
Schneider: Excommunication of Viganó "Will Increase Divisions"

I understand Vigano is fearful for his life, he doesn’t want to be killed... and that on itself is sad to hear, priests and all of us should embrace martyrdom, but i l know is easy said than done... Come oh Lord Jesus to straight us out. 🙏

Schneider: Excommunication of Viganó "Will Increase Divisions"

Poor Schneider... I understand his poor understanding of what is going on, he still clings to blind obedience. We should obey God rather than men said St Peter, yet the rotten fruits of Francis won’t open Schneider eyes... by his fruits, Bergoglio's fruits, he has shown clearly who he really is, and no false prophet can be a true pope, such simple math even any kid would be wise enough to sum, but …More
Poor Schneider... I understand his poor understanding of what is going on, he still clings to blind obedience. We should obey God rather than men said St Peter, yet the rotten fruits of Francis won’t open Schneider eyes... by his fruits, Bergoglio's fruits, he has shown clearly who he really is, and no false prophet can be a true pope, such simple math even any kid would be wise enough to sum, but not Schneider... It is good Vigano open his eyes, yet we didn't need Vigano to see the fruits, bu tsure is helpful. Poor Schneider, his eminence is blind to see the truth.

Why the SSPX Has No Time for +Vigano

This is so sad to hear... it is correct, Vigano is the only Bishop telling everyone what we see... the emperor has no clothes, by his fruits Francis has shown to be a false prophet, therefore he cant be a true pope. The Church, the real church is being under persecution and people celebrate such... so disheartening.

Bishop of Quimper: "It's My Head or Yours"

Will Jesus find faith on earth when He comes back? The old mass will be stopped inside churches... and secret mass will begin... barns, fields, houses this will be the result of the False prophet and his minions persecuting us.

'What do you want to he when you grow up? The dad asked. The son said I want to be a girl. The dad …

Juan, may God Bless you by the tons... don't worry about it...
I used to struggle with that same notion you just said... struggling with the "attacking personally", but saying he is a false prophet is not attacking him personally, Bergoglio's fruits denounce who he is, BUT he can be redeemed by the Mercy of God the same way the first ever recognized antipope was, St. Hippolytus I, this man is a …More
Juan, may God Bless you by the tons... don't worry about it...

I used to struggle with that same notion you just said... struggling with the "attacking personally", but saying he is a false prophet is not attacking him personally, Bergoglio's fruits denounce who he is, BUT he can be redeemed by the Mercy of God the same way the first ever recognized antipope was, St. Hippolytus I, this man is a saint despite the title of antipope, why? The same way the good thief IS a saint, by repenting and acknowledging publicly his mistakes and embracing our Lord.

Sadly, Francis won't do that, he hasn't change EVER despite multiple rebukes and corrections and most in a fraternal way for years since Argentina, on the contrary, he has double down, so yes... it is not that I hate the man, actually nobody should, is just that his rotten fruits tells us who he is: a false prophet, therefore he can't be a true pope but an antipope, the same way St Hippolytus use to be until he recognized and repaired the damage done.

'What do you want to he when you grow up? The dad asked. The son said I want to be a girl. The dad …

Carolan... Juan was definitely joking, because if it wasn't then at least kudos from trying to silence people who bleed for the church. When every descendant of the Apostles is in some extent guilty with their silence or criminally participant on such apostate behavior by Bergoglio, the sheep shouldn't obey anything contrary to God and His commands and also tell all that the emperor isn't wearing …More
Carolan... Juan was definitely joking, because if it wasn't then at least kudos from trying to silence people who bleed for the church. When every descendant of the Apostles is in some extent guilty with their silence or criminally participant on such apostate behavior by Bergoglio, the sheep shouldn't obey anything contrary to God and His commands and also tell all that the emperor isn't wearing any clothes. Blessings Juan and Carolan.

'What do you want to he when you grow up? The dad asked. The son said I want to be a girl. The dad …

People's pleaser! Confirming them in their grave sin, then turns around and says the opposite. Let your yes be yes and your no be no anything else is from the devil says the Lord, false prophet Francis has chose the devil's corner by pleasing the world.

Francis’ Friend and Former Adviser Seen In Sauna for Homosexuals

Well Rosica should put a yount on his neck a throw it in to the sea. 😡

Monsignor Schneider: Fiducia Supplicans Allows Blessing of Abomination

What's not addressed is the push by Francis to priests whose faith is so weak... with such an "authority" recomending blessing the unrepentant it seems more easy for such to bless them. I talked to a filipino priest and he was "open" to bless gay unions despite the gigantic apostasy, they dont see it as a heresy even less apostasy.

Francis’ Friend and Former Adviser Seen In Sauna for Homosexuals

This is not a surprise. Promotores of homosexuality, more likely than not are gays themselves. Sad!

Spain: A Priest Refuses Communion to Homosexual Concubines

Wait for it, wait for it... and he will be penalized, transfered or suspended... perhaps, all of the above.

Rejection of the Roman Rite is "Practical Atheism" - Cardinal Sarah

Excellent point by the Holy Spirit through Cardinal Sarah!!!
Unfortunately those who defend Bergoglio wont budge... I mean, israelites saw all the miracles but instead the majority chose a golden calf. Judas saw the dead come back to life instead chose 30 silver coins... they have seen the heresy and apostasy plagues with Bergoglio but hardened their hearts... Instead preferred to give their backs …More
Excellent point by the Holy Spirit through Cardinal Sarah!!!

Unfortunately those who defend Bergoglio wont budge... I mean, israelites saw all the miracles but instead the majority chose a golden calf. Judas saw the dead come back to life instead chose 30 silver coins... they have seen the heresy and apostasy plagues with Bergoglio but hardened their hearts... Instead preferred to give their backs to the 2000 years of tradition and sound teaching. Sad to watch!

Francis Wants an Ecumenical Recognition of a "Papacy Without Content"

The chaff is proud so they show their heads.

In case you may have missed it...

Everyone agrees Trump is not St John, but... everyone who'll vote for him knows and dont care... THERE'S NO other option better. He is a drama queen, yes... but at least he is more "catholic" than biden, even though hes not. Blessings to both juan and carol supporters of cafetería Joe... the mummy.

In case you may have missed it...

It seems Juan loves the most "religious" president of our lifetime mummy Biden. 😂

Buenos Aires Cathedral: Supper Theology Leads to Snack Bar Cathedral

I bet the all the other false prophets and the big one: false Francis are happy as they dont believe.


Que disfrute de la eternidad que tanto anhelamos con nuestro Señor. Amén

Slowly but Surely: Francis Has Begun Corrupting Poland

Apostasy is here to stay, people ARE embracing the lie...
Oh Lord dont wait any longer and come. AmenMore
Apostasy is here to stay, people ARE embracing the lie...

Oh Lord dont wait any longer and come. Amen

Homosexual Activist Bergoglio Writes Another Preface

And the thing is... people STILL defend this man, explain his clear cut apostasy, heresies, blasphemies and adoration to demonic deities... its even in video and they still praise and defend the guy. Blind leading the blind, but what is even worse... priests denouncing such an apostate behavior are nowhere to be found. Sad...