J G Tasan

Francis this morning visited the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith to meet with Cardinal Ladaria …

It's sad to see that some of the clergymen and laymen are staunch supporters of Bergoglio, (not) knowing of the heresies and errors from the beginning! 😡 😤
J G Tasan

The Synodal Process Is a Pandora’s Box

Nowadays, the 'Catholic' Church is very concerned about 'climate change' (and with less emphasis on winning souls for Christ!).
At every Sunday Mass, the 'naive' faithful have to recite the Prayer for Creation and Justice.
Nowadays, the 'Catholic' Church is very concerned about 'climate change' (and with less emphasis on winning souls for Christ!).

At every Sunday Mass, the 'naive' faithful have to recite the Prayer for Creation and Justice.

J G Tasan

Father Kunz murder case appears on HLN/CNN program

Just read it in Twitter...
J G Tasan

Father Kunz murder case appears on HLN/CNN program

Only God knows... 🥺
J G Tasan


What a coincidence! 😂 😂 😂
J G Tasan

JULY 6 - THE GOSPEL breski1 Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew 9,1-8. After entering …

This Gospel passage reminds me about the role being played by the ardent prayer warriors!
J G Tasan

No, Not Cardinal Burke But George Soros' Son

What? Bill Clinton is still around!?
It must be a BIG agenda then... 🥴More
What? Bill Clinton is still around!?

It must be a BIG agenda then... 🥴
J G Tasan

Gänswein Will Move On Friday

I'm quite sure that he's now weeping and grinding his teeth; begging for mercy from our Supreme Judge...
I'm quite sure that he's now weeping and grinding his teeth; begging for mercy from our Supreme Judge...

J G Tasan

Lord, I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof…

... but only say the word ...
What is that "word"? 🤔More
... but only say the word ...

What is that "word"? 🤔
J G Tasan

Homosex Abuse: Homosexualist Fernández in Hot Water

Lord Jesus Christ, hear our prayer!
Lord Jesus Christ, hear our prayer!

J G Tasan

Carmelite Prioress: "I Am A Nun, And.... Then You Fall"

Be prepared before the Supreme Judge...
J G Tasan

Francis "Still Alive"

J G Tasan

Career Planning Picture: © gloria.tv, CC BY-ND, #newsEifrbxatte

That's known as 'Progressive Thinking', huh...? 🥴 😂 😂 😂
J G Tasan

"Hail Satan!" - Satanists Tear Bible at SatanCon, the Largest Satanic Gathering

We need to pray more Rosaries!
J G Tasan

Priest throws Host down on the floor rather than give Communion on the tongue

May our good Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on Fr. Dorothée...
May our good Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on Fr. Dorothée...

J G Tasan

Disgraced Neo-Conservative Founder Has Died

Remembering Gamaliel in Acts 5:39 and Acts 8:2 (sort of; learned that Gamaliel had converted to Christianity...).
J G Tasan

Francis Told Retired Bishop: PiusX "Not Schismatic"

Truly said!
J G Tasan

Why do girls wear veils at their First Communion?

With short dresses?! 🤔 🥴