rose dedell
rose dedell

Roche Banishes Catholics from Church to Parish Hall

He truly is a Roach.
rose dedell

Biden lands in Northern Ireland to 'keep the peace' U.S. vows to 'turn over every rock' to find

And they say there's no snakes in Ireland!!
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Ireland is unparodyable. Todays paper

Yes. Let them learn early what their Creator suffered for them.
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Jill Biden: "We Need More Men" to Promote Killing Babies in Abortions -

And she's Catholic!!! (So she says).
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Biden: "I ordered the Pentagon to shoot it down on Wednesday as soon as possible."

Biden should be arrested and shot for treason!
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We need a Maxine Vaccine!
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Klaus Schwab has declared that he is the New World Order’s Pope and has vowed to remain the head of …

Hopefully we won't have to wait too long until that day!
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A disturbed young lady harasses and yells at Pro-Life youth, silently praying, "Praise Jesus for …

I wish someone would sprinkle some holy water on this chick!
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White House has Baphomet Head for Christmas Decoration - Dr. Taylor Marshall Podcast

Biden is evil. You might as well vote for Satan.
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This guy doesn’t even try to hide his predator vibes

Look at this freak!!! The devil must have put that chain around his neck!
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Nancy Pelosi asked for Exorcism? Here's what you missed!

This is ridiculous considering that she is the resident evil!
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Kamala Harris, while giving a speech on abortion, leaves out the right to life when quoting the …

She is too stupid and arrogant to even acknowledge that she has a creator!
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Maria Simma and the Visits of the Holy Souls in Purgatory

This book is wonderful. It not only touches on ways to help the poor souls but also on Eucharistic ministers, taking Communion in the hand, and even cremation.
rose dedell

Bill Gates Vows To Pump mRNA Into Food Supply To ‘Force-Jab’ the Unvaccinated

The vaccines are poison and so is he.
rose dedell

Cardinal Burke's "Conservative" Successor Persecutes the Mass

He should pay more attention to Vigano rather than Bergoglio. Come on Bishop Callahan, grow a backbone and defend Christ!!!
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Der Mensch bestritt die Kommunion bei Papst Benedikts Beerdigung

Who let the devil in the Vatican?
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Der Mensch bestritt die Kommunion bei Papst Benedikts Beerdigung

What will he say when Christ asks him why he denied His body and blood to this humble creation? Shame on you!!!!!
rose dedell

European Soviet Union: Prayer Is "Anti-Social Behaviour" (Sic!)

Again, since when is private prayer intimidating? And if it's not a human being, what are you afraid of? What did this child do to you that it would deserve to be murdered?