
Paris Olympics: Opening Ceremony Removed from YouTube

Oh no @joseph333333 they knew, hope they repent, sadly the damage is done.

The Problem Is "The Internet" - FSSP Superior General

This is exactly what happens when people are blind to the emperor with no clothes.

President of Italian Bishops Praises "Queer Family"

The chaff continues to stick their necks out with proudness, no fear whatsoever, and all under a "pope" who celebrates gays, atheists, and anything uncatholic... yet some have the sturdy guts to defend this diabolic false prophet.

Father James Martin’s Pro-LGBT Fundraiser Hosted by ‘Married’ Homosexuals

Yes @Father Karl A father of thise who walk with a smile to hell... and backed by the false prophet Francis.

Bishop Strickland: High-Ranking Prelates are Leading Souls to Hell

At least this deacon cries out the obvious, thing which most prefer to say nothing about.

Next Apparition: Green Light for the 'Messages' of Gioacchino Genovese

Anything coming from Francis and his minions should be avoided. They have lost the faith so the antichrist is looming in the shadows waiting for his time to reveal himself.
Me personaly I advice people which are into apparitions, Fatima, Lourdes, la Salette, Akita, quito (good success) and Garabandal (because if padre Pio). Are the good ones... the most persecuted apparition is from seer MDM because …Más
Anything coming from Francis and his minions should be avoided. They have lost the faith so the antichrist is looming in the shadows waiting for his time to reveal himself.

Me personaly I advice people which are into apparitions, Fatima, Lourdes, la Salette, Akita, quito (good success) and Garabandal (because if padre Pio). Are the good ones... the most persecuted apparition is from seer MDM because it showed Francis as the destroyer way before he sat on Peter's throne and Francis have prove her right.

Pier Giorgio Frassati: Patron Saint of the Violent? - Interview

If he's in Heaven he is a saint, is there any evidence he is there?

Jorge Luis Borges: Something Alarms Me about Father Bergoglio

Sadly, people who love this false pope, will dismiss everything here, like they have with his many heresies, blasphemies and straight up apostasy.

WATCH: Does This Look Catholic To You?

It is protestant for sure... now, are these catholics for having a concert, go to hell? Because most of traditionalists are talking about it in a way like its the end of the world, zombie apocalypse.

WATCH: Does This Look Catholic To You?

@SHJ-I Yes... complicit clergy needs to be called out always... the problem here is, this article isn’t about corrupt and mediocre clergy.
@Liam Ronan emotion is problematic sure compared with faith, but emotions were created by God; DIDN'T Paul and Silas had a feud in which they didn’t even work together anymore after? Some saints fought with their own fists people whom were blasphemous or heretical …Más
@SHJ-I Yes... complicit clergy needs to be called out always... the problem here is, this article isn’t about corrupt and mediocre clergy.

@Liam Ronan emotion is problematic sure compared with faith, but emotions were created by God; DIDN'T Paul and Silas had a feud in which they didn’t even work together anymore after? Some saints fought with their own fists people whom were blasphemous or heretical... emotions is entirely a problem, trusting emotions instead of faith is.

Faith sometimes could take you the wrong path if you dont have LOVE first, faith without hope is just a fairy tale by pharisees.

MANY faithful departed were part of the novus ordo permissive ways, please understand it was all they knew, I got to know the traditional movement in 2011 and im 51 do the math, people born in the novus ordo and find Jesus in it, i know I did.

Traditionals need to talk with love instead of the mindset of lets burn this down mentality, or lets throw stones, I mean, this is obviously a concert in which Catholicism never did in the old days, this is more a protestant thingy for sure, is it evil? No.

All im saying is this: try and talk with love while explaining the faith, there wasn’t any love the way this post was presented, it doesn’t help.

I was a novus ordo mass goer, i worked with the new evangelization stuff JPII preached with the youth groups and the protestant style charismatic movement and with love and authority, i was shown the latin mass and understood it was the mass all saints use to love and died for, since then I've put the stiff arm to the novus ordo stuff, but sometimes I do get the Eucharist there whenever im at my mothers house because it is still the Body and Blood of Christ.

Sorry for the lengthy post, any truth presented without love is a destructive lie. Blessings

WATCH: Does This Look Catholic To You?

This is exactly the problem with traditional minded people, they refuse to understand, 80 to 90% of catholics have known catholicism through the liberal and permissive ways of the novus ordo church... People have born and died in such ways, this precisely why some people views traditionalists as "mad trads."
Yes, it isn’t as spiritual as the old ways, yes it is way too permissive and most times …Más
This is exactly the problem with traditional minded people, they refuse to understand, 80 to 90% of catholics have known catholicism through the liberal and permissive ways of the novus ordo church... People have born and died in such ways, this precisely why some people views traditionalists as "mad trads."

Yes, it isn’t as spiritual as the old ways, yes it is way too permissive and most times they abuse our Lord's Love... but how does this "is it catholic" helps? Let’s just say it clearly, it is more evagelical/protestant than traditional... do they go to hell because of it? No... there's better ways to show people the beauty of catholicism without sounding like is witch burning time 🙏

Institute of Christ the King Kicked Out of an English Church

The Francis effect?

Amsterdam: Tucho Reaffirms Negative Verdict

We must remain faithful while resisting. 🙏

Amsterdam: Tucho Reaffirms Negative Verdict

This apparition was dealt with.
Now, why would false prophet Tucho talks on the matter? To distract from the destruction happening since long.
False prophet Francis destruction of all things catholic... Good thing they will never destroy our faith.Más
This apparition was dealt with.

Now, why would false prophet Tucho talks on the matter? To distract from the destruction happening since long.

False prophet Francis destruction of all things catholic... Good thing they will never destroy our faith.

Cardinal Müller: "There Is No Doubt That Francis Is a Legitimate Pope" - So?

There is no sedevacantism, Petrus Romanus (St. Peter the first pope), IS the one carrying the Church in the Holy Name of Christ right now.

Cardinal Müller: "There Is No Doubt That Francis Is a Legitimate Pope" - So?

Did any catholic who believe all 31 antipopes of the past were actually antipopes and resisted, did they embraced sedevacantism? No, It is easy... we MUST remain faithful while resisting this destroyer of the faith, he will destroy but not our faith.

Cardinal Müller: "There Is No Doubt That Francis Is a Legitimate Pope" - So?

When our pastors are so afraid or compromised, we should be the ones telling them: "race of vipers!" He is a pope alright, by his fruits we know... antipope that is.

A beautiful Carmelite Nun in France is worshipping God & praying for you right now

How can i get this video?