
The Negative Health Effects of Homosexuality

"Brimstone calls to mind the foul odors of the flesh, as Sacred Scripture itself confirms when it speaks of the rain of fire and brimstone poured by the Lord upon Sodom. He had decided to punish in it the crimes of the flesh, and the very type of punishment emphasized the shame of that crime, since brimstone exhales stench and fire burns. It was, therefore, just that the sodomites, burning with …More
"Brimstone calls to mind the foul odors of the flesh, as Sacred Scripture itself confirms when it speaks of the rain of fire and brimstone poured by the Lord upon Sodom. He had decided to punish in it the crimes of the flesh, and the very type of punishment emphasized the shame of that crime, since brimstone exhales stench and fire burns. It was, therefore, just that the sodomites, burning with perverse desires that originated from the foul odor of flesh, should perish at the same time by fire and brimstone so that through this just chastisement they might realize the evil perpetrated under the impulse of a perverse desire." (St. Gregory the Great, ..Commmento morale a Giobbe, XIV,23, vol. II, p. 371)

Pact with the devil: Archbishop Gomez of LA honors pro-aborts

No problem here with Francis... Just let the illegals in to increase the crime and tax rate of legal citizens! Yea, party up with the baby killers and sodomites... As long as your illegal Hispanics get a Free Ride!

Gay Rage (10-23-13) ChurchMilitant.TV The rage of the Gay 'Rights' movement will not stop until they …

this is so true! The homos want people to lose their jobs, anything they can get in order to acquire a society who will embrace their Sodomite living.

Gloria.TV News on the 23rd of October

While attending a novus ordo 'mass' some years ago, there was a partially bald-headed man who was two pews in front of me. During the 'mass' he kept squeezing and touching what seemed to be a cyst on his head, which then started to bleed. All I could think about was the poor people who even dared shaking his hand during the 'luv-in' peace handshake. Disgusting!

Francis: Ideology-oriented Christians block Jesus’ path

What is this man trying to say? Does he use the word 'ideologies' for remaining true to our Cstholic faith and teaching?

Pope Francis, The Catholic Church, and Homosexuality

It will be faithful priests like this one who will suffer the most. We need more like him to keep people on the right path.

Gloria.TV News on the 14th of October

Burke and Pozzo Must know there IS some truth to what Magister is saying here. How could they not?

HIV-positive Catholic pastor charged with soliciting sex

Disgusting Queers & lesbians in the Cleveland diocese. More people are attending their Latin Masses though, which is a good thing.

Gloria.TV News on the 11th of October

Hans Kung for one reason or another seems to always make the news.

Catholic Rebel Kueng, 85, Considers Assisted Suicide


Catholic Priests In Military Face Arrest For Celebrating Mass

This isn't the end of what we can expect from Obama the next three years. God help us all.

Gloria.TV News - October 3, 2013 Distant in thinking: In his interview with the atheist Eugenio …

Hey...nice look for Gloria tv News. Maybe it would be better for the pope to stop giving interviews.

Another Papal Interview - Res Ipsa loquitur

Statements like these by Francis is just too much to comprehend. Why is he placing abortion at a lesser importance? Unreal

Vatican threatens legal action - homos kissing inisde churches

Wonder if Francis still backs his statement after seeing this. .. They should have been jailed!

Gloria.TV News on the 24rd of September 2013

Angela Davis...still going around spewing her godless tirades.
Thanks for bringing up the truth behind the story on Matthew Shepherd. The homosexuals and their sympathizers kept the truth out of the public eye, all the time trying to pin his murder as a case of bigoted violence. They had else can they continue on with their homo agenda.More
Angela Davis...still going around spewing her godless tirades.

Thanks for bringing up the truth behind the story on Matthew Shepherd. The homosexuals and their sympathizers kept the truth out of the public eye, all the time trying to pin his murder as a case of bigoted violence. They had else can they continue on with their homo agenda.

Gloria.TV News on the 23rd of September 2013

Thanks Doina....I missed you..but we were in good hands with Cannoli :)). Welcome back.


It appears the pope has a tendency to speak too quickly without realizing the repercussions that his words can bring onto the whole world. But then he is quoted as saying "he was never a right-winger."

Gloria.TV News on the 20th of September 2013

Pope says, I've never been a right winger". What was the purpose of such a statement..especially coming from the pope?

Gloria.TV News on the 20th of September 2013

thank you for the news..I honestly do not understand this pope.