New Faith: German Bishop Believes that Some People Born in the "Wrong" Body

When it comes to sexuality, the Church's magisterium and Christian anthropology "must" adopt the "latest findings of science", the German bishops' representative for the pastoral care of homosexuals, …More
When it comes to sexuality, the Church's magisterium and Christian anthropology "must" adopt the "latest findings of science", the German bishops' representative for the pastoral care of homosexuals, Auxiliary Bishop Ludger Schepers of Essen, told (4 June).
Schepers confuses science with homosexual propaganda. According to his theory, humanity is "not" male and female, but rather an "ellipse with two poles" with "the possibility of what lies in between". He should admit that he could only get away with such a fantasy among some media activists in decadent Western countries, not in the rest of the world.
"With this model I remain in the bipolarity of the sexes and still have the possibility to include these people in the image of humanity".
Schepers claims that there are people who are born in the "wrong" body. He thus revives the old Gnostic ideology that the body is a prison for the soul: "I have met them. They are stories of suffering". In the end, these people have "a …More
Naomi Arai
Huh. So I guess God just got it wrong when He made them, then? God made a mistake? Lol sure…
Do watch the short video posted above by Pierre Henri, in English(subtitled in French). She is so clear about the evil agenda changing our very humanity; brain washing, denying God and most basic truths about humanity.
la verdad prevalece
Homosexualist Ludger Schepers in full communion with Bergoglio continues to promote the vice of sodomy
The schismatic apostate "Bishop" Ludger Schepers belongs to the sect of apostate homosexual activists led by the apostate Bergoglio who believe they are above God and openly defy his immutable laws and trample the Holy Scripture to promote the vice of sodomy that More likely, they practice it …More
Homosexualist Ludger Schepers in full communion with Bergoglio continues to promote the vice of sodomy

The schismatic apostate "Bishop" Ludger Schepers belongs to the sect of apostate homosexual activists led by the apostate Bergoglio who believe they are above God and openly defy his immutable laws and trample the Holy Scripture to promote the vice of sodomy that More likely, they practice it themselves.
la verdad prevalece
Those who believe the great lie that a transvestite can become a woman are the same ones who believe the great deception that an apostate 'bishop' like Bergoglio who in Argentina had already supported sinful homosexual civil unions, promoted homosexual adoptions, surrogate wombs and who supported the sacrilegious communion for sodomites, adulterers and covered up several homosexual predators who …More
Those who believe the great lie that a transvestite can become a woman are the same ones who believe the great deception that an apostate 'bishop' like Bergoglio who in Argentina had already supported sinful homosexual civil unions, promoted homosexual adoptions, surrogate wombs and who supported the sacrilegious communion for sodomites, adulterers and covered up several homosexual predators who abused catholic children and seminarians in defiance of God and the Church could become Pope.
With these vile, vomitus blatherings of blasphemous heresy, this abhorrent apostate dares to contradict the very Words of Our Savior Himself which He spoke while physically present on this earth:
“But from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female.”
St. Mark 10:6

As the newly appointed Bishop of Faggotry for all of Germany, he is a prime and masterly example of why that entire …More
With these vile, vomitus blatherings of blasphemous heresy, this abhorrent apostate dares to contradict the very Words of Our Savior Himself which He spoke while physically present on this earth:

“But from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female.”
St. Mark 10:6

As the newly appointed Bishop of Faggotry for all of Germany, he is a prime and masterly example of why that entire accursed nation should be placed under the ban of interdiction, with all of its abomination-embracing, heresy-promoting, sodomy-loving, deviant-supporting Priests and Bishops laicized and excommunicated forthwith. Overthrow the demonic work of these hell-born scions of Luther and sons of Lucifer, and re-evangelize that pagan land once again with the missionary zeal and spirit of the great and holy Saint Boniface. The Church — nay, the whole world — would be a supremely better place.
Dr Bobus
The bishop has convinced me that it's possible that a man have the brain of a warthog.
Unfortunately he has the human brain & human mind. However, it was his decision to use them in the warthog mode.
English Catholic
God doesn't make mistakes. Physical and mental illnesses (including psychosexual disorders) and death, are a consequence of the Fall.
Denis Efimov
He simply follows the instructions of the Second Vatican Council, which, of all the sciences, specifically ordered the adoption of two, which are more famous than others for their false teachings:
"sufficient use must be made not only of theological principles, but also of the findings of the secular sciences, especially of psychology and sociology, so that the faithful may be brought to a more …More
He simply follows the instructions of the Second Vatican Council, which, of all the sciences, specifically ordered the adoption of two, which are more famous than others for their false teachings:

"sufficient use must be made not only of theological principles, but also of the findings of the secular sciences, especially of psychology and sociology, so that the faithful may be brought to a more adequate and mature life of faith" ("Gaudium et spes", 62).