Homosexual Activist Bergoglio Writes Another Preface

Francis has written the preface (published on VaticanNews.va and AmericaMagazine.org, 3 June) to "Lazarus, Come Forth!", a book by the notorious homosexual activist James Martin who happens to be a …More
Francis has written the preface (published on VaticanNews.va and AmericaMagazine.org, 3 June) to "Lazarus, Come Forth!", a book by the notorious homosexual activist James Martin who happens to be a Jesuit.
The foreword is pure sycophancy.
It begins by saying that Francis is "very grateful to Father James Martin, whose other writings I also know and appreciate".
Pope Francis adds that "there are many reasons to thank him, closely related to the way 'Come Forth' unfolds. It's always fascinating and never predictable".
"Father James makes the biblical text come alive" .
"Father James has the perspective of a man who has fallen in love with the Word of God".
"As we read James Martin's detailed analysis, we can practically feel the profound meaning of what Jesus is doing when he finds himself in front of a dead man who is really dead and whose body gives off a foul odour - a metaphor for the moral rot that sin produces in our souls".
It is the same moral rot that has contaminated the Vatican …More
Two hates of the Church of Christ. They actually think they can destroy His Church. LOL
Boanerges Boanerges
Where is Sammons to see this?
Ivan Tomas
Oh, but Sammons schmurnalist is interested only in "evidences" , and this is not evidently enough st all, right?
And therefore you now what his answer will be: "Just keep your... !"
And the thing is... people STILL defend this man, explain his clear cut apostasy, heresies, blasphemies and adoration to demonic deities... its even in video and they still praise and defend the guy. Blind leading the blind, but what is even worse... priests denouncing such an apostate behavior are nowhere to be found. Sad...
Paul F
Another worthless book from the deceiver. Lazarus would turn in his grave.
Sally Dorman
He is used to promote LGBT ideology and urge homosexuals to ‘come out’ and ‘embrace’ their disordered tendencies.
Human being has a enternal soul and in the end eternal body
That why bringing a baby into this world dwarfs any thing human person can do so don't treat sex like a play thing.
Work for God's kingdom not Satans.
All Saints
There is no “prude month”. Stop using their languare and lies.