Traditionis Custodes will push …More
Francis is tearing the Church apart, Michael Brendan Dougherty, a writer at National Review and Roman Mass goer since 2001, writes on NYTimes.com (August 12).
He says Traditionis Custodes will push the Roman Rite communities into the radicalism of their origine confirming their belief that the NO Eucharist “represents a new religion.”
To stamp out the Mass, Francis is using the papacy in a way which progressives usually claim to deplore, Dougherty explains: centralism, usurpation of episcopal prerogatives, and micromanagement motivated by paranoia of disloyalty and heresy.
Francis’ wish that Old Believers attend the Novus Ordo Eucharist, is for Dougherty an illusion, “My children cannot return to it; it is not their religious formation. Frankly, the new Mass is not their religion.”
He stresses that where the new faith is practiced with zeal — as in Germany — the clergy conforms their religion to the nonbelieving society around them.
One day, history will understand what happened after …More
I tell you that I am Jorge, and on this Old Catholic Church, I will build my Church (Pachamama Vatican II Church) and the Gate of Heaven will not prevail against it.
"confirming their belief that the NO Eucharist “represents a new religion"
- the "NO Eucharist" ? What a very appropriate name.More
"confirming their belief that the NO Eucharist “represents a new religion"

- the "NO Eucharist" ? What a very appropriate name.