
Famous Parliamentarian Calls Francis/Roche “Mean-Spirited”

“This is appallingly mean-minded and sad. The traditional rite, formalised at Trent, has a great dignity and is valued by many of the faithful,” the English MP Jacob Rees-Mogg wrote on Twitter.com (…More
“This is appallingly mean-minded and sad. The traditional rite, formalised at Trent, has a great dignity and is valued by many of the faithful,” the English MP Jacob Rees-Mogg wrote on Twitter.com (March 1) referring to the Francis/Roche crusade against Mass.
Rees-Mogg is an outspoken opponent of abortion.
During the Covid-measures he supported the prohibition of Mass but, personally, ignored it.
Picture: Jacob Rees-Mogg © Mazur, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsCbcspsvpim
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Maybe he's on steroids for some hidden disease? It puffs up the fave and makes the skin red.
English Catholic
Is that a recent picture of +Roche? He's really put on weight and looks very rubicund. Too much good living in Rome, possibly. Is gluttony still one of the seven deadly sins, or has Francis abolished those now? I can't keep up with all the changes . . .
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The protests of this good man, and many bishops, priests, and faithful as well as the famous Princess Gloria von Thurn und Taxis of Germany have all condemned the actions against the true Catholic Mass, the Roman Rite-Tridentine Latin Mass. This is going to backfire VERY strongly and VERY badly on Francis and Roche, and the entire Vatican. I seriously believe that Francis does all he can to alientate …More
The protests of this good man, and many bishops, priests, and faithful as well as the famous Princess Gloria von Thurn und Taxis of Germany have all condemned the actions against the true Catholic Mass, the Roman Rite-Tridentine Latin Mass. This is going to backfire VERY strongly and VERY badly on Francis and Roche, and the entire Vatican. I seriously believe that Francis does all he can to alientate faithful Catholics. He wants to be hated....and he is. He wants Catholics to hate the Church....and we do hate his version of the Church.
I do believe that suddenly and unexpectedly, sooner than he thinks.....Francis will be gone. He will have much to answer for to God. So will Roche, to the new Pope and later to God. I think the new Pope will sack Roche within days of his election, and send him to Tibet to live as a hermit. 🤪😂🙏
Arthur McGowan
Everyone knows that, except for fanatical toadies like Cupich, Zinkula, Tyson, Tobin, McElroy, and Wilton, Trads Cussed will be a dead letter the instant Bergoglio assumes room temperature. His maniacal hatred for the Church and his poisonous vindictiveness against those who do not grovel before his diabolical narcissism are the only reason that evil document has received the compliance it has.