Tom Jones

It is still not an act of love.

Evil cannot be made good by propaganda! It’s Still Not an Act of Love - Catholic StandMore
Evil cannot be made good by propaganda!
It’s Still Not an Act of Love - Catholic Stand
Tom Jones shares from Tom Jones
Issue one is genocide, murder in a white coat. Planned parenthood started by a woman in league with the KKK, and later the National Socialist Party (NAZI) We must fight against this oppression from Hell. …More
Issue one is genocide, murder in a white coat.
Planned parenthood started by a woman in league with the KKK, and later the National Socialist Party (NAZI)
We must fight against this oppression from Hell.
Choose Life, campaign against issue 1.
Offer all your efforts to God in reparation for the sins of our nation.
Fast, go to confession, do penance, go to Mass and campaign for life.
And don't forget to vote!
Understanding the war.
Tom Jones
Issue one is genocide, murder in a white coat. Planned parenthood started by a woman in league with the KKK, and later the National Socialist Party (NAZI) We must fight against this oppression from Hell. …More
Issue one is genocide, murder in a white coat.
Planned parenthood started by a woman in league with the KKK, and later the National Socialist Party (NAZI)
We must fight against this oppression from Hell.
Choose Life, campaign against issue 1.
Offer all your efforts to God in reparation for the sins of our nation.
Fast, go to confession, do penance, go to Mass and campaign for life.
And don't forget to vote!
chris griffin
Abortion is the greatest massacre in the history of the world, 1.5 billion and they are all babys.
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Tom Jones

Voter’s Guide for Serious Catholics

Take your vote very seriously, your life depends on it. Voter’s Guide for Serious Catholics And do not leave the issues, and the vote up to the politicians, parties, media, or the monied puppet masters. …More
Take your vote very seriously, your life depends on it.
Voter’s Guide for Serious Catholics
And do not leave the issues, and the vote up to the politicians, parties, media, or the monied puppet masters.
Please campaign for life.
Pray, Fast, offer your efforts as a reparation for sins, confess your sins, do penance,
and " visit the fatherless and widows in their tribulation: and to keep one's self unspotted from this world." James 1:27
Vitam Aeternam
Don’t participate in a fraud. Voting is fake. It’s all rigged.
Faith without works is dead...
Tom Jones

The abortionist are using money to win in Ohio,

but political upsets have been pulled off before. First we can devote all our efforts to God, go to Confession, to mass and pray,, penance/fasting. Remember Joan of Arc had all her soldiers do this …More
but political upsets have been pulled off before.
First we can devote all our efforts to God, go to Confession, to mass and pray,, penance/fasting.
Remember Joan of Arc had all her soldiers do this daily and God used her to drive the English out of France.
We can campaign door to door every day, there is no way the abortionist can counter this!
Door to Door Campaigning Tips
And always trust God. (And don't forget to vote yourself...)
Be spiritual warriors!
Tom Jones

Have you made a good confession

It is a sacrilege to receive Holy Communion in the state of mortal sin.
Tom Jones

Choose Life

Defeating The Abortion Ballot Initiative | Ohio Right to Life "I call heaven and earth to witness this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Choose therefore life, that …More
Defeating The Abortion Ballot Initiative | Ohio Right to Life
"I call heaven and earth to witness this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Choose therefore life, that both thou and thy seed may live: "
[Deuteronomy 30:19]
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During the face of great evil we are all called to act

Tom Jones

During the face of great evil we are all called to act

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Tom Jones
Mother Angelica on Mary's trust.

mother angelica at DuckDuckGo

Mother Mary Angelica of the Annunciation, also known as Mother Angelica, was an American Roman Catholic nun of the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration. She was best known …
Mother Angelica was traditional, including the TLM prayed in the cathedral she founded. After her death, it was taken over by Modernists.
Tom Jones shares from Tom Jones
There is still time to do a get out the vote effort. Drive people to the polls in your neighborhoods who might vote for life, taking the day off work if needed, knock on doors of those living near you …More
There is still time to do a get out the vote effort. Drive people to the polls in your neighborhoods who might vote for life, taking the day off work if needed, knock on doors of those living near you, etc. don't give up!

Ohio Issue 1 is So Radical Babies Can be Aborted Up to Birth

Stand for life, Vote for Life. Ohio Governor Mike DeWine: Issue 1 is So Radical Babies Can be Aborted Up to Birth - As of now, more than $9.3 million has been invested in this campaign by …More
Stand for life, Vote for Life. Ohio Governor Mike DeWine: Issue 1 is So Radical Babies Can be Aborted Up to Birth -
As of now, more than $9.3 million has been invested in this campaign by radical abortion activists looking to pass Issue 1 to legalize abortions up to birth statewide.
Yes, it's very apparent, if you live in Ohio, exactly which party has invested money in this issue. Signs and paid advertisements in favor of Issue 1 …More
Yes, it's very apparent, if you live in Ohio, exactly which party has invested money in this issue. Signs and paid advertisements in favor of Issue 1 are everywhere. I have seen exactly 2 signs against Issue 1 at the driveway (on a side street) of the Catholic Seminary. I have never seen any rebuttals of the wild claims being made to pass Issue I. I have never seen or heard any advertisements against Issue 1 at all. It's as if Issue 1 stands completely unopposed. I actually wrote to someone twice, who was supposed to be distributing Vote No signs, and never received a reply. There's no mystery about how this is going to go.
Tom Jones
The situation seemed hopeless before the battle of Poitiers, then God used Charles the Hammers undermanned, poorly equipped army (all infantry) to smash …More
The situation seemed hopeless before the battle of Poitiers, then God used Charles the Hammers undermanned, poorly equipped army (all infantry) to smash the invading huge Moslem force (infantry, cavalry, archers etc.). Offer up all your efforts for life as reparation for sin, go to confession and the Holy Mass.
Tom Jones
Which of these three, in thy opinion, was neighbour to him that fell among the robbers? 37 But he said: He that shewed mercy to him. And Jesus said to him: Go, and do thou in like manner [Luke 10:37More
Which of these three, in thy opinion, was neighbour to him that fell among the robbers? 37 But he said: He that shewed mercy to him. And Jesus said to him: Go, and do thou in like manner [Luke 10:37
She did.

Cause of Beatification of Mother Kevin Kearney OSF (1875–1957)

On 6 November 2016 the Cause for the Beatification of Mother Kevin Kearney OSF was officially accepted by the Congregation for the Causes …
Tom Jones

Christ The King: Saints in Light

“He is the image of the invisible God.” Christ The King: Saints in Light - OnePeterFiveMore
“He is the image of the invisible God.”
Christ The King: Saints in Light - OnePeterFive
Tom Jones

The Patrolman's Fraternity of St. Michael

We've dealt with the riots and lawlessness first hand. It's our safety that gets compromised when criminals are emboldened by soft, indulgent punishments Pray for all police officers patrolmansfraternity.comMore
We've dealt with the riots and lawlessness first hand. It's our safety that gets compromised when criminals are emboldened by soft, indulgent punishments
Pray for all police officers
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We should make the police officers we know aware of the Fraternity.
Tom Jones

Ohio Issue 1 is So Radical Babies Can be Aborted Up to Birth

Stand for life, Vote for Life. Ohio Governor Mike DeWine: Issue 1 is So Radical Babies Can be Aborted Up to Birth - As of now, more than $9.3 million has been invested in this campaign by …More
Stand for life, Vote for Life. Ohio Governor Mike DeWine: Issue 1 is So Radical Babies Can be Aborted Up to Birth -
As of now, more than $9.3 million has been invested in this campaign by radical abortion activists looking to pass Issue 1 to legalize abortions up to birth statewide.
Tom Jones shares this
There is still time to do a get out the vote effort. Drive people to the polls in your neighborhoods who might vote for life, taking the day off work …More
There is still time to do a get out the vote effort. Drive people to the polls in your neighborhoods who might vote for life, taking the day off work if needed, knock on doors of those living near you, etc. don't give up!
Tom Jones
There is still time to do a get out the vote effort. Drive people to the polls in your neighborhoods who might vote for life, taking the day off work …More
There is still time to do a get out the vote effort. Drive people to the polls in your neighborhoods who might vote for life, taking the day off work if needed, knock on doors of those living near you, etc. don't give up!
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Tom Jones

Mother Angelica knew this election was coming in AD 2000

Mother Angelica discusses the important role Catholic voters play in national elections and in shaping the nation’s moral compass. Watch ELECTIONS Vote for life this November Pray the rosary daily to …More
Mother Angelica discusses the important role Catholic voters play in national elections and in shaping the nation’s moral compass.
Vote for life this November
Pray the rosary daily to end abortion.
Tom Jones shares from Tom Jones

The bishops urged that the final days and weeks of life

should be lived as fully and richly as possible. Not shortened for convenience. Irish bishops pen open letter to legislators on euthanasiaMore
should be lived as fully and richly as possible.
Not shortened for convenience.
Irish bishops pen open letter to legislators on euthanasia
Tom Jones shares from Tom Jones

Boycott the products of modern slavery.

Many high priced product are made by slaves, thus if you buy them you are complicit in this horrible sin, and crimes against humanity. see links here…-into-forced-labor-to-benefit-…More
Many high priced product are made by slaves, thus if you buy them you are complicit in this horrible sin, and crimes against humanity.
see links here…-into-forced-labor-to-benefit-apple-foxconn-others
see how it is profitable
And solar power is not so sunny Slavery Poisons Solar Industry’s Supply Chains
Lets all do our part to curb this scourge, and at least stop making it so profitable. Boycott slaves made goods.
We CAN do something about it: DON'T BUY THINGS MADE IN CHINA!
Hound of Heaven
Another one of the essential and grave issues, like human trafficking, excess deaths, etc., which are being diverted from our attention by the gaslighting …More
Another one of the essential and grave issues, like human trafficking, excess deaths, etc., which are being diverted from our attention by the gaslighting of other 'issues' being forced down our gullets.
Tom Jones

Boycott the products of modern slavery.

Many high priced product are made by slaves, thus if you buy them you are complicit in this horrible sin, and crimes against humanity. see links here…-into-forced-labor-to-benefit-…More
Many high priced product are made by slaves, thus if you buy them you are complicit in this horrible sin, and crimes against humanity.
see links here…-into-forced-labor-to-benefit-apple-foxconn-others
see how it is profitable
And solar power is not so sunny Slavery Poisons Solar Industry’s Supply Chains
Lets all do our part to curb this scourge, and at least stop making it so profitable. Boycott slaves made goods.
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Tom Jones

Even USA today thinks this wrong

Remove statues of Margaret Sanger How a woman who advocated for the selective breeding of her fellow citizens came to be memorialized with those who built a country is hard to understand. Remove statues …More
Remove statues of Margaret Sanger
How a woman who advocated for the selective breeding of her fellow citizens came to be memorialized with those who built a country is hard to understand.
Remove statues of Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood founder tied to eugenics and racism
Pray the rosary to end abortion, euthanasia, and suicide everywhere.
And Vote your convictions this fall.
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