Yet the gender revolution that Butler and her fellow academics, at the very least, encouraged has resulted in consequences that even they may not have anticipated. These consequences include surgical …More
Yet the gender revolution that Butler and her fellow academics, at the very least, encouraged has resulted in consequences that even they may not have anticipated.
These consequences include surgical and chemical castration of prepubescent boys and double mastectomies (“chest reconstructions”) of adolescent girls by licensed doctors... “trans” male athletes being allowed to dominate women’s sports and bathrooms... the mandatory declaration of “pronouns” before some law courts and many woke corporations... the claim that there are “37 genders”... the insistence that “misgendering” someone is a hate crime that should result in arrest... and the recent proposal in jurisdictions such as California to remove children from their parents’ homes if the parents refuse to accept the view that people can change the sex they were “assigned” at birth.

Celebrity queer philosopher Judith Butler fights to vindicate her life’s work

Butler, a soft-spoken academic who is now 68, rightly suspects that her life’s work – “deconstructing” the very idea of …
Unfortunately, seven shots have been done so far. This is the most and worst in the world. And the result was the induction of the terrible drug induced injury that has never seen in human history. I …More
Unfortunately, seven shots have been done so far. This is the most and worst in the world. And the result was the induction of the terrible drug induced injury that has never seen in human history. I believe that the fraudulent use of experimental gene therapy to healthy people, particularly to healthy children, is an extreme violation of human rights. However, Keizo Takemi, Japanese Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare, has been insisting that there is no serious concern about the injury caused by genetic vaccines. And without learning from the current situation of injured patients, they plan to construct a new vaccine production system in preparation for the next pandemic. This is an unbelievable, crazy situation.

A Message from Japan to the World

Thank you very much for giving me this valuable opportunity to send my message about human rights abuse in the time of COVID-19. My name is Masayasu Inoue, Professor …
De Profundis

Prof. Stefan Homburg: »Oben ein Auszug aus dem Vertrag zwischen Pfizer/BionTech und der EU. Übertragungsschutz wurde gar nicht getestet, Schutz vor …

What is the Catholic meaning of human fraternity?

There are two kinds of fraternity: that of blood, in Adam and Eve, and that of grace in Jesus Christ, given through His Church and sacraments. This distinction between fraternity based on nature (the …More
There are two kinds of fraternity: that of blood, in Adam and Eve, and that of grace in Jesus Christ, given through His Church and sacraments. This distinction between fraternity based on nature (the bond of blood) and fraternity based on divine election and revelation is indispensable. Perfect human dignity and fraternity for all human beings can only have one source: Jesus Christ, since it is only through the Incarnate Son of God that human dignity has been restored even more admirably than it was created. -Bishop Schneider CREDO, p. 38

Death comes to the auxiliary bishop... who anticipated Pope Francis by decades

Bishop Thomas Gumbleton was living among, and advocating for, some of the most marginalized people in society and the Church …
Lovely idea.

It’s Time to Purchase your Sacred Heart Flag for June

The heart and soul of Christendom is the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. And thus the heart and soul of OnePeterFive is the Crusade of Eucharistic …

Bishop Eleganti slams Pope Francis over attack on people who refused the COVID shots - LifeSite

Thu Apr 4, 2024 - 7:56 am EDTThu Apr 4, 2024 - 1:10 pm EDT U.S. citizens: Demand Congress investigate …
Benesch beschreibt das Strickmuster, nach dem Artikel bei Compact konzipiert sind so:„Jeder Vorfall wird pauschal westlichen Kräften angehängt. Spuren nach Osten werden verwischt.“ Allen mit der Politik …More
Benesch beschreibt das Strickmuster, nach dem Artikel bei Compact konzipiert sind so:„Jeder Vorfall wird pauschal westlichen Kräften angehängt. Spuren nach Osten werden verwischt.“ Allen mit der Politik Unzufriedenen solle über das Compact-Magazin ein Anti-US und Pro-Rußland-Kurs schmackhaft gemacht werden. Wobei die Stoßrichtung der Artikel stets auf dem Prinzip Nato/USA schlecht und schuldig, Rußland/China gut oder neutral aufgebaut seien.

„Ich habe keine Verbindung zum Kreml“

Wer ist Jürgen Elsässer? In der vergangenen Woche beschrieb JF-Reporter Hinrich Rohbohm Elsässers Vergangenheit in der linksextremen Szene. Doch welchen Kurs fährt …
Mit Compact ist es wie mit allen alternativen, d.h. nichtnwo-Medien; wer hinhören (und dafür zahlen) will, hört hin (und zahlt auch dafür) und wem das …More
Mit Compact ist es wie mit allen alternativen, d.h. nichtnwo-Medien; wer hinhören (und dafür zahlen) will, hört hin (und zahlt auch dafür) und wem das alles nicht paßt, der läßt es halt bleiben.
Strickmuster haben die Medienmacher alle, ja selbst die des edlen wertewestens. Diese hauptamtlichen Strickmuster sind vielen Leuten durch die jahrzehntelange Dauerbeschallung so bekannt, daß sie gar nicht mehr hinhören oder -gucken. Man kennt das Propagandagewölle, seine Stoßrichtung, seine Argumentationsketten (bzw. das, was die für Arguemntation halten) rückwärts und im Schlaf. Da ist es pure Zeitverschwendung, sich den sattsam bekannten Westtröten weiterhin auszusetzen, wenn man alles schon vorher mitsingen kann.
Viel interessanter sind dagegen die anderen, die sind wenigstens neu und unbekannt.
Die Geister sind längst geschieden: Entweder man gehört zu den Schwachsinnigen, die das Ehepaar Elsässer und sein russenhöriges "compact"-Magazin …More
Die Geister sind längst geschieden: Entweder man gehört zu den Schwachsinnigen, die das Ehepaar Elsässer und sein russenhöriges "compact"-Magazin anhimmeln, oder eben nicht. Das Geschäftsmodell unterliegt seit seinem Hinauswurf an deutschen Kiosken inzwischen aber deutlichen Einnahmeeinbußen.
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Gay-isation of the Church

LGBTQ Agenda: Gay journalist selected to lead Catholic ministry

A gay journalist is the first executive director of the relatively new LGBTQ Catholic ministry Outreach. Michael O'Loughlin, 38, had been …
Long Covid: even faker than you thought

Long COVID ‘indistinguishable’ from other post-viral syndromes a year after infection

**Note: the release below is a special early release from the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious …
Over 4,000 police officers were sent to Nicaragua’s churches to prevent outdoor Holy Week processions, according to a report by the online Argentine news site Infobae.

El régimen de Daniel Ortega desplegó un mega operativo con miles de policías para evitar procesiones …

Al fondo, de camisa celeste, dos policías vigilan una celebración religiosa realizada en un templo …

Throng of Thongs

“There’s no one better than the trannies, y’all, we are f****** everything!” Cecilia once screamed at a party.“I’m asking all my trans people in the room, please, always, always …
Texas pulls $8.5 billion from BlackRock over DEI rules, left-wing climate agenda

Texas withdraws $8.5 billion from BlackRock over ESG in biggest such divestment - Washington Examiner

Texas will pull some $8.5 billion in investments from BlackRock over its ESG policies, the biggest …
Archbishop removes faculties, seeks to seize property of presbyter for publishing alleged ‘heavenly messages’

Archbishop removes faculties, seeks to seize property of priest for publishing alleged ‘heavenly …

Reverend Gustavo García-Siller; MSpS, Archbishop of San Antonio, took action against Fr. John Mary …
Telegraph: "There is no such thing as long Covid, say health officials. Doctors in Queensland say the condition is no different to any post-viral syndrome"

There is no such thing as long Covid, say health officials

Long Covid is no different from the after-effects of viruses like flu and people should stop using the term, health experts have warned. The …
Joe Biden was “flying 320,000 immigrants into the United States in secret flights.”

Biden hasn’t just opened the Border. He’s secretly flying migrants in en masse

Joe Biden boasted in his inaugural address that his election was a win for the “cause of democracy”. “This is democracy’s …
“If any of you do not believe in the victory of Ukraine, perhaps it’s time to go to confession! It means that we have little trust in the living God present in the body of the Ukrainian people.” — …More
“If any of you do not believe in the victory of Ukraine, perhaps it’s time to go to confession! It means that we have little trust in the living God present in the body of the Ukrainian people.” — Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk

“One thing I will say on behalf of the people of Ukraine: it never occurs to anyone to surrender”: …

On March 9, the Father and Head of the UGCC, His Beatitude Sviatoslav, along with members of the …
War can be addictive and like all other human addictions, the addict doesn't quit until everything around them is destroyed and they've hit rock bottom.
I prefer instead the wise words of Abraham Lincoln: "My concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side."
Fr. Wolfgang Rothe, who was embroiled in a homosexual and child pornography scandal at an Austrian seminary, has become notorious for his LGBT activism, though Cardinal Reinhard Marx and the Vatican …More
Fr. Wolfgang Rothe, who was embroiled in a homosexual and child pornography scandal at an Austrian seminary, has become notorious for his LGBT activism, though Cardinal Reinhard Marx and the Vatican have refused to punish him.

Disgraced homosexual priest attends Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence drag 'ordination' in Germany - …

Fr. Wolfgang Rothe, a former seminary vice-rector who resigned in disgrace after a homosexual and …
The Priesthood is a sewer and must be thoroughly cleansed of its filth. We need a fearless, zealous, tenacious and HOLY Supreme Pontiff and Successor …More
The Priesthood is a sewer and must be thoroughly cleansed of its filth. We need a fearless, zealous, tenacious and HOLY Supreme Pontiff and Successor of Saint Peter to do it.
'Der Status' über die Referatsleitung für Cyber-Security der Bundeswehr: Hauptanliegen scheinen der Transgenderismus und Anti-AfD-Propaganda (der Chef lässt sich "gerne in Darkrooms vögeln")

Kriegs-Leaks: Diese Transperson leitet Referat 'Cyber Security' der Bundeswehr

"Deutschland hat sein Gesicht verloren", heißt es aus Russland. In Deutschland herrscht währenddessen Krisenstimmung. Scholz …

Mercedes legt Kehrtwende hin – Konzern-Boss mit klarer Ansage

Zum Inhalt springen news38 » Panorama » Vermischtes » © IMAGO/Sven Simon Mercedes: Das ist die Geschichte der Luxuswagen Von der Entwicklung …