
Francis Appointed Homosex Propagandist for Ex-Synod’s Study Group on 'Controversial Issues'

Vigano accused Francis of beign gay himself and also of gay abuse, well... this doesn’t look well for Francis, at least, let’s agree, that Francis loooovesss to promote homosexuality.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Declared Excommunicated

Ok is not worth discussing anymore. I will continue calling him false prophet due to his fruits and bergoglians will continue calling him pope and holy father. 👊

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Declared Excommunicated

There has been many antipopes in the past, and some of those where like that due to their falseness, the people of those times called on them because they saw their fruits, look how saint athanasius went, even the arian pope excommunicated him, and who is the saint and doctor of the church? St Athanasius.
Didn't the jews had the keys of heaven? But Jesus said they weren’t allowing anyone to go in …More
There has been many antipopes in the past, and some of those where like that due to their falseness, the people of those times called on them because they saw their fruits, look how saint athanasius went, even the arian pope excommunicated him, and who is the saint and doctor of the church? St Athanasius.

Didn't the jews had the keys of heaven? But Jesus said they weren’t allowing anyone to go in it? This is basically why God chose that precise time in history for his beloved only Son to come down... HIPOCRISY was killing the path forward, their fruits, the jewish top leadership was creating a bottleneck in which no souls could enter heaven, Jesus came and He was hard on the Jewish church back then because of hipocrisy and rotten fruits.

Today, not only fiducia supplicans is the main evidence of apostasy, but you can find such in each of his exhortations, speeches, letters, and enciclycals... His fruits are rotten to the core and thats why we need to warn people of this false prophet and the law is behind us, even our own Lord told us to stay away from such wolves, but also the bible gives us the power to warn on such false prophets.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Declared Excommunicated

We need to obey God rather than men! Said the first pope. And God NEVER would share His awesome glory with pachamama that's 1, nunber 2, God told us to beware of FALSE PROPHETS... through their fruits we shall now them. We cannot... CANNOT obey, follow or commune with a false prophet, and Bergoglio is not a sweet and true prophet but a false one.
You want to commune with that hipocrite? Sure, go …More
We need to obey God rather than men! Said the first pope. And God NEVER would share His awesome glory with pachamama that's 1, nunber 2, God told us to beware of FALSE PROPHETS... through their fruits we shall now them. We cannot... CANNOT obey, follow or commune with a false prophet, and Bergoglio is not a sweet and true prophet but a false one.

You want to commune with that hipocrite? Sure, go ahead, but ask yourself this: why would God told us in Hebrews 13 to stay away from strange teachings (fiducia is not only strange but apostasy, amoris laetitia, etc), Why would Jesus say about the top of the church those days that they had the keys but instead locked heaven for everyone and themselves; IF the power of the office is so strong, like youve said, then Jesus should've not come in the first place. St athanasius then shouldn't be a saint @Carol H

Monsignor Viganò Reacts to His Excommunication

Bergoglio's Vatican has no power to separate us from Jesus our Lord.

A Francis’ Friend: James Martin SJ blasphemes with Homosexual "Madonna"

It seems dear Fr. Pich is blind to the signs of the times, in which, apostasy has been declared by Francis and such has been presented as "mercy". Priests! Open your eyes to the truth, apostasy has been overflowin from the Top since Francis seated in the throne of Peter, his intentions are clear since long. Apostle Paul told us, apostasy needs to be set and the lawless man to be revealed for Jesus …More
It seems dear Fr. Pich is blind to the signs of the times, in which, apostasy has been declared by Francis and such has been presented as "mercy". Priests! Open your eyes to the truth, apostasy has been overflowin from the Top since Francis seated in the throne of Peter, his intentions are clear since long. Apostle Paul told us, apostasy needs to be set and the lawless man to be revealed for Jesus Christ 2nd coming. Open your eyes... Catholicism is no longer preached but their own evil sense of evangelization.

Rector of Linz Cathedral Defends Obscene Statue - really?

@Gloria.tv please take this picture down... thank you.

Schneider: Excommunication of Viganó "Will Increase Divisions"

The problem is how you say it... Baal thingy is generalizing... Schneider is just clueless, but you wont see him blessing gay couples and some otjer bergoglian thing. Many priests are embracing obedience in a wrong way for sure. But they are Baal worshipers or traitors when they give you your last rites, confess your sins or when transubstanciation occurs. It isnt just falling in the same game of …More
The problem is how you say it... Baal thingy is generalizing... Schneider is just clueless, but you wont see him blessing gay couples and some otjer bergoglian thing. Many priests are embracing obedience in a wrong way for sure. But they are Baal worshipers or traitors when they give you your last rites, confess your sins or when transubstanciation occurs. It isnt just falling in the same game of words the world is using through wicked priests who actually denounce traditionalism.

Schneider: Excommunication of Viganó "Will Increase Divisions"

It was a saint who said: when the sheppards are sleep the dogs mist bark... do you know that phrase refers to wolves attacking the sheep. No one attacks the sheep better than Francis and nobody says anything, and even worse, he persecutes anyone who corrects him, perhaps thats why no one says a thing. When Peter stood condemned Jesus came to his rescue, then he frailed again St Paul was there... we …More
It was a saint who said: when the sheppards are sleep the dogs mist bark... do you know that phrase refers to wolves attacking the sheep. No one attacks the sheep better than Francis and nobody says anything, and even worse, he persecutes anyone who corrects him, perhaps thats why no one says a thing. When Peter stood condemned Jesus came to his rescue, then he frailed again St Paul was there... we have no one out there speaking, somebody needs to tell the world about a wolf in sheep clothing. The end.

Schneider: Excommunication of Viganó "Will Increase Divisions"

You are comparing Baal with the novus ordo mass in which the Eucharist happens... so 80%of catholics then are lost... im i hearing you right? This is why novus ordo people wont listen to you guys... Justice with no mercy is all you have, when it should be both Divine Justice and Divine Mercy.

Schneider: Excommunication of Viganó "Will Increase Divisions"

@CarolH inocent? Please tell me how many atheists have convert since his "atheists do good and we'll meet there", here in Tampa bay many priests are giving the Eucharist to irregular couples and all thanks to the confusion by him.
How many muslims have converted? What about protestants? Instead they have doble down due to his reassurences...
Please tell me carol h, blessing gay couples is a sign …More
@CarolH inocent? Please tell me how many atheists have convert since his "atheists do good and we'll meet there", here in Tampa bay many priests are giving the Eucharist to irregular couples and all thanks to the confusion by him.

How many muslims have converted? What about protestants? Instead they have doble down due to his reassurences...

Please tell me carol h, blessing gay couples is a sign of darkness or light? Will irregular couples and gays will cease their grave sin due to the apostate document fiducia supplicans... by his fruits he has shown he IS a false prophet and those are the words of the Lord, not mine.

That st Peter statue in Argentina in which a thunderbolt strip the halo and key is a sign to think about, his fruits, Bergoglio's fruits have shown us who he really is.

Los pilares de destruccion

Si Adeste... El viacrucis ha sido largo, es increíble que todo lo que se había profetizado sobre Francisco ha sido verdad. La Iglesia no tiene representante en la tierra, el Santo Apóstol Pedro es quien dirige aquella Iglesia que permanece en la fe. Petrus Romanus ES ese quien la dirige.

Schneider: Excommunication of Viganó "Will Increase Divisions"

Whoever was on the fence on Francis as Vigano's claims, this surely will push them to the other side.

Los pilares de destruccion

Tu cercanía al papa y tu hablar no me incomodan, ni me sorprenden, yo no le hecho culpa a nostra aetate solo... Benedicto dijo que ese documento era peligroso también, así que di lo que quieras mano, eres libre.

Los pilares de destruccion

Ademas... se habla aquí, en este artículo de los infiltrados, la falsa iglesia.

Los pilares de destruccion

El concilio dio vida a nostra aetate... no hay más nada que decir. Bendiciones

Schneider: Excommunication of Viganó "Will Increase Divisions"

He is not suspected heretic he is

Schneider: Excommunication of Viganó "Will Increase Divisions"

If what you say is true the 80% of catholics are traitors for being in communion with Francis in the Novus ordo. Sorry, but no...

Schneider: Excommunication of Viganó "Will Increase Divisions"

Martyrdom is Heaven in a silver platter.