
Alfred Hitchock “I Confess” Ordination Scene

Lovely, and I love Hitchcock films generally, but I had rather they showed the entire ordination!

Traditional Catholic bishops consecrated at Ecône in 1988

We don't hear them denounce Third Wave Feminism, Open Borders, Cultural Marxism, or Degenerate Late-Stage Capitalism and "Neo-Liberalism" either which have also added to and accelerated the break down of trust and the the family in Western societies. Some priests will tackle one or two of these but be silent - and sometimes even supportive - of the other "hydra heads." It is sad. Lots of priests …More
We don't hear them denounce Third Wave Feminism, Open Borders, Cultural Marxism, or Degenerate Late-Stage Capitalism and "Neo-Liberalism" either which have also added to and accelerated the break down of trust and the the family in Western societies. Some priests will tackle one or two of these but be silent - and sometimes even supportive - of the other "hydra heads." It is sad. Lots of priests seem to want - also - to just say, "Who cares! I'll help the higher-ups 'elect a new congregation,' who cares about healing my current one." I have little hope for the future in this regard which is why those that are like Lefebvre was are looking better and better.

Number of Hungarians who dislike gay people rising

Well, when you have a globalist, corporatist, NWO that openly favors a behavior that most people in most cultures morally and culturally dislike (whether or not they might desire that homosexuals be harmed either - which even most anti-LGBTQXYZ conservative Christians do not) you will, necessarily, eventually foster a sense of resentment among the non-NOW-favored majority. This dynamic works the …More
Well, when you have a globalist, corporatist, NWO that openly favors a behavior that most people in most cultures morally and culturally dislike (whether or not they might desire that homosexuals be harmed either - which even most anti-LGBTQXYZ conservative Christians do not) you will, necessarily, eventually foster a sense of resentment among the non-NOW-favored majority. This dynamic works the same with the NWO favoring of non-Western ethnic and religious groups concomitant with official disfavor of Western ethnic groups in Western countries as well.

Quite apart from the argument for/against allowing homosexuality and merely in terms of the future of politics in the West as a necessary and corrective back-lash develops against "Globo-Homo" generally I think homosexuals themselves should start signalling their opposition to that same NWO. If they fail to do so they will be increasingly seen as part of the One-World-er plot against national sovereignty, the family, and the idea of man as a true "anthromorphos" - "a being 'looking up' to transcendence beyond himself."

If the backlash should ever move beyond non-violent opposition to violence I should not like to be a homosexual (of heterosexual for that matter) "useful idiot" of the New World Order "ancien regime." This last I say not as any call to violence - to the contrary - but as one that has studied the past and also understands how both human nature and basic tribalism work.

Sister in Full Habit Chases Away Beautiful Pro-Lifers, Calls Police

What passes for a "nun" now I guess! There is a group of Franciscans who live near me. They are rather nice people as individuals but, to me at least, have a bit too much of the Lefty vibe however I don't know if they are pro-murder. One can hope that at least on this they are not. I suppose it is generational in that most have known little but the Post-Conciliar "Church." This is true even, and …More
What passes for a "nun" now I guess! There is a group of Franciscans who live near me. They are rather nice people as individuals but, to me at least, have a bit too much of the Lefty vibe however I don't know if they are pro-murder. One can hope that at least on this they are not. I suppose it is generational in that most have known little but the Post-Conciliar "Church." This is true even, and perhaps especially, of clergy and monastics. Sad. Those pro-Life laypeople are to be supported, blessed, and commended and their holy efforts are shown in sharp contrast to the satanic behavior of the "nun," bought and paid for as she and her superiors are, by the Left's "thirty pieces of silver."

H. Ross Perot, Texas Billionaire and Former Presidential Candidate, dies aged 89,

I saw him when he came to Gresham, Oregon in 1992 in a tour of colleges. Such a thing would be unthinkable now but it was a time of relative sense certainly by comparison with our present benighted and further-subverted age. Ended up going to that same college years later but at the time of hearing H. Ross Perot's remarks I was twelve and a young libertarian-conservative and went with my Dad. I …More
I saw him when he came to Gresham, Oregon in 1992 in a tour of colleges. Such a thing would be unthinkable now but it was a time of relative sense certainly by comparison with our present benighted and further-subverted age. Ended up going to that same college years later but at the time of hearing H. Ross Perot's remarks I was twelve and a young libertarian-conservative and went with my Dad. I remember I couldn't make it to the stage quickly enough to shake his hand however Perot at one point asked "all the young people under eighteen to please stand up." I did as did about a dozen others. He said something close to - as far as I am able to remember - "we love you and will try to work hard for your future and to retain the freedoms won in the past, we hope you do the same for your children." Thinking of that makes me sad that the country and the world has fallen so short of Perot's dream. The man had his personal/personality/political blind-spots and failings to be sure but essentially a good mind on his shoulders, a family man, and, I think, a good man.

Carnival has just begun. In 2013 there were reports (BBC et al) that Francis turned down the red cape …

So, a harmless (and symbolically beautiful) part of tradition was "Carnival time," but rampant homosexuality in the priesthood, "liberation theology," stumping for open-borders, Communism, "liturgical dancers," and massive cover-ups of abuse are just oky-doky? I see where their priorities are!

Laxity in Seminaries as a Contributing Cause to the Sex-Abuse Crisis

The "Long March Through the Institution" has reached the point-of-no-return. Personally, I believe that open homosexuals should be denied ordination even as some who are steadfast in their chastity might be allowed to serve as lay-brothers, deacons, or servers. This, of course, in a sane world in which we, sadly, no longer live.

Why Germany’s birth rate is rising and Italy’s isn’t

The Economist is very much poison for that very reason you state so eloquently - it is just well-written enough and allows for just enough of a semblance of lived-reality to filter through that it lends its propoganda the air of something that, to the otherwise not-yet-saavy "NPC," has almost the ring of truth. I used to read it as a young teenage IR "wonk" while getting a useful degree in the racket …More
The Economist is very much poison for that very reason you state so eloquently - it is just well-written enough and allows for just enough of a semblance of lived-reality to filter through that it lends its propoganda the air of something that, to the otherwise not-yet-saavy "NPC," has almost the ring of truth. I used to read it as a young teenage IR "wonk" while getting a useful degree in the racket of college many years ago....then I realized that the lived-reality - the "Istina" as the Russian people called it during the USSR as distinct from the "Pravda," the official 'truth' - was correct and the likes of the globalist fish wrappers above with their globalist apologetics were wrong.

Why Germany’s birth rate is rising and Italy’s isn’t

Yes, and many of these "Catholics" pouring in believe many anti-Christian doctrines such as "Liberation Theology" and a virulent form of Mestizo ethno-nationalism and irredentism......yet the MSM tells us to welcome all who enter - be they in truth good or bad - without opposition or even a prudent look at their past or possible criminal record....or be tarred and feathered as a "racist." Sadly, …More
Yes, and many of these "Catholics" pouring in believe many anti-Christian doctrines such as "Liberation Theology" and a virulent form of Mestizo ethno-nationalism and irredentism......yet the MSM tells us to welcome all who enter - be they in truth good or bad - without opposition or even a prudent look at their past or possible criminal record....or be tarred and feathered as a "racist." Sadly, the Church will support them to the hilt now as they are desperate to woo a following after their own complicity in the cultural, moral, and societal shifts ongoing in the USA and the rest of the West in the last fifty years. I wonder when conservatives or White men (the latter, regardless of politics) will be denied communion in the new "Global South" "Church of Accompaniment." I would guess maybe by 2035.

Jesuit Heart of Jesus Calendar Celebrates “Gay Pride” on Day of Saint Pelagius, Victim of Homosexuality

Stick a fork in the Society of Jesus, they're done!

Boer Project: South Africa a Reversed Apartheid?

Don't hold your breath on any of the aforementioned "activists" condemning the systematic attacks on White South Africans. It would be good if the Church said something but with the way things are going I very much doubt it.

German Homeschooling Family Wins Back Custody of Children After Years of Struggle

Give the state the child and there will be no hope the latter can grown up free of the Cultural Marxist cultural conditioning that passes for "public (and some "private") education" in the failing West. I was fortunate to go to a private school as a boy with parents who often - even then - gave me a "reality check" in contrast to some agenda-driven shibboleths I was taught and parents toward whom …More
Give the state the child and there will be no hope the latter can grown up free of the Cultural Marxist cultural conditioning that passes for "public (and some "private") education" in the failing West. I was fortunate to go to a private school as a boy with parents who often - even then - gave me a "reality check" in contrast to some agenda-driven shibboleths I was taught and parents toward whom I was very close. Then again, it was the eighties and nineties and, in comparison with today, the rhetoric - while coming - wasn't at the fever pitch it currently is both in the schools - public or "private" - or in the society generally.

Cardinal: Hitler, Stalin Would Rejoice Over Abortion

@mattsixteen24 I agree with him vis-a-vis abortion but I also agree with you that his silence (and that of all bishops, archbishops, and cardinals the world over - to be fair) on the anti-White genocide in South Africa - and all campaigns of organized violence against any other group(s) that also contradict "the Narrative" - is all the more egregious and inexcusable since he has opted to condemn …More
@mattsixteen24 I agree with him vis-a-vis abortion but I also agree with you that his silence (and that of all bishops, archbishops, and cardinals the world over - to be fair) on the anti-White genocide in South Africa - and all campaigns of organized violence against any other group(s) that also contradict "the Narrative" - is all the more egregious and inexcusable since he has opted to condemn one type of genocide and not the other. The Church should speak out on genocide everywhere and against any group whether the victims or victimizers be Catholic themselves or not, White or Non-White. With most bishops and cardinals positioning themselves to become the leaders of the Anti-European and Anti-White Liberation Theology Church of the Global South however I don't see this happening anytime soon.

Why 536 was ‘the worst year to be alive’

The Krakatoa eruption likely contributed to global cooling with the effect of curtailing the growing season therefore ending up with global hunger.

You are a Priest Forever. You are a Priest Forever

Just beautiful and so amazing - a "front-row seat" essentially!

Apostate Bergoglio claims Talmudic synagogues are a sign of “the presence of the Creator”

Let no true Catholic have any connection with a Talmudist at least on religious matters. Let no one true in our Faith enter into a synogogue nor bow to their "tabernacle" for God is not there. Must we show Christian love to a Talmudist - particularly to one who treats others including ourselves ethically? Sure! However, we should also be in no doubt what they are and their rejection of the Logos of …More
Let no true Catholic have any connection with a Talmudist at least on religious matters. Let no one true in our Faith enter into a synogogue nor bow to their "tabernacle" for God is not there. Must we show Christian love to a Talmudist - particularly to one who treats others including ourselves ethically? Sure! However, we should also be in no doubt what they are and their rejection of the Logos of the Universe.

Autumn in Japan. "Today [6 November] the Order commemorates the beatified martyrs of Japan whom nothing …

Happy to see a huge exhibit given to the "Hidden Christians" at the Tokyo National Museum.

Autumn in Japan. "Today [6 November] the Order commemorates the beatified martyrs of Japan whom nothing …

Came home a couple days ago from Japan - the Fall colors in Hokkaido were lovely. Unfortunately I was mainly in several cities however. Even so, in the rural areas I did enter it was very pretty.

America Born Apostolic Nuncio Recommends Traditional Latin Mass

A wonderful announcement to hear.