
Francis "Still Alive"

This morning, Francis left the Gemelli Clinic, telling onlookers and journalists, “I am still alive.” Before returning to the Vatican, he visited Saint Mary Major Basilica, quite a diversion. Doctors …More
This morning, Francis left the Gemelli Clinic, telling onlookers and journalists, “I am still alive.” Before returning to the Vatican, he visited Saint Mary Major Basilica, quite a diversion. Doctors have advised Francis to take a rest. He will lead Sunday's Angelus and attend his scheduled appointments, but not the general audience on Wednesday.
Picture: © Vatican Media, #newsBaeldojzwa
Sally Dorman shares this
'Still alive': Pope Francis leaves hospital with few signs of slowing down
My, my…the Holy Father is one “tough ole cookie” isn’t he? 😄😄😄 Good to see the Vicar of Christ on Earth doing better and recovering. I must say, it would be best though, if His Holiness would follow his doctors orders about getting the proper rest needed to fully heal and recover. But nevertheless, in spite of satan’s tricks, and his minions sick, demented, hate-filled death wishes and …More
My, my…the Holy Father is one “tough ole cookie” isn’t he? 😄😄😄 Good to see the Vicar of Christ on Earth doing better and recovering. I must say, it would be best though, if His Holiness would follow his doctors orders about getting the proper rest needed to fully heal and recover. But nevertheless, in spite of satan’s tricks, and his minions sick, demented, hate-filled death wishes and premature rejoicing, it is good to see our beloved Holy Father coming along so well and improving. May Heaven continue to grant him strength and succor. And yes, I am most certainly aware that as an 86 year-old man with several known and unknown severe and chronic health challenges, the Holy Father’s days in this vale of tears are indeed limited, and one day, perhaps very soon, he will be called into eternity, but that day is not today. God be praised! 🤗
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@SonoftheChurch -You're delusional unfortunately. Have you considered seeing a doctor?
By the way, most faithful, traditional Catholics do not consider him "Our Beloved Holy Father", additionally, Bergoglio is no "Vicar of Christ on Earth", because he renounced that title himself a few years ago.
If you KNOW he renounced the title, but insist on calling him it anyway, is why I call you delusional.
Arthur McGowan
Sycophantic, hallucinatory drivel.
Bergoglio has betrayed both Our Lord Jesus Christ and St. Ignatius of Loyola. As Bergoglio has said about himself, he is NOT the Vicar of Christ - neither is he a son of St. Ignatius of Loyola - by his own choice. As Our Lady warned, the Great Apostasy has begun at the top - we see this daily playing out before our eyes. Pray the Rosary daily and consecrate yourself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary …More
Bergoglio has betrayed both Our Lord Jesus Christ and St. Ignatius of Loyola. As Bergoglio has said about himself, he is NOT the Vicar of Christ - neither is he a son of St. Ignatius of Loyola - by his own choice. As Our Lady warned, the Great Apostasy has begun at the top - we see this daily playing out before our eyes. Pray the Rosary daily and consecrate yourself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary -- Our Lord will crush all this evil through His Mother, as prophesied. Never lose Hope! Our Lord always keeps His Promises!
J G Tasan
Spoken like a true narcissist. At a moment when he has world wide attention (because no one goes to St Peter's anymore) it's still all about him and not Christ. I'll be glad when this sham is over. Total kabuki theater.
John Fritz Logan
He will not take as much rest as the doctors advised? Is that cause he has little left to loose?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@John Fritz Logan -Before Bergoglio was ever released today, I texted my uncle who is an MD and asked him what scenario would land Bergoglio back in the hospital. He said not following a prescribed diet (he can't eat anything he wants, or as much as he wants) for a long time after the surgery. Also, if he walks around too much, that is a problem. Also my uncle mentioned the potential problems of …More
@John Fritz Logan -Before Bergoglio was ever released today, I texted my uncle who is an MD and asked him what scenario would land Bergoglio back in the hospital. He said not following a prescribed diet (he can't eat anything he wants, or as much as he wants) for a long time after the surgery. Also, if he walks around too much, that is a problem. Also my uncle mentioned the potential problems of Bergoglio having constipation etc. which is a big danger but I'm not going to describe what he said about that....only to say the danger of rupture ( but I'm sure Bergoglio's doctors keep a watchful eye on that with proper meds.).
My personal opinion is that he won't make it to Mongolia, and might very well be back in the hospital before too long.
My uncle also said that Bergoglio's underlying gastro-intestinal issues will only get worse, not better.