Hugh N. Cry
It “Ain’t” Raining. These bishops are relieving themselves on our backs and telling us it’s raining. “Taken out of context” has been used too many times. Was pachamama worship taken out of context?More
It “Ain’t” Raining.
These bishops are relieving themselves on our backs and telling us it’s raining. “Taken out of context” has been used too many times. Was pachamama worship taken out of context?
Bishop Paprocki needs to review the Canon Law Of The Catholic Church. Canon Law 2358 states: "The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual …More
Bishop Paprocki needs to review the Canon Law Of The Catholic Church. Canon Law 2358 states: "The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided."
Thus, yes, it is the law of the Catholic Church that we do not discriminate against them in an unjust manner. Canon Law does NOT even mention whether we should "alienate" them or not. Likewise Canon Law does NOT state we have a duty not to discriminate against them at all.
Canon Law most clearly qualifies the nature of discrimination, namely unjust discrimination. Discrimination that is just is entirely lawful.
I would suggest, as an example, preventing the loathesome creatures from infecting our children with their pernicious, degenerate, twisted notions of sexuality and gender …More
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Hugh N. Cry
They take us for fools. We know the Holy Ghost protects infallibility. It’s precisely that these are Francis’s personal opinions is what makes it of grave concern. They are relieving themselves on our …More
They take us for fools. We know the Holy Ghost protects infallibility. It’s precisely that these are Francis’s personal opinions is what makes it of grave concern. They are relieving themselves on our backs and telling us it’s raining.

What Every Catholic Needs to Remember About the Pope’s Opinions on Civil Unions

Whatever the Pope’s reason and motives for making his remarks in the interview, they remain his personal opinions. Many …
The key point to remember is, as the Monsignor writing for the NCR rightly points out, these are Pope Francis' personal views. He is the head of The …More
The key point to remember is, as the Monsignor writing for the NCR rightly points out, these are Pope Francis' personal views. He is the head of The Church, but he is not speaking for The Church. The Monsignor noticed this as well.
"But this point must be emphasized — namely, that this is his personal view and cannot signal a change in the perennial teaching of the Sacred Scriptures and of the Church."
"Whatever the Pope’s reason and motives, they remain his personal opinions. Remarks made in interviews or documentaries do not qualify as acts of the papal magisterium."
Pope Francis espousing errors is about as common as him wolfing down empanadas and coffee ice cream.
Keep telling yourselves he's a legitimate pope. Keep contorting infallibility and Magisterium out of all meaning. Canon law applies to those in the …More
Keep telling yourselves he's a legitimate pope. Keep contorting infallibility and Magisterium out of all meaning. Canon law applies to those in the Church. Divine Law automatically excludes heretics, schismatics and apostates from the Church. Bergoglio is no more the Successor of Peter than Rosy O'Donnell.
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Hugh N. Cry
Will Ye No Come Back. Time to resurrect the papal zouaves to protect all Catholic sites around the world. Where do I enlist?More
Will Ye No Come Back.
Time to resurrect the papal zouaves to protect all Catholic sites around the world. Where do I enlist?
Hugh N. Cry

Now do you believe me?

Hugh N. Cry
Lafayette Indiana bishop bends to the thugs.

Diocese suspends Carmel priest who called Black Lives Matter, Antifa leaders 'maggots,' 'parasites' …

Skip to content Posted: Jul 1, 2020 / 04:00 PM EST / Updated: Jul 1, 2020 / 06:19 PM EST CARMEL, Ind …
Since he apologized, the priest bent to the thugs as well.
Bet that if he had called traditional Catholics maggots he would have been praised by the diocese
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Hugh N. Cry

Not another dime

I am not going to fund my local parish, diocese, or global Church until I overtly see my pastor, bishop, USCCB, charitable/fraternal groups to which I belong, other countries bishops, and pope clean …More
I am not going to fund my local parish, diocese, or global Church until I overtly see my pastor, bishop, USCCB, charitable/fraternal groups to which I belong, other countries bishops, and pope clean house of pro-homosexual priests, heretical ideologies, and predators. I will remain a Mass-going Catholic (whenever the cowardly bishop opens up the churches again). I am tired, yet I will cling to my Lord and God Jesus Christ the King. The bureaucracy will no longer receive my support.
Be Ye Separate
Well stated. A priest who filled in for Mass at a Church here in N.Y., is so corrupted with religious indifference, that he actually said during the …More
Well stated. A priest who filled in for Mass at a Church here in N.Y., is so corrupted with religious indifference, that he actually said during the homily, that it is the sin of pride to think that our Catholic faith is the best. He was promoting the twisted idea that Buddhism, Muhammadism... are equal to our Catholic faith in Jesus our Lord.
You are right, there are numerous clergy, who do not have the Faith.
Almighty God bless you, and all our true brethren in the Faith- Jesus' great Sacrifice, for the forgiveness of sins.
Hugh N. Cry
Cardinal Tobin Trashes Trump. This is the same archbishop who defied Indiana Gov. Pence's refusing to accept Syrian refugees. Silly cardinal, the blood of victims is on your head.

U.S. Cardinal Tobin Trashes Trump: Appeals to ‘Dark Side of Americans’

The Catholic Archbishop of Newark slammed U.S. President Donald Trump Tuesday, painting him as a fear-monger who appeals to the “…