
Strickland: "Embracing Homosexuals Is Taking Us All Down"

Tyler Bishop Joseph Strickland, Texas, commented on the Ex-Bishops' Synod working document that seeks to “welcome” polygamists, adulterers and homosexuals (LifeSiteNews.com, July 2).

He explained that truly welcoming these sinners means to lead them to repentance, "It means changing, it means awakening to the truth.”

The Church cannot accept those who live in homosex sin "as they are", otherwise "this is taking us all down.”

Those who identify as homosexuals lose themselves in it, Strickland noted, “If God is taken out, we don’t know who we are.”

Transvestitism comes from evil, Strickland explained, "and it comes from disconnecting from God” and it makes no sense to considers "that masquerade" as love and inclusiveness.

Picture: Joseph Strickland, #newsTmxvvqpwlz

I'm no longer uncertain what hill he had chosen to die on...
Jan Joseph
De moraliteit van de Rooms Katholieke geloof is het verkleinen van het aantal zonden en het verkleinen van het aantal zondaars. Het verwelkomen van zondaars die geen berouw hebben van hun zonden, is ketters. Een synode die die deze verandering accepteert, is dus ketters. Deze tijd is een op een te vergelijken met de tijd van de Ark van Noach, het kwade wordt vernietigd en het goede overleeft. God …More
De moraliteit van de Rooms Katholieke geloof is het verkleinen van het aantal zonden en het verkleinen van het aantal zondaars. Het verwelkomen van zondaars die geen berouw hebben van hun zonden, is ketters. Een synode die die deze verandering accepteert, is dus ketters. Deze tijd is een op een te vergelijken met de tijd van de Ark van Noach, het kwade wordt vernietigd en het goede overleeft. God is het Goede en de Duivel is het kwade, de ketter.
St. Catherine of Siena informed us that even the demons are disgusted by this horrible vice but the bishops don't seem to mind it at all
Malki Tzedek
And the 'us' includes homosexuals. True charity is never encouraging others to capitulate to the world, but to our Heavenly Father's will. It is abominable that such a true servant is being judged by those who are unworthy of undoing his sandals.
This is a satanic war on nature, human nature and ultimately on God. RESIST.
Actually, embracing the idea that people are free to do whatever they want is taking us down. Homosexuality is just the fruit of those liberty, fraternity, equality ideas.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
God Bless the courageous Bishop Strickland for his accurate and authentically Catholic teaching regarding homos, transvestites etc. He stands for the ancient teachings of the Faith bravely and unapologetically, as all bishops (and the Pope) should. He is especially courageous in the face of the evil investigation regarding him and his administration of the Tyler diocese launched by homo loving Pope …More
God Bless the courageous Bishop Strickland for his accurate and authentically Catholic teaching regarding homos, transvestites etc. He stands for the ancient teachings of the Faith bravely and unapologetically, as all bishops (and the Pope) should. He is especially courageous in the face of the evil investigation regarding him and his administration of the Tyler diocese launched by homo loving Pope Francis who sent two gay bishops to take note on him and report back to the Vatican (which is flooded with gays since Francis took the throne).
I think if Francis follows thru with this farce, investigating a true Catholic bishop, he will unleash a tidal wave of opposition to him, his appointed bishops, and his agenda including his Synod.
My advice to Francis (and of course he wouldn't take) is to lay low. He and his Vatican are already being endlessly attacked from all corners of the Church over the appointment of his homo friend, Archbishop Tucho Fernandez as new Prefect of the CDF. So much objections that the press office and the Vatican can't handle it all....and Tucho seems to be on the verge of tears saying he and Francis are being "persecuted" HAHA!
Actually, I hope there is an enormous backlash. Two strikes against Francis for his appointment of Tucho Fernandez and his persecution of good Bishop Strickland is hard enough for the Vatican to deal with. Three and I hope Francis strikes out ( resigns, quits, givens up, or.... maybe going to receive his big reward).
Thank you, Lord, for giving us Bishop Joseph Strickland in these dark times - when so many so-called shepherds are failing to confront the evil lies being presented by heretical clergy, ordained to safeguard the flock. These wolves are leading the baptized down the primrose path to hell - and causing great scandal to our non-Catholic brethren considering entering into full communion with the Catholic …More
Thank you, Lord, for giving us Bishop Joseph Strickland in these dark times - when so many so-called shepherds are failing to confront the evil lies being presented by heretical clergy, ordained to safeguard the flock. These wolves are leading the baptized down the primrose path to hell - and causing great scandal to our non-Catholic brethren considering entering into full communion with the Catholic Church. Nearly every one with any authority is silent - merely acquiescing to save their own skin. In this darkness, Bishop Strickland is a "lamp unto our feet - and souls!" May Our Lady keep him close to Her Immaculate Heart!
He certainly has my vote as the next Prefect for the Doctrine of the Faith. He’d need to restore it back as The Holy Office, though. We desperately need a “Grand Inquisitor General” with full and unimpeded universal plenipotentiary powers more now, than at any other time in the history of Holy Mother Church. To strike fear and trembling into the souls of heretics and apostates who are relentless …More
He certainly has my vote as the next Prefect for the Doctrine of the Faith. He’d need to restore it back as The Holy Office, though. We desperately need a “Grand Inquisitor General” with full and unimpeded universal plenipotentiary powers more now, than at any other time in the history of Holy Mother Church. To strike fear and trembling into the souls of heretics and apostates who are relentless in their abominations. Would to God it were so.