rose dedell

European Soviet Union: Prayer Is "Anti-Social Behaviour" (Sic!)

Since when is private prayer intimidating? Killing a baby - a human being - is intimidating!
rose dedell

NEWSFLASH: Decision on Fr. Pavone Must Have Been Made by Pope Francis!

Father Pavone is still Father Pavone. Once a priest, always a priest.! This is an indelible mark on his soul because of the sacrament of ordination.
rose dedell

Chuck Schumer calls for amnesty for "all 11 million" undocumented migrants in the US because the …

They're not reproducing because you keep murdering them. Keep funding abortions Chuck! You probably already murdered the human being that was born to cure cancer and other debilitating diseases.
rose dedell

Biden appears to search for something on the floor

Look at this frump's dress. Can you imagine Melania wearing a piece of garbage like that?
rose dedell

Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States

Look at this idiot!! He looks like a walking corpse. Maybe he's having a problem with orientation due to needing a diaper change. Dr. Jill - Clean up on Stage Left!!!!
rose dedell

Mocking Christ: Homosexuals Provoke Street Battles

Look at this smiling idiot! Does he think Christ was smiling as He was crowned with thorns piercing his head or when His hands and feet were being nailed to the cross, all of which He did for all of us including this freak of nature!!
rose dedell

for the quote. for the image

why isn't this bishop excommunicated for this sacrilege?