
No, Not Cardinal Burke But George Soros' Son

Francis, 86, met a US delegation with Bill Clinton, 76, who was US president from 1993 to 2001 and is younger than his successors Trump, 77, and Biden, 80. The private audience was unannounced until …More
Francis, 86, met a US delegation with Bill Clinton, 76, who was US president from 1993 to 2001 and is younger than his successors Trump, 77, and Biden, 80. The private audience was unannounced until the video below was released by the Vatican press office. Francis can be heard saying, “What have you all been doing here in Rome these days?” Among the guests was Alex Soros, the son of George Soros.
Philadelphia Trad
Why does Antipope Bergoglio continue to meet with people like the spawn of satan (oops, I meant to say Alexander Soros)? The answer is simple: he's not the pope; he HATES the Catholic Faith and ALL of its dogmas and teachings; he hates you, the Catholic laity; and he hates God Himself. If you don't believe me, please reply back with a photo of Bergoglio looking at the Blessed Sacrament lovingly …More
Why does Antipope Bergoglio continue to meet with people like the spawn of satan (oops, I meant to say Alexander Soros)? The answer is simple: he's not the pope; he HATES the Catholic Faith and ALL of its dogmas and teachings; he hates you, the Catholic laity; and he hates God Himself. If you don't believe me, please reply back with a photo of Bergoglio looking at the Blessed Sacrament lovingly instead of with hatred in his eyes. Pray daily for the restoration of the papacy, now vacant with the death of Pope Benedict XVI; pray for a holy pope; and pray for the conversion of Antipope Bergoglio that the may, through God's incredible mercy, escape the imminent fires of hell.
Jan Joseph
Paus Franciscus in gesprek met de duivels van deze aarde, wie met pek omgaat wordt ermee besmet.
DefendTruth shares this
Alex Soros, who bankrolls many anti-Catholic organizations in the US that incessantly attack the Church and seek to undermine Her not only in terms of political influence but also doctrinally.
English Catholic
The Soros empire rumbles on . . .
J G Tasan
What? Bill Clinton is still around!?
It must be a BIG agenda then... 🥴More
What? Bill Clinton is still around!?

It must be a BIG agenda then... 🥴
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio is a public enemy of Christ and the Church. All his actions are coldly calculated.
Hound of Heaven
Now I know why Bergoglio never returns my calls.
Opera 369
Is anyone still surprised by what Bergo does and says? Does he really seem 'sick' to you? No, it's all a strategy. His strategy started in 2013. After the death of the last Real Pope, Benedict XVI, he's been going ahead, with the demolition of the Catholic Liturgy, Dogma, Doctrine...like a missile. He cares not about Burke or anyone weak and obedient like him. He has silently warned all the …More
Is anyone still surprised by what Bergo does and says? Does he really seem 'sick' to you? No, it's all a strategy. His strategy started in 2013. After the death of the last Real Pope, Benedict XVI, he's been going ahead, with the demolition of the Catholic Liturgy, Dogma, Doctrine...like a missile. He cares not about Burke or anyone weak and obedient like him. He has silently warned all the Ecclesiastics that if they revolt against him, there will be consequences, i.e. lose position, lose pension, lose their apartments. So, the only hope is that Mons. Vigano' has enough vigor and clout to do what is necessary!
Wikileaks: "Catholic Spring" effect