MAY 5 - SAINT HILARY OF ARLES breski1 Hilarius Ilario Memorial 5 May Profile Born and raised a pagan; relative of Saint Honoratus of Arles. Highly placed civil authority. Honoratus invited Hilary to …More
5 May
Born and raised a pagan; relative of Saint Honoratus of Arles. Highly placed civil authority. Honoratus invited Hilary to the recently completed abbey of Lerins, and brought him to the faith; Hilary was baptised at Lerins, and joined the community as a monk. When Honoratus became bishop of Arles (in modern France) Hilary served as his secretary. Bishop of Arles. Hilary was an exuberant bishop, working so hard to spread the faith that he caused problems with the people and the civil authorities, and twice had to be reproved by the Vatican – his zealousness was causing more trouble than converts. But though some questioned his methods, none questions his sanctity or his true belief. Born c.400 at Lorraine, France Died 449 of natural causes Canonized Pre-Congregation Patronage Arles, France
Der Schandfleck Heimatfilm Österreich 1956 Österreichischer Spielfilm nach dem gleichnamigen Roman von Ludwig Anzengruber Handlung: Nach zwei Jahren an der Universität kehrt Forstwissenschaftler Florian …More
Der Schandfleck Heimatfilm Österreich 1956
Österreichischer Spielfilm nach dem gleichnamigen Roman von Ludwig Anzengruber Handlung: Nach zwei Jahren an der Universität kehrt Forstwissenschaftler Florian Rohrbacher in sein kleines Alpendorf zurück. Am Abend wird das Kirchweihfest begangen, und Florian sieht seine Freunde von früher wieder. Auch der alte Josef Reindorfer ist auf dem Fest, wie auch sein Sohn Leopold mit seiner von Josef ungeliebten Verlobten Josefa und seine Tochter Elisabeth mit Mann Ferdinand. Nur die jüngste Tochter Leni darf nicht am Fest teilnehmen. Sie ist erst 18 Jahre alt, und Josef behandelt das stets gehorsame Mädchen strenger und unnachsichtiger, als es gut für sie ist. Der alte Großknecht Pankraz überredet Leni, mit ihm auf das Fest zu gehen, so will er auch die Verantwortung vor Josef dafür auf sich nehmen. Auf dem Fest sieht Leni Florian wieder und tanzt mit ihm. Beide waren schon als kleine Kinder befreundet, auch wenn Josef die Freundschaft der beiden stets …More
Mara2015 Eugenia-Sarto SieglindeMore
Mara2015 Eugenia-Sarto Sieglinde
Danke für den schönen Film!
Bishop Emeritus Dimarzio Leads Mass On Feast of St Peregrine, Prays for Cancer Patients The Diocese of Brooklyn prayed for cancer patients, holding a Mass on the feast day of St. Peregrine, the patron …More
Bishop Emeritus Dimarzio Leads Mass On Feast of St Peregrine, Prays for Cancer Patients
The Diocese of Brooklyn prayed for cancer patients, holding a Mass on the feast day of St. Peregrine, the patron saint of those affiliated with cancer, on Wednesday, May 1. Brooklyn Bishop Emeritus Nicholas DiMarzio anointed the sick while leading the Mass at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Bayside, Queens. During his homily, Bishop DiMarzio said there was nothing wrong with the people of faith praying for Saint Peregrine's intercession to find a cure for cancer. He explains the 13th-century saint is here to help. Those present were also able to venerate a first-class relic of St. Peregrine, a fragment of his bone. There will be another opportunity for faithful and their families fighting cancer to pray for St. Peregrine's intercession. Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus and cancer survivor himself, Bishop Raymond Chappetto, will celebrate a Mass of healing on Tuesday, on May 7 at St. Joseph Church in Astoria …More
Non Incardinated Priests From Around the World Meet in the Diocese of Brooklyn Priestly fathers from near and far met in the Diocese of Brooklyn Thursday, May 2, for a day of prayer and discussion. The …More
Non Incardinated Priests From Around the World Meet in the Diocese of Brooklyn
Priestly fathers from near and far met in the Diocese of Brooklyn Thursday, May 2, for a day of prayer and discussion. The non-incardinated priests are clergy hailing from all over the world like Argentina and Romania, who are serving parishes across Brooklyn and Queens but are not part of the diocese. The 70 men gathered at the Immaculate Conception Center in Douglaston to get their paperwork in order and stay up to date on what's happening across Brooklyn and Queens. The meeting is also an opportunity to share their experiences working in the Diocese of Immigrants. The Diocese of Brooklyn currently has priests from 25 different countries serving parishioners. The three top countries the clergy hail from include Nigeria, Haiti, and Ghana.
Blessed Sandra Sabattini Remembered for her Extraordinary Love SWNews Sandra Maria Assunta Sabattini (19 August 1961 – 2 May 1984) was an Italian diarist, medical student, and member of the Pope John …More
Blessed Sandra Sabattini Remembered for her Extraordinary Love SWNews
Sandra Maria Assunta Sabattini
(19 August 1961 – 2 May 1984) was an Italian diarist, medical student, and member of the Pope John XXIII Community , who was beatified by the Catholic Church on 24 October 2021.
Sabattini was raised in Rimini, living at the rectory of San Girolamo, whose parish priest was her maternal uncle., Aged 10, she began to keep a spiritual diary, which was posthumously published. As a young adult, Sabattini volunteered at a drug rehabilitation centre run by the Community, and pursued studies at the University of Bologna to become a missionary doctor.
On 29 April 1984, arriving at a Community meeting in Igea Marina with her fiancé, she was hit by an oncoming car, and died of her injuries three days later. Oreste Benzi, the Community's founder, campaigned for her beatification. On 24 October 2021, Sabattini was beatified at Rimini's Tempio Malatestiano by Cardinal Marcello Smeraro on …More
Hundreds of College Students Accept Christ at Tennessee SWNewsMore
Hundreds of College Students Accept Christ at Tennessee SWNews
2022: Apertura de la Causa de Beatificación de Félix Sanz Lavilla y 251 compañeros mártires En la fiesta de los Mártires del siglo XX, la Diócesis de Barbastro-Monzón ha celebrado la primera sesión …More
2022: Apertura de la Causa de Beatificación de Félix Sanz Lavilla y 251 compañeros mártires
En la fiesta de los Mártires del siglo XX, la Diócesis de Barbastro-Monzón ha celebrado la primera sesión de la de la Causa de Beatificación de los Siervos de Dios Félix Sanz Lavilla y 251 compañeros mártires. Sus nombres, junto al lugar en el que sufrieron martirio en 1936, han sonado por orden alfabético en medio de un respetuoso y emotivo silencio.
perceo3 Siglo XX, siglo de los mártires. 20 de noviembre de 2022 - Diócesis de Barbastro-Monzón Hace 15 días iniciamos la Causa de Beatificación de …More
perceo3 Siglo XX, siglo de los mártires. 20 de noviembre de 2022 - Diócesis de Barbastro-Monzón
Hace 15 días iniciamos la Causa de Beatificación de los siervos de Dios Félix Sanz Lavilla y 251 compañeros mártires. Aún resuenan las palabras que pronunció el vicepostulador, Antonio Plaza, a propósito de un siglo XX calificado como el siglo de los mártires, un siglo que nos dejó un estremecedor saldo martirial, mayor que en todos los siglos anteriores. Varios miles son españoles y nuestra diócesis, proporcionalmente, está entre las primeras de España.
La corona delle Ave Maria d'oro. Dettata dalla Madonna a Santa Gertrude. Per chi volesse scrivere in privato: Per chiunque volesse esser parte attiva del canale, facendo …More
La corona delle Ave Maria d'oro. Dettata dalla Madonna a Santa Gertrude.
Per chi volesse scrivere in privato: Per chiunque volesse esser parte attiva del canale, facendo una spontanea donazione, può versare il suo contributo qui: Per chi volesse fare donazioni alternative, mi contatti in privato. Grazie.
Mario Sedevacantista Colucci shares this
Mariology Without Apology - A Masterclass in Mariology No. 10 - The Assumption of Mary Join Dr. Mark Miravalle and Dr. Robert Fastiggi as they discuss the fourth Marian dogma of Our Lady's glorious …More
Mariology Without Apology - A Masterclass in Mariology No. 10 - The Assumption of Mary
Join Dr. Mark Miravalle and Dr. Robert Fastiggi as they discuss the fourth Marian dogma of Our Lady's glorious Assumption into Heaven.
125. Almas sacerdotales que se cierran a la gracia florycanto Tomado del libro "A mis sacerdotes" de Concepción Cabrera de Armida.More
125. Almas sacerdotales que se cierran a la gracia
Tomado del libro "A mis sacerdotes" de Concepción Cabrera de Armida.
800 mayennais à Lourdes diocèsedelavalMore
800 mayennais à Lourdes
[ 𝗟𝗮 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝘂𝘁𝗲 𝗦𝗽𝗶 🙏 ] samedi 4 mai - Jean 15, 18-21 « Vous n’appartenez pas au monde, puisque je vous ai choisis en vous prenant dans le monde » 🟣 Nous vous proposons un commentaire quotidien sur le …More
[ 𝗟𝗮 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝘂𝘁𝗲 𝗦𝗽𝗶 🙏 ] samedi 4 mai - Jean 15, 18-21
« Vous n’appartenez pas au monde, puisque je vous ai choisis en vous prenant dans le monde »
🟣 Nous vous proposons un commentaire quotidien sur le texte d'évangile du jour. Samedi 4 mai - Jean 15, 18-21 avec le père Laurent GIALLO-PIERRET, curé de la paroisse Saint-Armentaire.
Novena a Nuestra Señora de Fátima - Día 1 🙏 4 de Mayo 2024 ✝️ Por la señal ✠ de la Santa Cruz, de nuestros ✠ enemigos, líbranos Señor ✠ Dios nuestro. En el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo ✠, y del …More
Novena a Nuestra Señora de Fátima - Día 1 🙏 4 de Mayo 2024
✝️ Por la señal ✠ de la Santa Cruz, de nuestros ✠ enemigos, líbranos Señor ✠ Dios nuestro. En el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo ✠, y del Espíritu Santo. Amén. 🛐 ACTO DE CONTRICION PARA TODOS LOS DIAS Señor mío, Jesucristo, Dios y Hombre verdadero, Creador, Padre y Redentor mío, por ser Vos quién sois y porque os amo sobre todas las cosas, me pesa de todo corazón haberos ofendido; propongo firmemente nunca más pecar, apartarme de todas las ocasiones de ofenderos, confesarme y, cumplir la penitencia que me fuera impuesta. Amén. 🙏 OFRECIMIENTO PARA TODOS LOS DÍAS ¡Oh Dios mío! Yo creo, adoro, espero y os amo. Os pido perdón por los que no creen, no adoran, no esperan y no os aman. ¡Oh santísima Trinidad, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo! Yo os adoro profundamente y os ofrezco el preciosísimo cuerpo, sangre, alma y divinidad de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, presente en todos los tabernáculos del mundo, en reparación de los ultrajes con que …More
4 mai : Bienheureux Jean-Martin Moyë ktotv Prêtre de la Société des Missions étrangères de Paris Fondateur des « Sœurs de la Divine Providence » J ean-Martin Moyë naît le 27 janvier 1730 dans le …More
4 mai : Bienheureux Jean-Martin Moyë
Prêtre de la Société des Missions étrangères de Paris
Fondateur des « Sœurs de la Divine Providence »
ean-Martin Moyë
naît le 27 janvier 1730 dans le petit village lorrain de Cutting, à 25 km de Sarrebourg.
Vicaire à Metz, cet apôtre au cœur de feu se laisse émouvoir par toutes sortes de situations difficiles qu’il rencontre. Un exemple : en ce temps là, beaucoup de nouveau-nés mouraient. Jean-Martin travaille et lutte pour que ces enfants reçoivent le baptême.
Mais son désir de faire connaître et aimer Dieu n’a pas de frontières. En 1771, il part en Chine, pays interdit aux missionnaires. Il y entre clandestinement, il rencontre persécutions, privations, emprisonnements… Son zèle ne diminue pas, surtout pour les enfants. Il fonde de petites écoles et appelle des jeunes femmes à enseigner. Épuisé et malade, il revient en France en 1784. Il consolide son œuvre jusqu’à la Révolution française. En 1791 il doit s’exiler à Trèves en Allemagne où …More
Saint Albian ( ✝ 304) Saint Antoine du Rocher Fondateur du monastère de Saint Julien (VIe siècle) Sainte Antonine martyre à Nicomédie ( ✝ v. 304) More
Saint Albian
( ✝ 304)
Saint Antoine du Rocher
Fondateur du monastère de Saint Julien (VIe siècle)
Sainte Antonine
martyre à Nicomédie ( ✝ v. 304)
Saint Enéour
moine (IVe siècle) Saint Ethelred ( ✝ 716) Saint Florian Martyr à Lorsch ( ✝ 304) Saint Gautier abbé de saint Martin de Pontoise ( ✝ 1099) Saint Gény martyr - diocèse d'Auch (IVe siècle) Saint Girons moine martyr (Ve siècle) Saint Grégoire l'Illuminateur Apôtre de l'Arménie ( ✝ v. 325) Sainte Hélène (date ?) Saint Jacques Diacre et martyr à Bergame ( ✝ 380) Bienheureux Jean-Martin Moyë prêtre des Missions étrangères de Paris ( ✝ 1793) Saint John Houghton Martyr en Angleterre ( ✝ 1535) Saint Ladislas prêtre franciscain en Pologne ( ✝ 1505) Saint Macaire évêque (Ve siècle) Saint Malou (VIe siècle) Saint Marcoul abbé près de Coutances ( ✝ 558) Bienheureuse Marie Léonie Paradis fondatrice de la Congrégation de la Sainte Famille à Sherbrooke ( ✝ 1912) Bienheureux Michał Giedroyć chanoine de Saint-Augustin ( ✝ 1485) Saint Nicéphore ( ✝ 813) …More
San Floriano di Lorch. 4 Maggio. i Santi...uomini e donne come noi. Teleradiokolbe San Floriano di Lorch Martire 4 maggio m. 4 maggio 304 La notizia più antica su questo santo si trova in un atto di …More
San Floriano di Lorch. 4 Maggio. i Santi...uomini e donne come noi. Teleradiokolbe
San Floriano di Lorch Martire
4 maggio
m. 4 maggio 304

La notizia più antica su questo santo si trova in un atto di donazione dell'ottavo secolo. Verso la metà dello stesso secolo fu composta una «Passio», che ricalca quella di sant'Ireneo vescovo di Sirmio, ma che ha delle particolarità proprie; poco dopo il suo nome fu inserito nei codici del Martirologio Geronimiano e nel Martirologio di Lione. Attraverso quindi i martirologi storici la sua festa è passata anche nel Romano, in cui è ricordata il 4 maggio, data tradizionale della sua morte. Secondo il racconto della passio, Floriano era un veterano dell'esercito romano che viveva a Mantem presso Krems. Avendo saputo che Aquilino, preside del Norico Ripense, durante la persecuzione di Diocleziano, aveva arrestato a Lorch quaranta cristiani, desiderando di condividerne la sorte si recò in quella città. Prima di entrarvi, però, si imbatté in alcuni soldati …More
4 maggio 90214 > Sant' Afra di Brescia Matrona, martire 4 maggio 92632 > Santi Agapio e Secondino Martiri di Lambesa 4 maggio 94294 > Beate Angela …More
4 maggio
90214 > Sant' Afra di Brescia Matrona, martire 4 maggio
92632 > Santi Agapio e Secondino Martiri di Lambesa 4 maggio
94294 > Beate Angela Isabella e Angela Bartolomea dei Ranzi Agostiniane 4 maggio
51800 > Sant' Antonina di Nicea Martire 4 maggio
91781 > San Cassiano di Novellara Vescovo e martire 4 maggio
51750 > San Ciriaco di Gerusalemme Vescovo e martire 4 maggio
94545 > Beata Edvige Carboni Laica 4 maggio 93950 > Sant' Etelredo Re di Mercia, abate 4 maggio 96998 > San Firmino di Verdun Vescovo 4 maggio 51775 > San Floriano di Lorch Martire 4 maggio 93949 > San Fortunato Lettore e martire 4 maggio 97403 > Beata Giovanna di Arrivour Monaca reclusa 4 maggio 93216 > Beato Giovanni Haile Sacerdote e martire 4 maggio 93215 > Santi Giovanni Houghton, Roberto Lawrence, Agostino Webster e Riccardo Reynolds Sacerdoti e martiri 4 maggio 51790 > Beato Giovanni Martino Moye Fondatore 4 maggio 97053 > San Godeberto di Angers Vescovo 4 maggio 96613 > La …More
V sábado de pascua. Ciclo B. Recordando el Evangelio diario de Mons. Fabio Martínez Castilla florycanto Libro de los Hechos de los Apóstoles 16,1-10. Pablo llegó luego a Derbe y más tarde a Listra …More
V sábado de pascua. Ciclo B. Recordando el Evangelio diario de Mons. Fabio Martínez Castilla
Libro de los Hechos de los Apóstoles 16,1-10.
Pablo llegó luego a Derbe y más tarde a Listra, donde había un discípulo llamado Timoteo, hijo de una judía convertida a la fe y de padre pagano.
Timoteo gozaba de buena fama entre los hermanos de Listra y de Iconio.
Pablo quería llevarlo consigo, y por eso lo hizo circuncidar en consideración a los judíos que había allí, ya que todo el mundo sabía que su padre era pagano.
Por las ciudades donde pasaban, transmitían las decisiones tomadas en Jerusalén por los Apóstoles y los presbíteros, recomendando que las observaran.
Así, las Iglesias se consolidaban en la fe, y su número crecía día tras día. Como el Espíritu Santo les había impedido anunciar la Palabra en la provincia de Asia, atravesaron Frigia y la región de Galacia. Cuando llegaron a los límites de Misia, trataron de entrar en Bitinia, pero el Espíritu de Jesús no se lo permitió. …More
Heiliger Florian! Bitte für uns. "Wenn die Welt euch haßt, dann wißt, daß sie mich schon vor euch gehaßt hat." (Joh 15,18) Heute feiern wir das Fest des hl. Märtyrers Florian. Er wird besonders von …More
Heiliger Florian! Bitte für uns.
"Wenn die Welt euch haßt, dann wißt, daß sie mich schon vor euch gehaßt hat." (Joh 15,18) Heute feiern wir das Fest des hl. Märtyrers Florian. Er wird besonders von den Feuerwehrleuten verehrt. An dieser Stelle ein herzliches Vergelts Gott allen Feuerwehrleuten für ihren mutigen Einsatz! Im Kommentar zum Evangelium lesen wir: „Die „Welt“ ist zwangsläufig totalitär; sie erträgt es nicht, dass es Menschen gibt, die nicht nach ihrem Gesetz leben… Der Hass der Welt gilt nicht eigentlich dem einzelnen Jünger… Der Haß der Welt gilt Christus, dem Herr selbst und seinem Geist, der in den Jüngern am Werk ist.“ Diesen Hass der Welt bekam der hl. Florian heftig zu spüren. Er wohnte in Aelium Cetium (dem heutigen St. Pölten). Dort hörte er von der Verhaftung von Christen durch die römische Besatzungsmacht und eilte nach Lauracium (dem heutigen Lorch), um ihnen beizustehen. Dabei wurde er selbst von Soldaten ergriffen und verhaftet. Da er sich weigerte, dem christlichen …More
Die Heilige Klara (Wdh.) Niemand will, aber immer mehr ereilt es: Langes Siechtum, Demenz, Bettlägerigkeit. Der heiligen Klara war dies alles nicht fremd. Dabei gab es zu ihrer Zeit längst nicht eine …More
Die Heilige Klara (Wdh.)
Niemand will, aber immer mehr ereilt es: Langes Siechtum, Demenz, Bettlägerigkeit. Der heiligen Klara war dies alles nicht fremd. Dabei gab es zu ihrer Zeit längst nicht eine so entwickelte Palliativmedizin wie in unserer Zeit...
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Il cardinale film completo 1963More
Il cardinale film completo 1963
Il cardinale film completo 1963 Il cardinale (The Cardinal) è un film di Otto Preminger del 1963 ed è tratto dall'omonimo romanzo di Henry Morton Robinson. Il cardinale (film) - Wikipedia Nel 1917…More
Il cardinale film completo 1963
Il cardinale (The Cardinal) è un film di Otto Preminger del 1963 ed è tratto dall'omonimo romanzo di Henry Morton Robinson.
Il cardinale (film) - Wikipedia
Nel 1917 Stephen Fermoyle, figlio di un tranviere di Boston, dopo aver studiato a Roma diventa sacerdote; quindi torna a Boston come vicario parrocchiale. Qui invia un manoscritto al suo cardinale arcivescovo che però lo trova ambizioso e lo manda in una piccola parrocchia povera, dove trova il parroco molto malato. Alla morte del parroco, l'arcivescovo lo assume come segretario e lo porta a Roma per il conclave come suo assistente.
Nel frattempo a Boston si trova di fronte alla scelta di decidere la via spirituale o la via umana quando la sorella incinta deve partorire e la vita di madre e figlia è in pericolo. Egli decide di salvare il bambino che nascerà. Mentre è a Roma rivela al cardinale la sua crisi sacerdotale e quindi viene deciso un periodo di sospensione sacerdotale che passerà a Vienna …More
OUR LADY OF FATIMA NOVENA Most Holy Virgin Mary, Queen of the Rosary and Mother of Mercy, who has deigned to come to Fatima to reveal to the three little shepherds the treasures of graces hidden in …More
Most Holy Virgin Mary, Queen of the Rosary and Mother of Mercy, who has deigned to come to Fatima to reveal to the three little shepherds the treasures of graces hidden in the recitation of the Rosary, inspire our hearts and the hearts of all the faithful with a sincere love of this devotion. Trusting in your maternal mercy, and grateful for the goodness of your Immaculate Heart, we beg you to hear our prayers and to answer the favors we so earnestly seek of you in this novena:
Namely, for a complete surrender to Jesus and to His Divine Mercy, and for any other intentions we may offer (mention any additional requests here)…
We ask this of you, for the greater glory of God, for your own honor and for the good of all people. Amen.
Live MikeMore
Live Mike