
After Vatican Deal: China Arrests Four Priests

This as the present Francis anti-Pope deals amicably with the Chinese Communist Party and throws believing Catholics - laity and clergy - under the "accompaniment" bus and for some of them at the cost of their lives.

How to Become a Francis Cardinal

It is the case that this current Pontiff favors those who, in an earlier time, would have never been allowed near service at the altar let alone even higher levels of power, authority, and responsibility. Then again this is merely the ratcheting up of a progression (collapse) that has been going on for over fifty years or more.

How the media are covering up for Pope Francis

The Cultural Marxist globalist MSM loves Pope Francis because he agrees with their agenda - yes! I might add open-borders and increasingly anti-Western cultural animus to the homosexual agenda, radical environmentalism, and global warming you mentioned however.

US Bishop Furious On Latin. Bishop Stika obviously never heard of Pope John XXIII's apostolic constitution …

Yet another member of the "Cultural Marxists in Polyester Vestments" crowd based on his ill-informed bloviating methinks. Sure, Latin was on one level the "language of the empire which tried to destroy the (early) Church" however it was also USED by said members of that Church for communication within the bounds of the Western (and parts of the Eastern) Roman Empire. Over time, given its position …More
Yet another member of the "Cultural Marxists in Polyester Vestments" crowd based on his ill-informed bloviating methinks. Sure, Latin was on one level the "language of the empire which tried to destroy the (early) Church" however it was also USED by said members of that Church for communication within the bounds of the Western (and parts of the Eastern) Roman Empire. Over time, given its position as both a Lingua Franca and a benchmark of literacy and scholarship, it is no wonder it became the language of communication and liturgy in the Western Church. Latin's place within the history of the Church might be termed "ironic" but to say it is somehow illegitimate.........flagrantly ignores a reality that the average Catholic school, and possibly even public school, student knew at a young age not so long ago. Now the supposed prelates of the Church are so imbued with the current rage for attacking anything European or Western - and the linguistic legacy of Greece and Rome certainly fits here - that they can ignore Catholic History 101 - we have sunk low indeed. What language, I wonder, does Bishop Stika think the vast numbers of Latin American Catholics speak and from which language did it, in turn, descend? What about just about every language of Europe except perhaps for Finnish, Estonian, and Rhaetic? All languages spoken by historical Catholic populations since the early Middle Ages? Even the aforementioned non-Indo-European linguistic outliers had Latin loan-words over time too. A sad indictment of the kind of person running affairs in the here-and-now.