Arthur McGowan

Transvestites: Farewell to Common Sense - Only 7 Bishops Oppose

Interdict does not exist in the 1983 Code. And excommunication is practically abolished, except for those who celebrate the traditional Mass.
Arthur McGowan

Who Am I to Judge? Francis Attacks Viganò

What cowers people into calling Bergoglio "pope"?
Arthur McGowan

The Catholics | Full Movie | Full HD Movies For Free | Flick Vault

Martin Sheen is a Bergoglian.
Arthur McGowan

The Catholics | Full Movie | Full HD Movies For Free | Flick Vault

The only thing missing is the closing credits. This ending is the same as when I saw the film in 1973.
Arthur McGowan

No Time for Ordinations – “I am in Hungary”

Fr. Kolvenbach, in a memo advising against episcopal consecration, called Bergoglio a "psychopath." The document has mysteriously vanished from the Jesuit archives.
Arthur McGowan

British Police: "You're Engaging in Prayer Which Is an Offence"

No bishop has any comment? No surprise. No bishop other than Viganò has had anything to say about the millions murdered in hospitals and the thirteen million murdered with Bergoglio's death shots.
Arthur McGowan

Famous Parliamentarian Calls Francis/Roche “Mean-Spirited”

Everyone knows that, except for fanatical toadies like Cupich, Zinkula, Tyson, Tobin, McElroy, and Wilton, Trads Cussed will be a dead letter the instant Bergoglio assumes room temperature. His maniacal hatred for the Church and his poisonous vindictiveness against those who do not grovel before his diabolical narcissism are the only reason that evil document has received the compliance it has.
Arthur McGowan

US Bishop Shows How to Circumvent Francis' Rescript

As Viganò says: "Bergoglio is entirely extraneouous to the papacy." Going with Henry VIII is nuts! Nothing Bergoglio does has anything to do with the papacy.
Arthur McGowan

Francis Issues Rescript On Traditionis Custodes, Tightens Screws

Sancte Teotónio: Since Bergoglio is not pope, there's no problem. Also, when commanded to commit a crime, no one may obey. The Church condemns the concept of "blind obedience," i.e., "I was just follwing orders."
Arthur McGowan

Benedict Is Dead: Gänswein’s Memoirs Are Already Printed

TC was chock-full of lies:
That Lefebvre started a "schism."
That the purpose of SP was to end the "schism."
That SP had "failed," and thus it must be nullified for the sake of "unity."
That the current liturgical books are the "unique expression" of the Roman Rite. I.e., that the pre-1963 missal and other books are not expressions of the Roman Rite.More
TC was chock-full of lies:

That Lefebvre started a "schism."
That the purpose of SP was to end the "schism."
That SP had "failed," and thus it must be nullified for the sake of "unity."
That the current liturgical books are the "unique expression" of the Roman Rite. I.e., that the pre-1963 missal and other books are not expressions of the Roman Rite.
Arthur McGowan

Benedict Is Dead: Gänswein’s Memoirs Are Already Printed

The liturgy is a source of Sacred Tradition. The "reforms" of 1955 onward are wholly illegitimate.
Arthur McGowan

Insider Information: Father Pavone Is Victim of His Bishop

Fr. Gerald Murray has said multiple times that the Code of Canon Law does not prescribe laicization for either of the two "crimes" Bergoglio alleges Father Pavone committed.
Arthur McGowan

Again: Francis Is Protecting a Convicted Abuser

Arthur McGowan

Canada: Star Priest Leaves Novus Ordo Priesthood

Said a Novus Ordo Mass.
Arthur McGowan

Insidious Rumours: Neo-Cardinal Had A Gay Relationship With A Priest?

In just a few years, the "canonizations" of Bergoglio will go POOF!
Arthur McGowan

Bishop Barron Praises Homosex Activist James Martin As A "Winsome Guide"

Barron should be considered to have come out.
Arthur McGowan

Neo-Cardinal Calls His Nomination “A Joke”

I'm afraid this was not a sincere assessment of Bergoglio's decision, but a faux-self-deprecating quip.
Arthur McGowan

Neo-Cardinals: Renewal Means Old – Peripheries Means Rich

The virus knows not to infect lefties.
Arthur McGowan

Francis’ Man: The Water Around Archbishop Peña Parra Starts Boiling

Richard Sipe, expert in clerical sex abuse, identified Wilton Gregory, in writing, as not merely a homosexual, but a notorious homosexual. Wilton Gregory, in Atlanta, repeatedly gave support to gay activists and treated pro-lifers like lepers. Upon his arrival in Washington, one of his first public acts was to demand that the funeral of Cokie Roberts (supporter of gay marriage and Birth Canal Brain …More
Richard Sipe, expert in clerical sex abuse, identified Wilton Gregory, in writing, as not merely a homosexual, but a notorious homosexual. Wilton Gregory, in Atlanta, repeatedly gave support to gay activists and treated pro-lifers like lepers. Upon his arrival in Washington, one of his first public acts was to demand that the funeral of Cokie Roberts (supporter of gay marriage and Birth Canal Brain Suctioning) be moved from her parish (Little Flower, Bethesda, Md.) to St. Matthew's Cathedral, with a eulogy read out by Nancy Pelosi. Wilton Gregory is one of the thirteen new cardinals. Don't tell me Bergoglio is pope, and is not pro-abortion.
Arthur McGowan

Auto-Referential Francis: New Record In Self-Citations

So many words, so much meaninglessness.