Prophecy of the 70 Weeks of Years - Daniel 9: 1-27 Because the entire history of the Catholic Church is prefigured by the entire history of Israel in the Old Testament, then the 4 empires from the Book …More
Prophecy of the 70 Weeks of Years - Daniel 9: 1-27
Because the entire history of the Catholic Church is prefigured by the entire history of Israel in the Old Testament, then the 4 empires from the Book of Daniel (Babylonian, Persian, Greek and Roman) have New Testament parallels. These New Testament Church history parallels of the 4 empires from the Book of Daniel are guides to understanding how Daniel's prophecies are fulfilled in the events of Catholic Church history. Here is the fulfillment of the prophecy of 70 weeks of years, from the 9th chapter of Daniel.
See our YouTube and Website:
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The Antichrist, and Some General Housekeeping Items. This is our latest video produced on 8/1/17. It announces a new video series that will be produced concerning the Antichrist. Because the whole …More
The Antichrist, and Some General Housekeeping Items.
This is our latest video produced on 8/1/17. It announces a new video series that will be produced concerning the Antichrist. Because the whole history of Israel in the Old Testament is one big prefigurement for the actual history of the Catholic Church (even in the SAME chronological order), then the prophecies concerning the Antichrist in the Book of Daniel take on a whole new dimension, and expose the 'Man of Sin' and the 'Son of Perdition'. For more information, please see our website and YouTube channel. Once you examine this, it becomes evident and clear.
Summary Video:
pothiraj shares this
traditional sermon in tamil. FR.PANCRAS preaching sermon on 1st Sunday of lentMore
traditional sermon in tamil.
FR.PANCRAS preaching sermon on 1st Sunday of lent

Is This One Big Coincidence? Probably Not!

Read the Book of the Apocalypse (Revelation) Chapter 13 and see how this picture almost perfectly corresponds to the text. Notice also who is mortally wounded, and whose wound is healed? The man who …More
Read the Book of the Apocalypse (Revelation) Chapter 13 and see how this picture almost perfectly corresponds to the text. Notice also who is mortally wounded, and whose wound is healed? The man who fits this description is extremely charismatic, popular, looked on as a great hero... but who also performed great acts of apostasy. Could this be the long awaited 'man of sin', the anti-christ?
Maccabean Uprising
Check out this link for more details :…
Is This One Big Coincidence? Probably Not! Read the Book of the Apocalypse (Revelation) Chapter 13 and see how this picture almost perfectly corresponds to the text. Notice also who is mortally wounded …More
Is This One Big Coincidence? Probably Not!
Read the Book of the Apocalypse (Revelation) Chapter 13 and see how this picture almost perfectly corresponds to the text. Notice also who is mortally wounded, and whose wound is healed? The man who fits this description is extremely charismatic, popular, looked on as a great hero... but who also performed great acts of apostasy. Could this be the long awaited 'man of sin', the anti-christ?
Protestant Revolt Prefigured in the Old Testament - Short summary. The Protestant Revolt, led by Martin Luther, is prefigured in the Old Testament by the Revolt of the 10 Tribes of Israel led by Jeroboam …More
Protestant Revolt Prefigured in the Old Testament - Short summary.
The Protestant Revolt, led by Martin Luther, is prefigured in the Old Testament by the Revolt of the 10 Tribes of Israel led by Jeroboam. Here is a short summary of the parallels between the two revolts of God's people... who leave the Covenant and apostatize.
However, it's not just the Protestant Revolt that is prefigured, but the whole entire history of the Catholic Church. The history of the Israelites in the Old Testament is a complete prefigurement of the history of the Catholic Church... even in the same chronological order!
For more information, see our website and YouTube channel
pothiraj shares this
Martin Luther Prefigured in the Old Testament - Short Summary. Martin Luther is prefigured in the Old Testament by Jeroboam... the man who led the 10 northern tribes into apostasy and rebellion against …More
Martin Luther Prefigured in the Old Testament - Short Summary.
Martin Luther is prefigured in the Old Testament by Jeroboam... the man who led the 10 northern tribes into apostasy and rebellion against Jerusalem, Judah and the Old Covenant. Here is a short 6-7 minute video of the parallels between Luther and Jeroboam.
The whole history of the Catholic Church is prefigured in the Old Testament, in the same chronological order. Check out our website and YouTube channel for more information.
The Knights Templar Prefigured in the Old Testament by Uriah the Hittite. Stunningly, the whole history of the Catholic Church is prefigured by the whole history of Israel in the Old Testament... event …More
The Knights Templar Prefigured in the Old Testament by Uriah the Hittite.
Stunningly, the whole history of the Catholic Church is prefigured by the whole history of Israel in the Old Testament... event for event and EVEN in the same chronological order! The Knights Templar are part of the Church's history and are prefigured in the Old Testament by the betrayal and murder of Uriah the Hittite (one of David's 'Mighty Men').
For more information, see our YouTube channel and our website:
Maccabean Uprising
Hello Temperance, I don't know if you saw the latest video we just posted, but it actually starts to discuss the Anti-christ. Just go to our channel, …More
Hello Temperance, I don't know if you saw the latest video we just posted, but it actually starts to discuss the Anti-christ. Just go to our channel, and look of the newest video. Also, if you go to our website (go to the 'Prophecy' tab), there are the prophecies of the Book of Daniel concerning the Antichrist as well. Those prophecies all seem to have fulfillment in recent history. But, we will be making a new series of video specifically dealing with the Anti-christ very soon. Thank you very much. God bless you!
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See the Whole History of Our Church Entirely Prefigured by the Old Testament - Just 9 Minutes. Stunningly, Amazingly, Incredibly, Gloriously, Magnificently.... see how God had caused the Catholic …More
See the Whole History of Our Church Entirely Prefigured by the Old Testament - Just 9 Minutes.
Stunningly, Amazingly, Incredibly, Gloriously, Magnificently.... see how God had caused the Catholic Church's history to be completely planned by the whole history of Israel in the Old Testament. The parallels are overwhelming. Only God could have done this! Think of all the implications.
Book of Ruth pictures Pentecost:… Pentecost is one of seven annual Holy Days in God’s master plan for mankind (…More
Book of Ruth pictures Pentecost:…
Pentecost is one of seven annual Holy Days in God’s master plan for mankind (Leviticus 23,15-22). It pictures the marriage of God’s Church - the Firstfruits - to Jesus Christ. Perhaps the most beautiful story in the entire Bible relates to the day of Pentecost. You can find it in the biblical book of Ruth.
hitherto shares this
Church History. 9 min.More
Church History.
9 min.
New Website Demonstrates Prefigurement of Actual Church History. A short video tour of a new website that demonstrates that the actual history of the Catholic Church was astonishingly prefigured by …More
New Website Demonstrates Prefigurement of Actual Church History.
A short video tour of a new website that demonstrates that the actual history of the Catholic Church was astonishingly prefigured by the history of Israel in the Old Testament! Event for event, and even in chronological order. Please, spend some time to check this out, because God has worked a most glorious marvel under our very noses!
click here for the website :

Daniel 2: 31-45 Statue Dream of Nebuchadnezzar Fulfilled in Church History!

Because the entire history of the Catholic Church is prefigured by the whole history of Israel in the Old Testament, then the prophecies that had their fulfillment in the Old Testament also have a …More
Because the entire history of the Catholic Church is prefigured by the whole history of Israel in the Old Testament, then the prophecies that had their fulfillment in the Old Testament also have a corresponding parallel fulfillment in the history of the Catholic Church!
For example, the dream of the statue of Nebuchadnezzar has a fulfillment with Babylon, Persia, Greeks and Rome. HOWEVER, since the Spoliation of the Papal States is prefigured by the Babylonian Captivity, then we can find the fulfillment of the Statue again.
Babylon = Kingdom of Italy
Persia = Fascists
Greeks = United Nations/Americans
Rome = European Union

Check out this web page for all the details! Plus, while you are there, check out all the other prophecies of the Book of Daniel that are also fulfilled in Catholic Church History!
Gloria Thomas
This is certainly true because St. Paul tells us so. If one interprets this idol in a spiritual sense as the beasts of a similar vision of Daniel, they …More
This is certainly true because St. Paul tells us so. If one interprets this idol in a spiritual sense as the beasts of a similar vision of Daniel, they all represent the various aspects of the great apostasy from God that began with pagan Babylon after the flood of Noah. This idol and these beasts may represent the "Mystery of Iniquity"; that is, the worship of Satan through all his pagan religions and philosophies which have been "chained" by Christianity, but as a bear hibernates only to reappear (third beast), we see in our own times the recrudescence of paganism before a lax and befuddled Church.
Charlemagne Prefigured by King David - Short Summary. The whole history of the Catholic Church is prefigured by the history of Israel in the Old Testament, EVEN IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER! Here is a short …More
Charlemagne Prefigured by King David - Short Summary.
The whole history of the Catholic Church is prefigured by the history of Israel in the Old Testament, EVEN IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER! Here is a short 6 minute summary of Charlemagne prefigured by King David.
See our YouTube channel and Website to see more:
St. Peter Prefigured by Joseph - Short Summary. The whole history of the Catholic Church is prefigured by the history of Israel in the Old Testament, EVEN IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER! Here is a short 6 …More
St. Peter Prefigured by Joseph - Short Summary.
The whole history of the Catholic Church is prefigured by the history of Israel in the Old Testament, EVEN IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER! Here is a short 6 minute summary of St. Peter prefigured by Joseph from the Book of Genesis.
See our YouTube channel and Website to see more:
Vatican II and Novus Ordo Prefigured by the Books of the Maccabees. At the end of the Old Testament are the Books of the Maccabees. Remarkably, the events surrounding Vatican II and Novus Ordo are …More
Vatican II and Novus Ordo Prefigured by the Books of the Maccabees.
At the end of the Old Testament are the Books of the Maccabees. Remarkably, the events surrounding Vatican II and Novus Ordo are prefigured by the Books of the Maccabees. But, not only this, the entire history of the Catholic Church is prefigured by the entire history of the Israelites in the Old Testament, event for event and in chronological order! Check out our website and YouTube channels for more info:
New Website Demonstrates Prefigurement of Actual Church History. A short video tour of a new website that demonstrates that the actual history of the Catholic Church was astonishingly prefigured by …More
New Website Demonstrates Prefigurement of Actual Church History.
A short video tour of a new website that demonstrates that the actual history of the Catholic Church was astonishingly prefigured by the history of Israel in the Old Testament! Event for event, and even in chronological order. Please, spend some time to check this out, because God has worked a most glorious marvel under our very noses!
click here for the website :
Constantine Prefigured by Moses. If you've been following these videos for the past week, I hope you are amazed that the whole history of the Catholic Church is actually prefigured by the whole history …More
Constantine Prefigured by Moses.
If you've been following these videos for the past week, I hope you are amazed that the whole history of the Catholic Church is actually prefigured by the whole history of Israel in the Old Testament. God's Old Testament people foreshadow His New Testament people, even in chronological order.
Constantine is also part of this story! See all the parallels between Constantine and Moses. Also, check out our website and YouTube channel for more material.
Pope Pius XII and Hitler Prefigured in the Old Testament. The whole history of the Catholic Church is astonishingly prefigured by the history of Israel in the Old Testament, even in chronological order …More
Pope Pius XII and Hitler Prefigured in the Old Testament.
The whole history of the Catholic Church is astonishingly prefigured by the history of Israel in the Old Testament, even in chronological order! This Divine Poetry is magnificent to behold. Pope Pius XII and Hitler are no exception to this marvelous prefigurement. The Book of Esther provides the Old Testament parallel of Pope Pius XII and Hitler, and the events and people that surround their story. We know this seems very hard to believe, but if you can find the time to watch this video, we promise that you will be mystified!
Also, make sure and check out our website and YouTube channel.
St. Peter Prefigured in the Old Testament. In these times of crisis in Rome, be refreshed by the amazing prefigurement of St. Peter and the papacy in the Old Testament by Joseph and his 11 brothers! …More
St. Peter Prefigured in the Old Testament.
In these times of crisis in Rome, be refreshed by the amazing prefigurement of St. Peter and the papacy in the Old Testament by Joseph and his 11 brothers! The history of the Church is prefigured in the Old Testament, event for event and in chronological order. To see a summary of the whole timeline, visit our website. Also, see our YouTube channel for more details. The present Church crisis is no exception, and it also finds it's prefigurement in the Old Testament, in the Books of the Maccabees.
St. Patrick Prefigured in the Old Testament. Happy St. Patrick's Day! This video shows the amazing parallels between Moses and St. Patrick. They are so striking, that the similarities are not a …More
St. Patrick Prefigured in the Old Testament.
Happy St. Patrick's Day! This video shows the amazing parallels between Moses and St. Patrick. They are so striking, that the similarities are not a coincidence. To see more Saints and other people, places and events from Church history that were prefigured in the Old Testament, check out the links below.
The History of the Catholic Church is Prefigured by the History of Israel in the Old Testament. The links on this video don't work, since it was designed for YouTube. To watch this video with active …More
The History of the Catholic Church is Prefigured by the History of Israel in the Old Testament.
The links on this video don't work, since it was designed for YouTube. To watch this video with active links, follow click below:
YouTube version:
Our website:
YouTube Channel :…
Maccabean Uprising
Apart from the globe, what did you think?
You should remove the fake globe.... at the beginning. The Earth is a stationary plane.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Prefigured in the Old Testament. Amazingly, in the pages of the Old Testament is the prefigurement of Our Lady of Guadalupe! In the story of Korah's rebellion and Aaron's miraculous …More
Our Lady of Guadalupe Prefigured in the Old Testament.
Amazingly, in the pages of the Old Testament is the prefigurement of Our Lady of Guadalupe! In the story of Korah's rebellion and Aaron's miraculous blossoming rod, we find the parallel to the Heavenly Apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Please, spend time to watch this video, because it is absolutely beautiful, and demonstrates the Providence and Majesty of Almighty God! Ave Maria.
Visit our website and our YouTube channel for more prefigurements of Church history in the Old Testament! Our Faith is the True Faith, and the Old Testament proves it through typology!