
Archbishop: Francis Wants "Another Church"

Retired La Plata Archbishop Hector Aguer, 80, said in a July 4 statement that Francis' working document for the Ex-Bishops' Synod sets out "how to adopt the globalist Agenda 2030 in the Church."

Aguer has known Francis for 45 years. He observes that Francis makes the "synodal democracy" say exactly what he wants it to say, hiding behind the facade of the synod, “It's something like throwing a stone and hiding the hand.”

When Francis' "other Church" is finished, Francis will say in the face of mounting criticism: "I didn't do it’!”

The main topic on the agenda is how the Church can accommodate homosexualism, Aguer notes. He adds that the Vatican no longer speaks with the catechism of “persons with homosexual tendencies” but of "LGBTQ+ people" [correct term: "homosexual temptations" or "homosexual vice"].

For Aguer, it is clear that the "Synod" is designing "another Church" which is "heterogeneous in relation to the great and unanimous Tradition.”

Picture: Héctor Aguer, 2007 © wikicommons CC BY-SA, #newsVqikpwapsf

Simon North
The "other Church" is already here. It's called the "Counterfeit Church" - a Caricature of Catholicism - The Ape of God.
Live Mike
Jan Joseph
Maar gelukkig sterft deze nieuwe Rooms Katholieke kerk van Paus Franciscus voor dat deze nieuwe Rooms Katholieke kerk voltooid is.
De Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerk zal door deze veranderingen alleen maar sneller sterven en de Traditionele Universele Romeinse Rooms Katholieke kerk van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie zal hierdoor alleen maar sneller groeien. Binnen twintig jaar is de Traditionele …More
Maar gelukkig sterft deze nieuwe Rooms Katholieke kerk van Paus Franciscus voor dat deze nieuwe Rooms Katholieke kerk voltooid is.
De Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerk zal door deze veranderingen alleen maar sneller sterven en de Traditionele Universele Romeinse Rooms Katholieke kerk van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie zal hierdoor alleen maar sneller groeien. Binnen twintig jaar is de Traditionele Rooms Katholieke kerk groter dan de Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerk van Paus Franciscus. Paus Franciscus zal door een van de volgende Pausen, die nu studeert aan een Traditioneel seminarie, tot Ketter worden uitgeroepen.
But those who wish nothing more than to do what the Church has always done are the bad guys,right? We are rigid, backward looking,etc....may it always be so. St Marcel Lefevbre and St Nicholas Gruner pray for us.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Yes, they are both Saints. As is Ven. Pope Pius XII and Blessed Pius IX, whereas JPII, JPI, Paul VI, and John XXIII are NOT legitimate saints. These false prophets were made "saints" for only 1 reason, not holiness of like and example, but rather for convoking, implementing, and promoting Vatican II and all of its warped "reforms" and agenda.
Archbishop Hector seems to know just how evil Jorge Bergoglio is.
Sally Dorman
He hated him for reasons already in Argentina
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I wish he would go on TV in Argentina or elsewhere and expose Francis for what he and his people are. I think that would help put a nail in the coffin of both Francis' "pontificate", and any plans for a "Synod".