Gloria.TV News on the 11th of October. A ray of hope: 85-year-old German heresiarch Hans Küng is considering capping his life with assisted suicide. He is suffering from Parkinson’s disease. In the …More
Gloria.TV News on the 11th of October.
A ray of hope: 85-year-old German heresiarch Hans Küng is considering capping his life with assisted suicide. He is suffering from Parkinson’s disease. In the final volume of his memoirs he alleges that people have a right to – quote - “surrender” their lives voluntarily if illness, pain or dementia make further living unbearable. And: “I also don’t want to be sent off to a nursing home.” Küng recently called Pope Francis “a ray of hope.” He disclosed that the pontiff had sent him a hand-written note thanking him for books that Kueng sent to Francis after his election in March.
No choice: Catholic doctor Mark Hobart could be struck off Australia’s medical register for declining to arrange for an abortion of a healthy 19-week girl because her Indian parents wanted a boy instead. Hobart also refused to refer the abortion minded couple to an abortionist who would arrange for the procedure. The girl was nevertheless killed by her parents a few days …More
a nun without habit is like a soup without salt !
thanks for the news
Hans Kung for one reason or another seems to always make the news.
Elderly sister wearing no habit was robbed...guess wanting to 'blend-in' with society by throwing away her habit has given her a taste of reality.
No choice: Catholic doctor Mark Hobart could be struck off Australia’s medical register for declining to arrange for an abortion of a healthy 19-week girl because her Indian parents wanted a boy instead. Hobart also refused to refer the abortion minded couple to an abortionist who would arrange for the procedure.
🙏 🙏 🙏
Peter Franks
He has done the right thing, shame on you for deciding for others. Abortion is okay!