The Samaritan Woman at the well was an unnamed woman in the Gospel of John who was encountered by Jesus during his travels. She is important because her conversation with Jesus about living water and …More
The Samaritan Woman at the well was an unnamed woman in the Gospel of John who was encountered by Jesus during his travels. She is important because her conversation with Jesus about living water and faith is seen as the start of the evangelization of the Samaritans. It is also the longest conversation between Jesus and an individual in the Bible. #SamaritanWoman #GospelOfJohn #LivingWater #Faith #Samaritans #ConversationWithJesus
what was the name of the Samaritan woman at the Well.
Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present and aware of the current moment. It involves paying attention to our thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment. Practicing mindfulness can …More
Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present and aware of the current moment. It involves paying attention to our thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment. Practicing mindfulness can cultivate a sense of calm and clarity, reducing stress and improving overall well-being.
To incorporate mindfulness into our daily lives, we can start by practicing icon writing. Taking a workshop and observing the development of an icon prayer can help anchor us in the present moment.
Think about it! You might want to join us in one of our icon painting workshops.
Icon Painting Art Retreats - San Miguel Icons-Icon painter
Mindfulness is not as simple as you describe. It can be a risk for Christians: Apologist Warns Catholics About Dangers of ‘Mindfulness’| National …More
Mindfulness is not as simple as you describe. It can be a risk for Christians:
Apologist Warns Catholics About Dangers of ‘Mindfulness’| National Catholic Register (
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Take all of me, as Christ gave himself to show fearlessness and love to humankind. Our planet is saying the same, she offers herself relentlessly loved or not, appreciated or not, remembered or not. …More
Take all of me, as Christ gave himself to show fearlessness and love to humankind. Our planet is saying the same, she offers herself relentlessly loved or not, appreciated or not, remembered or not.
#Iconographyexhibitions #collectingicons # Contemporaryiconography
I am pleased to have been selected to show work in the Ventulett Gallery, Atlanta Ga. in September. All this time, living and working in Mexico. Holy Innocents' Episcopal Church #Iconography, #…More
I am pleased to have been selected to show work in the Ventulett Gallery, Atlanta Ga. in September. All this time, living and working in Mexico. Holy Innocents' Episcopal Church
#Iconography, #Iconpainting

Hope proceeds from Faith

There’s a reason why hope proceeds from faith. Hope in the unbelievable requires belief in something, a power above nature and above this gruesome world. Hope is the thread that weaves together the …More
There’s a reason why hope proceeds from faith. Hope in the unbelievable requires belief in something, a power above nature and above this gruesome world. Hope is the thread that weaves together the themes of history, it’s also the thread that has held my own story together, and that leads us into the unbelievable reality that we are here.
#Iconography, #Iconpainting
Praying with icons. I sometimes think it helps to hold one in your lap. I know they beckon our attention hanging at the end of the hall, in the doorway, or beside a chair. The trick is to pause long …More
Praying with icons. I sometimes think it helps to hold one in your lap. I know they beckon our attention hanging at the end of the hall, in the doorway, or beside a chair. The trick is to pause long enough to get grounded and still, to remember who are we and what are we doing. Presence.
New Work, learn the Art of repouse, hand tooled Pewter BOOK #Iconographyexhibitions #collectingicons # ContemporaryiconographyMore
New Work, learn the Art of repouse, hand tooled Pewter BOOK
#Iconographyexhibitions #collectingicons # Contemporaryiconography

Unimaginable Forgiveness.

The reading was from Matthew 18:21-35. Today's Sunday sermon spoke of forgiveness or refusal of forgiveness is like a wave of energy that goes out around us. A volcano's Epoch Center is the event and …More
The reading was from Matthew 18:21-35. Today's Sunday sermon spoke of forgiveness or refusal of forgiveness is like a wave of energy that goes out around us. A volcano's Epoch Center is the event and the following quakes that ripple in a circular field are the effect. The padre suggested the act, or eruptions that happen with a breach in a relationship have three dimensions seen in Christ's forgiveness on the cross. The Sun going down, the tear in the Holy Cloth, and the quaking Earth. The sun represents the light that can go dim without forgiveness, the torn cloth is ripped or destroyed without forgiveness and the quake, (of which may be many) is the shaking up of our interior self without forgiveness. #iconpainting #forgiveness

Mary of the Sign

So Many versions of Mary. Beauty for reflection, what could the message be and how is it understood?

Tabitha Icon

Actions speak louder than words. At least, they do in the story of Tabitha, also known as Dorcas, recorded in the book of Acts. Few words are spoken in the text, and Tabitha herself never speaks, but …More
Actions speak louder than words. At least, they do in the story of Tabitha, also known as Dorcas, recorded in the book of Acts. Few words are spoken in the text, and Tabitha herself never speaks, but we learn about her from her own actions and the actions of others on her behalf.
We learn she was always doing good and helping the poor. We learn from the two men who run to Peter to urge him to come at once when Tabitha dies that she is known and loved by the community of believers in Joppa.
We learn from the widows who show up—crying and showing Peter the clothing and robes she has made for them—that her ministry provides for some of the most marginalized in society.
We learn from the words Peter speaks—“Tabitha, get up!”—how important he believes she and her ministry are both to the community and to the early church. We learn from her response, opening her eyes and sitting up when she sees Peter, how powerful the God she served is.
We learn from the fact Peter then presents Tabitha to …More
Mary is the house in where we see the Eucharist begin

Mother of God

Hodegitria. Mary is also referred to as Sophia meaning wisdom and her serene gaze appears to pull us into the solitude from where wisdom is born. Christ floats in her arms, her tender light embrace …More
Mary is also referred to as Sophia meaning wisdom and her serene gaze appears to pull us into the solitude from where wisdom is born. Christ floats in her arms, her tender light embrace is all that is required to assure him. They do not seem to be in a relationship, they are separate and active in what each of them understands and contemplates. The Christ Child sits on his mother’s Left arm holding a scroll (symbol of the fulfillment of the scriptures) and blessing with His right hand. Both Christ’s gold tunic and clovis, (royal sash), are symbols of his imperial lineage. Mary, the mother of God, the Theotokos, is upright, straight, and full of majestic detachment. She has no expression of intimacy with the Christ child: she looks directly at us. She sits as if enthroned and presents to us the Christ as a multifaceted young man: king, teacher, guide, master, healer, priest, Rabbi, friend, etc.
Women in Icons | Mary Jane Miller #iconography, #iconpainting, #contemporaryiconography
Mary of Three Hands The icon received its name from an event which took place in Syria during the eighth century, at a time when the iconoclast heresy was raging. St. John Damascene, a layman and court …More
Mary of Three Hands
The icon received its name from an event which took place in Syria during the eighth century, at a time when the iconoclast heresy was raging. St. John Damascene, a layman and court official of the caliphate of Damascus, wrote three treatises against the said heresy, and in so doing incurred the wrath of the iconoclast emperor, Leo the Isaurian. The emperor sent a letter to the caliph along with a forged document, accusing St. John of plotting against the caliph. The latter, believing the slander, had St. John Damascus’s right hand cut off as a punishment for his supposed crime. St. John took his own severed hand and, with fervent prayer before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, begged her for healing. His prayer was heard, and his hand was miraculously reattached, with only a fine red line remaining to attest to the miracle. In gratitude for this miracle, a silver image of the severed hand was affixed to the icon itself; thereby it became named “Of Three Hands.” …More


One of the Greatest Saints, Teresa of Avila (1535), the first female Doctor of the Church was a woman holding the balance. She was told by her confessor to not pray. The priest told her that her thoughts …More
One of the Greatest Saints, Teresa of Avila (1535), the first female Doctor of the Church was a woman holding the balance. She was told by her confessor to not pray. The priest told her that her thoughts were of the Devil. Imagine what she had to endure to keep her interior balance. It is time to go deeper into gender discussions and change by looking at the roots of this bias against women. We have been directed and influenced by a male-dominated society for too long.
There is nothing incorrect or demonic about elevating women as creatures loved by God, cherished by Jesus, and filled with female wisdom. Most women know all too well how we are sinners. We are the flowing-haired temptress, disobedient, witches, and seductive force that men cannot resist dominating. We have been told to know our place.
Mary Magdalene and other Women are holding the balance.


HER RELATIONSHIP TO JESUS DOES NOT CHANGE HER DEVOTION TO CHRIST. Mary Magdalene’s identity is highlighted in all four Gospels as a female image and voice. Scholars are trying to find proof to identify …More
Mary Magdalene’s identity is highlighted in all four Gospels as a female image and voice. Scholars are trying to find proof to identify the “Cult of Mary Magdalene”, which arose in Provence France during the 11th century. They seek evidence for Mary and her companions having fled persecution in Jerusalem. They crossed the Mediterranean in a boat, and landing near Arles in the South of France, named Saintes Marie de la Mer. It is said she retired to the Holy Cave, “Sainte-Baume” on a hill in the Marseilles region. There she converted the residents of Provence to Christianity.

Mary Magdalene Icon Symbolism –

Research for My Mary Magdalene Icons After doing some research on Magdalene I found that the narratives state that she remained among the early Christians. After fourteen years, she was allegedly put …More
Research for My Mary Magdalene Icons
After doing some research on Magdalene I found that the narratives state that she remained among the early Christians. After fourteen years, she was allegedly put into a boat by Jews, along with several other saints of the early Church, and set adrift without sails or oars. The boat landed in southern France, where she spent the remaining years of her life living in solitude, in a cave.” Could this be true? So much is yet to be revealed, the debate has just begun.
Who was she? What was her message?
These are the questions that often flow through my mind as I paint Mary Magdalene icons. I have created a collection of icons based on women, and written of Mary Magdalene in my books. I have highlighted her relationship with Christ and the disciples by creating visual stories which raise important questions, The imagery is well thought out, in keeping with the entire mysterious discussion about biblical women in Iconography and Mary Magdalene.
Mary …More
Is the Mary Magdalene Icon a Theme for Painters? Icon painters as far back as the Byzantine era, and even before have painted representations of Mary Magdalene. Throughout Russia, Europe, and Greece …More
Is the Mary Magdalene Icon a Theme for Painters?
Icon painters as far back as the Byzantine era, and even before have painted representations of Mary Magdalene. Throughout Russia, Europe, and Greece we see painted icons of Mary Magdalene. The most notable of these depictions is the Crucifixion and of her witness to the resurrection.
In my Mary Magdalene icons, she is represented as a woman who develops a spiritual path. The icon images are a possible representation of her path.
The depictions of Magdalene in ancient times have been detrimental to the foundation of the church and the female community. In the past, she was most remembered for being the harlot sinner cleansed through the love of Jesus. But was that all she was…
How to Live in a World That Is Dying is a prayer book to address Mother Earth and highlights our being and our abundant life energy coursing through all of Creation. Humanity can and does experience …More
How to Live in a World That Is Dying is a prayer book to address Mother Earth and highlights our being and our abundant life energy coursing through all of Creation. Humanity can and does experience resonant love and feels the rapture of being alive. Humanity has always offered up prayers for those in need. How do we live in a dying world? There is much to be done and even more to readjust. The prayer book is divided into four sections focused on: Gratitude, Repentance, Compassion, and Guidance. The sections can be read individually or several at a time. There is no prescribed order. Each section begins with a scripture reference or quote for meditation, followed by an individual prayer, then a collective prayer, and finally concludes with a response when Earth Speaks.
Mary Jane Miller Sy Brontide Mel Ahlborn
ISBN 978-1-387-61839-2
Book, 72 Pages Print Book: Square (8.5 x 8.5 in
Print Cost: USD 6.15
List Price: USD 19.90

Mary Jane Miller: books, biography, latest update

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Thou shalt not have strange gods before me. [Exodus 20:3] Let's NOT worship "mother earth," the world that Almighty God made for us in our pilgrimage …More
Thou shalt not have strange gods before me. [Exodus 20:3] Let's NOT worship "mother earth," the world that Almighty God made for us in our pilgrimage to heaven (or hell).
Good intentions, riddled with the equivalent of theological herpes. "As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my …More
Good intentions, riddled with the equivalent of theological herpes.
"As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths."
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Fantastic Rosary Meditations and Care for Creation

In May 13, 2021, Pope Francis encouraged Christians around the world to pray the Rosary. He instructed believers to use the practice as an aid to better understand humanity’s place on the planet and …More
In May 13, 2021, Pope Francis encouraged Christians around the world to pray the Rosary. He instructed believers to use the practice as an aid to better understand humanity’s place on the planet and in the world. He said, “The Blessed Mother’s intercession on behalf of Mother Earth can bring humanity to realize more deeply the love God bestowed on Earth for our benefit”.
Pope John Paul II compelled Catholics to care for creation and to undergo an “ecological conversion” throughout his 27-year papacy. He often made time for outdoor recreation like hiking and skiing in his native Poland and elsewhere. In 2001, he said: “If we scan the regions of our planet, we immediately see that humanity has disappointed God’s expectations. Man, especially in our time, has without hesitation devastated wooded plains and valleys, polluted waters, disfigured the earth’s habitat, and made the air un-breathable. We must therefore encourage and support the ‘ecological conversion,’ which in recent decades has …More
The BVM does not intercede for mother earth. I don’t think she cares much for paca mama either.

Rosay Prayers

Everyone has benefited from the abundance of our planetary home, God’s gift to us. In ancient scripture, the book of Genesis opens with humanity being given the whole Earth into our care. Early saints …More
Everyone has benefited from the abundance of our planetary home, God’s gift to us. In ancient scripture, the book of Genesis opens with humanity being given the whole Earth into our care. Early saints like St. Hildegard of Bingen, St.Thérèse of Lisieux, St. Benedict, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Kateri Tekakwitha, St. Aquinas, and Teilhard de Chardin exalted the wonder of Creation.
It is not redundant or inconsequential to pray for God’s creation. Loving care for God’s gift is not a monumental job, it only requires awareness. When we ask why we are here, and how we are shaping our terrestrial home, our honest conclusions might feel uncomfortable. It is prudent to ask, “Have we been good stewards of this extraordinary planet?”
Fantastic Rosary Meditations and Care for Creation - San Miguel Icons-Icon painter
#rosaryprayers #Rosarymeditations #catholicreflections
Ann Smith
Pagan, indeed'