Bob Fu Testimony for January 17 2024

Hearing Before the The Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Law Enforcement, and Intelligence, House Committee on Homeland Security: and like the IBM, who …More
Hearing Before the The Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Law Enforcement, and Intelligence, House Committee on Homeland Security:
and like the IBM, who organized the NAZI murder effort in

IBM and the Holocaust,
US companies are making the CCP murder efforts possible today:
Chairman McCaul Delivers Remarks at Full Committee Hearing Examining Flow of U.S. Dollars to CCP - Committee on Foreign Affairs
"…Look no further than the CCP’s dystopian oppression of the Uyghurs, [or] the successful hypersonic missile test which circled the globe and landed with precision. That was built on the backbone of U.S. technology." Boycott any American company that would rather have America ruled from Beijing. Do penance for our part in this:

God’s Outline of Salvation History

God’s Outline of Salvation History bring the salvation he won for us to the ends of the earth,More
God’s Outline of Salvation History
bring the salvation he won for us to the ends of the earth,

“If they’re successful, they’ll make America weaker and China stronger,”

China Caught Secretly Funding WEF Climate Agenda in America “Sadly, radical eco-activists in America do more to advance the interests of the CCP than promoting commonsense energy and environmental …More
China Caught Secretly Funding WEF Climate Agenda in America
“Sadly, radical eco-activists in America do more to advance the interests of the CCP than promoting commonsense energy and environmental policies in the United States,”

3,800 graduates of Klaus Schwab’s globalist WEF education programs

… Still, they have developed various groups of globally distributed trainees who generally work in accordance with the detailed policies and positions developed and distributed by WEF leadership. Meet …More
… Still, they have developed various groups of globally distributed trainees who generally work in accordance with the detailed policies and positions developed and distributed by WEF leadership.
Meet all 3,800 graduates of Klaus Schwab's globalist WEF education programs by name
Psalm 145
2 Praise the Lord, O my soul, in my life I will praise the Lord: I will sing to my God as long as I shall be. Put not your trust in princes: 3 In the children of men, in whom there is no salvation.
Marysrose shares this
The university of the minions of the anti-Christ.
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This election lets vote only for candidates we can

be proud to vote for. Peter Sonski: the Other Catholic Candidate Vision — Peter Sonski 2024 Voting for the lesser of two evils guarantees electing evil.More
be proud to vote for.
Peter Sonski: the Other Catholic Candidate
Vision — Peter Sonski 2024
Voting for the lesser of two evils guarantees electing evil.

The villagers told him that they had kept the Faith for over two and a half centuries

and that their ancestors had continued the sacrament of Baptism through the generations. How generations of Japanese Catholics have kept the faith alive - Catholic HeraldMore
and that their ancestors had continued the sacrament of Baptism through the generations.
How generations of Japanese Catholics have kept the faith alive - Catholic Herald

Evil Is Rising, but Despair Is Not an Option

We must fight injustice where possible Evil Is Rising, but Despair Is Not an Option | Lawrence W. Reed Murdering innocent children was wrong when Herod did it, and remains unjust today (abortion, …More
We must fight injustice where possible
Evil Is Rising, but Despair Is Not an Option | Lawrence W. Reed
Murdering innocent children was wrong when Herod did it, and remains unjust today (abortion, euthanasia, etc. )
Tom Jones shares from Tom Jones

Catholic Resistance to evil

"In our time, most threats come from enemies within the church and the state, which means that spiritual warfare is all the more important." Catholic Resistance - St. Boniface Institute…More
"In our time, most threats come from enemies within the church and the state, which means that spiritual warfare is all the more important."
Catholic Resistance - St. Boniface Institute
chris griffin
Thanks for directing me to St. Boniface Institute. They concentrate on 3 issues...Church, International Politics, Pro-life.

Catholic Resistance to evil

"In our time, most threats come from enemies within the church and the state, which means that spiritual warfare is all the more important." Catholic Resistance - St. Boniface Institute…More
"In our time, most threats come from enemies within the church and the state, which means that spiritual warfare is all the more important."
Catholic Resistance - St. Boniface Institute
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It is only a matter of time before the Earth is hit by another geomagnetic storm.

Now is the time to make reparation for our sins. Bless the Unborn! The Holy Hour of Reparation - Cor Jesu Sacratissimum We have put our faith in electricity, and government and not God A large solar …More
Now is the time to make reparation for our sins.
Bless the Unborn!
The Holy Hour of Reparation - Cor Jesu Sacratissimum
We have put our faith in electricity, and government and not God
A large solar storm could knock out the power grid and the internet – an electrical engineer explains how
If it hits in the summer many people would die in the heat
A Grid Collapse Would Make a Heat Wave Far Deadlier
If it hits in the winter the cold will kill. Two-thirds of North America could face power shortages this winter -NERC Pray now
Live Mike
Tom Jones shares from Tom Jones

Pray Fast and do penance for our part in what went wrong.

On November 7, a majority of voting Ohioans enshrined in our state constitution abortion on demand for all nine months of pregnancy. Bishops Are Doing the Wrong Job
On November 7, a majority of voting Ohioans enshrined in our state constitution abortion on demand for all nine months of pregnancy.
Bishops Are Doing the Wrong Job
chris griffin
Great quote...Why didn’t the bishops publicly announce that every Catholic who voted Yes on Issue 1 should confess that sin in the Sacrament of Confession …More
Great quote...Why didn’t the bishops publicly announce that every Catholic who voted Yes on Issue 1 should confess that sin in the Sacrament of Confession before receiving Communion?
Looking back, the surprise is not that the enemies of truth would seek to use false science to justify their faith in materialism, for this strategy has been used since the time of Epicurus (d. 270 B.C …More
Looking back, the surprise is not that the enemies of truth would seek to use false science to justify their faith in materialism, for this strategy has been used since the time of Epicurus (d. 270 B.C.). The surprise is that for the past 150 years, the Church has increasingly failed to recognize this tactic.

The Fossil Record and the Fall of Darwin’s Last Icon

This article is taken from the proceedings of the symposium 'The Two Shall Become One' held in Rome in September 2015, jointly sponsored by Human Life …
John A Cassani
I look forward to reading the whole article. Thanks.
The minor orders and the subdiaconate abide in the Eastern churches. It is far more plausible to assume that they abide, and must abide, in the Roman Church as well.

On the Status of Minor Orders and the Subdiaconate

On the Status of Minor Orders and the Subdiaconate Roman subdiaconate ordination (post-1973!) Arising more and more often nowadays is the question: …
" 1124, Pope Honorius II consecrated a bishop for Greenland, establishing it as a diocese."

What Was the First Diocese Established in North America?

The first diocese established in North America was not Mexico City or Quebec but Greenland. Viking Leif Erikson, son of Erik the Red, brought …
Tom Jones

Pray Fast and do penance for our part in what went wrong.

On November 7, a majority of voting Ohioans enshrined in our state constitution abortion on demand for all nine months of pregnancy. Bishops Are Doing the Wrong Job
On November 7, a majority of voting Ohioans enshrined in our state constitution abortion on demand for all nine months of pregnancy.
Bishops Are Doing the Wrong Job
Tom Jones shares this
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Tom Jones shares from Marysrose
Pharmaceutical companies know and admit their guilt. Apathy of the law is no excuse.

The Pfizer and Moderna Reports Analyzed by Doctors:

From Pfizer and Moderna's own documents! Pfizer and Moderna Reports Archives Prepare for the next pandemic and pray for those who have accepted the suicide jab and are dying from it, pray for those …More
From Pfizer and Moderna's own documents!
Pfizer and Moderna Reports Archives
Prepare for the next pandemic and pray for those who have accepted the suicide jab and are dying from it, pray for those who rejected the jab, but are exposed to its effects.
Jonah's in town:
Tom Jones
Don't trust people who don't care.
Tom Jones

Martyrs of England and Wales

In 1534, Henry VIII declared himself the Supreme Head and Governor of the Church of England so that he could remarry and father a legitimate male heir. He demanded that his loyal subjects accept his …More
In 1534, Henry VIII declared himself the Supreme Head and Governor of the Church of England so that he could remarry and father a legitimate male heir. He demanded that his loyal subjects accept his new position.
Martyrs of England and Wales | Simply Catholic
There are many martyrs today who promote and live the traditional Catholic faith, despite the demanded apostacy, ridicule, persecution, etc., against …More
There are many martyrs today who promote and live the traditional Catholic faith, despite the demanded apostacy, ridicule, persecution, etc., against them. It is dry martyrdom.
Am I up to Anne Line’s honorary example? Anne Line was executed Feb. 27, 1601. Her “crimes”: Not only did she harbor a Catholic priest, but she also …More
Am I up to Anne Line’s honorary example? Anne Line was executed Feb. 27, 1601. Her “crimes”: Not only did she harbor a Catholic priest, but she also exclaimed that she wished she could have saved a thousand more.
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Tom Jones

Bishop James Su Zhimin and the Disappearing Priests of China

Some are still willing to die for the Truth Bishop James Su Zhimin and the Disappearing Priests of China - International Christian Concern Pilate therefore said to him: Art thou a king then? Jesus …More
Some are still willing to die for the Truth
Bishop James Su Zhimin and the Disappearing Priests of China - International Christian Concern
Pilate therefore said to him: Art thou a king then? Jesus answered: Thou sayest that I am a king. For this was I born, and for this came I into the world; that I should give testimony to the truth. Every one that is of the truth, heareth my voice [John 18:37]…Chinese-Conformity-and-Global-Authoritarianism.pdf
“If we renounce our faith, we will disappear and there will not be a resurrection.
If we are faithful, we will still disappear, but there will be a resurrection.”

Bishop Ignatius Kung Pinmei – 1954
Tom Jones
“There are a lot of butcheries going on in the country, a lot of disappearances, a lot of abductions,” Emeka says. “Security forces are abducting Christians. Fulani jihadists are killing Christians.”

Christmas attacks against Christians in Nigeria leave at least 160 dead - Catholic Herald

YAOUNDÈ, Cameroon (Crux) – Attacks across Nigeria’s Central Plateau State on Christmas Eve left at least 160 …
Marysrose shares this
This illustrates why the Catholic popes sanctioned crusades, they were DEFENSIVE wars to counter satans' minions who were trying to wipe out Christians …More
This illustrates why the Catholic popes sanctioned crusades, they were DEFENSIVE wars to counter satans' minions who were trying to wipe out Christians. Catholics today don't even know their faith enough to be militant against satan's minions. There is no sin in self-defense or defense of others unless there is hatred.
"All whatsoever you do in word or in work, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to God and the Father by him." [Colossians 3:17]
"And they adored the dragon, which gave power to the beast: and they adored the beast, saying: Who is like to the beast? and who shall be able to fight with him?" [Apocalypse (Revelation) 13:4]
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Tom Jones
There are priest who would say the Tridentine Mass if the local bishops would approve. If someone would be willing to provide a place to stay, and have someone take on the administrative work, perhaps …More
There are priest who would say the Tridentine Mass if the local bishops would approve.
If someone would be willing to provide a place to stay, and have someone take on the administrative work, perhaps a retired priest would be willing to take this on for a few years.

Dust to dust? New Mexicans fight to save old adobe churches

With congregations dwindling and villages emptying out, maintaining hundreds of historic adobe churches – made with mud and straw centuries …
The early church met in homes. We could rescue canceled traditional priests and have the Traditional Latin Mass prayed in our homes.