vizionárka varovania z Irska - odhalená identita. Dôkazy a fakty o nepravosti posolstiev írskej vizionárky MBM : Dôkazy a fakty o nepravosti posolstiev írkej vizionárky MBM známe znaky ešte pred …More
vizionárka varovania z Irska - odhalená identita.
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Ružence, čo sa musím modliť to nezachránia, keď sa zasväcuje satanovi - modlitba číslo 33 ! Však Ježiš Kristus tam je vynechané!
Čo to je za prorokyňa a vizionárka, ktorá sa bojí trpieť pre Božie meno? A to utajovanie? Ježiš povedal: „Veď každý, kto zle robí, nenávidí svetlo a nejde na svetlo, aby jeho skutky neboli odhalené. Ale kto koná pravdu, ide na svetlo, aby bolo vidieť, že svoje skutky koná v Bohu“ (Jn 3, 20-21)
I am a Catholic person just like you, now instead of looking excuses about attacking you should consider that you have a slight problem with the English language, because that is the only explanation why you are writing such a dangerous thing, THE HOLY SPIRIT IS NOT THE POPE and pointing out his errors is NOT a sin, I just told you what happened with the first pope peter how he was rebuked, whoever …More
I am a Catholic person just like you, now instead of looking excuses about attacking you should consider that you have a slight problem with the English language, because that is the only explanation why you are writing such a dangerous thing, THE HOLY SPIRIT IS NOT THE POPE and pointing out his errors is NOT a sin, I just told you what happened with the first pope peter how he was rebuked, whoever rebuked him has also committed a sin? there has been MANY anti-popes in the past... so before you write things without no biblical backing and no knowledge of history please think twice, before saying something which is NOT true, pointing out errors from the pope is NOT talking against the Holy Spirit. Did you know that Benedict XVI was asked if the pope was elected by the Holy Spirit... in thet case he said: NO! He said no because there has been MANY ANTIPOPES. May Jesus gives you tons of His Mercy.
What is a prophet and visionary who fears to suffer for the name of God? And this secrecy? Jesus said: "For everyone who does evil, he hates the light and he does not go to the light that his deeds have been revealed. But he who does
truth comes to the light, that it was seen that his works held in God "(Jn 3: 20-21)
Iva Podzimková
to se dalo čekat!
je doba velkého matení, uchovejme si pravou,katolickou víru a nemusíme čekat na pochybná "zjevení".
We are on the same side Ivik - on God's side.
What we have to do is keep our Faith pure for Jesus.
In Poland we have still a lot of good priest but in Germany there many schismatics and heretics among the priests - especially Bishops are far away from Catholic Faith.
As to MDM, England was just after Jesus was 12 years old.
3 Kings countries visiting (as Emmich wrote) was during the Jesus teaching …More
We are on the same side Ivik - on God's side.
What we have to do is keep our Faith pure for Jesus.
In Poland we have still a lot of good priest but in Germany there many schismatics and heretics among the priests - especially Bishops are far away from Catholic Faith.

As to MDM, England was just after Jesus was 12 years old.
3 Kings countries visiting (as Emmich wrote) was during the Jesus teaching after Jesus was 30 years old.
Egypt was in childhood.
Just wanted to say that England is not contrary to the Bible - and nothing more.

"to be against pope Francis (or any pope before ) is sin against the Holly Spirit"
Of Course not.
So show where is this written in the Canon Law.
I will obey Francis till his teaching will be OK to the Bible.

Francis: I hope that he will be a rock of the Church, but till now
there is as long what he should do as the pope and he did not.
He is also breaking our tradition, also the Canon Law - in The Great Thursday.
Well in internet you will find a lot of examples
and do not want to start discussion about him.

I'll be happy if he will be a good pope.
If he will be turning into heresy then you cannot go after him.
Pls have your eyes open - that's all I am asking.
excuse me, why do you personally attaced me? Because I don't agree wit it? Why do you tempt me when I don't believe in them and any others? It is acting like someone from sect.
If yo didn't agree with what Jesus said to Peter and the rebuke of apostol Paul then the problem is you ivic I'm sorry I'm done discussing this since you don't have ANY biblical back up to solidify your claims, I'll pray that one day you understand the clear error you are embracing saying that talking agaisnt the pppe is talking against the Holy Spirit, that statement if it were true then Paul …More
If yo didn't agree with what Jesus said to Peter and the rebuke of apostol Paul then the problem is you ivic I'm sorry I'm done discussing this since you don't have ANY biblical back up to solidify your claims, I'll pray that one day you understand the clear error you are embracing saying that talking agaisnt the pppe is talking against the Holy Spirit, that statement if it were true then Paul clearly made a mistake and Jesus as well, which IS NOT THE CASE, I guess your problem is the language barrier, maybe that's it because it is a grave mistake saying something that is NOT in the bible. Blessings.
I apologise - Emmerich and Valhorta, both stigmatic said thath Jesus was in Egypt 5 years. This is accredit by Church. Authenticity confirm pater Pio. Any other statements are just bent by various sects.
yes Catarine Emmerich said in 3 countries, the same said Valhorta, but what does the messages says?...HM?
2 more comments from ivik310
to be against pope Francis (or any pope before ) is sin against the Holly Spirit. - pope is the rock of Church, he is deputy of Jesus - it is sin against the Holly Spirit
thanks to this message of MBM you will lose your mind, it makes people fanatic
Have a nice Sunday.
God bless you all.
Miłej Niedzieli i Szczęść Boże.
Wao ivick to be denouncing the CLEAR ERRORS OF FRANCIS IS THE ULTIMATE SIN? Dude the pope is NOT the Holy Spirit, sorry read the word of God when Jesus one time said to Peter "behind me satan" and apostol Paul practically reprimemded the first pope because of.... yeap you guess it ERROR. may Jesus gives you clarity my brother.
A ty kos chłopino skądżeś się tu nam przyplątał? 🤨
Akurat nam brakowało następnego nawiedzonego.
Redakcyja weźmie i uprzątnie to to! 🥴More
A ty kos chłopino skądżeś się tu nam przyplątał? 🤨

Akurat nam brakowało następnego nawiedzonego.

Redakcyja weźmie i uprzątnie to to! 🥴
The sin against the pope is not the same as the sin against the Holy Spirit.
The Pope is not a God!
Even the sins against the Jesus can be confessed and Jesus is The God!
Dear Ivik,
Catherine Emmerich the saint, told that the Jesus during His teaching years travelled to the countries of 3 Kings and felt down more then 3 times during the way to Calvary.
Is she from the devil? No just told something more then we knew before.
Do you know exactly where was the Jesus after He was 12 years old - I don't and nobody knows. England is not contrary to the Bible - He could be …More
Dear Ivik,
Catherine Emmerich the saint, told that the Jesus during His teaching years travelled to the countries of 3 Kings and felt down more then 3 times during the way to Calvary.
Is she from the devil? No just told something more then we knew before.
Do you know exactly where was the Jesus after He was 12 years old - I don't and nobody knows. England is not contrary to the Bible - He could be there, why not? - it is possible.
Was Jesus all the 20 years (about) in one place only? This looks impossible.

If Francis teaching will be the same as the Bible, he can be called the pope for sure if not, then you know the answer.
The pope Benedict was sentenced for 25y by the Court in Brussels and have to resign not to be arrested. It was the conspiracy and the Benedict was ousted in an illegal way.
So who is the pope in the eyes of our God? I am not sure - but after some time we will know this for sure.
In our history there were a few anti popes - you should know this. To obey any anti pope before was not good.
Canon Law:
First to Obey is the God, second the Bible, the third to obey is the pope.
If the pope will be against the Bible you cannot obey the pope.
Pls have your eyes open.
to be against pope Francis (or any pope before ) is sin against the Holly Spirit.
The unknown years of Jesus (also called his silent years, lost years, or missing years) generally refers to the period between Jesus's childhood and the beginning of his ministry, a period not described in the New Testament.
The phrases "lost years of Jesus" is usually encountered in esoteric literature, (where it at times also refers to his possible post-crucifixion activities) but is not …More
The unknown years of Jesus (also called his silent years, lost years, or missing years) generally refers to the period between Jesus's childhood and the beginning of his ministry, a period not described in the New Testament.
The phrases "lost years of Jesus" is usually encountered in esoteric literature, (where it at times also refers to his possible post-crucifixion activities) but is not commonly used in scholarly literature since it is assumed that Jesus was probably working as a carpenter in Galilee from the age of twelve till thirty, so the years were not "lost years", and that he died in Calvary.In the late medieval period, Arthurian legends appeared that the young Jesus had been in Britain. In the 19th and 20th centuries theories began to emerge that between the ages of 12 and 30 Jesus had visited India, or had studied with the Essenes in the Judeadesert.Modern mainstream Christian scholarship has generally rejected these theories and holds that nothing is known about this time period in the life of Jesus.
The story of Jesus visiting Britain as a boy is a late medieval development based on legends connected with Joseph of Arimathea. During the late 12th century, Joseph of Arimathea became connected with the Arthurian cycle, appearing in them as the first keeper of the Holy Grail. This idea first appears in Robert de Boron's Joseph d'Arimathie, in which Joseph receives the Grail from an apparition of Jesus and sends it with his followers to Britain. This theme is elaborated upon in Boron's sequels and in subsequent Arthurian works penned by others.
Some Arthurian legends hold that Jesus traveled to Britain as a boy, lived at Priddy in the Mendips, and built the first wattle cabin at Glastonbury. William Blake's early 19th century poem And did those feet in ancient time was inspired by the story of Jesus traveling to Britain.
One more comment from ivik310
I believed then as well but after message 1014 i know that is evil job - "unknown years of Jesus" the basic esoteric term. Was Jesus in England ? - chcek person William Blake, he whrote about it poem, but he was a freemason. : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unknown_years_of_Jesus