Tony M

Cardinal: St Paul Knew "Nothing" About Homosexuality

It seems Hollerich 'knows nothing' about God ....and His Commandments..... as he hollers out his apostate ideas to anyone who will listen to him.
Tony M

This Is the Draft Of The "Mayan Rite" - The Altar Is Back

Speak for yourself Porta. There is overwhelming evidence that Canon Laws & Apostolic Constitution laws were broken when Pope Benedict resigned & Jorge Bergoglio was supposedly elected. Put all of that together with the heresies he announced from the Chair of Peter and it very much looks like he is an anti-pope.
Have a look at what these Canonists have said in this regard:-
"Neither is someone a …More
Speak for yourself Porta. There is overwhelming evidence that Canon Laws & Apostolic Constitution laws were broken when Pope Benedict resigned & Jorge Bergoglio was supposedly elected. Put all of that together with the heresies he announced from the Chair of Peter and it very much looks like he is an anti-pope.
Have a look at what these Canonists have said in this regard:-

"Neither is someone a schismatic for denying his subjection to the Pontiff on the grounds that he has solidly founded [probabiliter] doubts concerning the legitimacy of his election or his power [refs to Sanchez and Palao]." de Lugo: Disp., De Virt. Fid. Div., disp xxv, sect iii, nn. 35-8

"Finally they cannot be numbered among the schismatics, who refuse to obey the Roman Pontiff because they consider his person to be suspect or doubtfully elected on account of rumors in circulation..." Wernz-Vidal: Ius Canonicum, Vol vii, n. 398.

"Nor is there any schism if one suspects the person of the pope or the validity of his election, or if one resists him as the civil head of a state." Szal, Rev Ignatius: Communication of Catholics with Schismatics, CUA, 1948, p.2
Tony M

This Is the Draft Of The "Mayan Rite" - The Altar Is Back

The fruit of the idolatrous Pachamama their fruit you will know them!!!
This is a scandalous and blasphemous insult to Jesus who gives Himself to us in the Blessed Sacrament.
This cannot be a valid Mass.....more like the abomination of desolation!!!
Lord have mercy....Christ have mercy!!!
Tony M

Roche, "Theology of the Church Has Changed"

Roche is lying.....and he is lying about a very, very important matter. This is not a small lie. Despicable!!!
Tony M

Müller: Blasphemous German Bishops Must Be Sentenced

But of course Bergoglio won't be sentencing them. He would actually be very pleased with they do his dirty work for him.
It is the rigid True Catholics that Jorge would love to sentence, lock up & throw the key away!!!
Tony M

Francis: Ousting of Bishop Rey Imminent

Jorge was a heretic long before he was supposedly elected. See
The Horror! A Buenos Aires journalist describes Bergoglio RORATE CÆLI: The Horror!A Buenos Aires journalist describes Bergoglio ( That article published on March13, 2013. How, in God's eyes, can a longstanding heretic have been validly elected as Pope, the Rock on which the Church is built??? Well..... there …More
Jorge was a heretic long before he was supposedly elected. See

The Horror! A Buenos Aires journalist describes Bergoglio RORATE CÆLI: The Horror!A Buenos Aires journalist describes Bergoglio ( That article published on March13, 2013. How, in God's eyes, can a longstanding heretic have been validly elected as Pope, the Rock on which the Church is built??? Well..... there is a mountain of Canonical evidence that he wasn't!!!
Tony M

Francis: Ousting of Bishop Rey Imminent

@Jan Joseph This is more than nasty.....this is cool, calculated, systematic destruction of the Catholic Church by an apostate anti-pope who was invalidly elected. Get the book which looks at all the Canon Laws & Apostolic Constitution Laws that were broken in the process of Pope Benedict resigning & Jorge Bergoglio coming to the Chair of Peter. Benedict XVI: Pope "Emeritus"?: Acosta, Estefanía,…More
@Jan Joseph This is more than nasty.....this is cool, calculated, systematic destruction of the Catholic Church by an apostate anti-pope who was invalidly elected. Get the book which looks at all the Canon Laws & Apostolic Constitution Laws that were broken in the process of Pope Benedict resigning & Jorge Bergoglio coming to the Chair of Peter. Benedict XVI: Pope "Emeritus"?: Acosta, Estefanía, Laverde, Clara Eugenia, Acosta, Estefanía: 9798708567543: Books This book is thorough & comprehensive. A MUST READ!!!!!
Tony M

Bishop Schneider Doesn't Believe in "The Three Days Of Darkness"

And don't despise yet to be approved Apparitions or locutions. Every Approved Apparition went through an initial period where it was not yet approved. The 70.000 people who were present for the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima would not have been there if they took the position of not touching any apparition that is not approved. IT WAS CLEARLY GOD'S WILL THAT THE 70,000 WERE PRESENT FOR THE THEN …More
And don't despise yet to be approved Apparitions or locutions. Every Approved Apparition went through an initial period where it was not yet approved. The 70.000 people who were present for the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima would not have been there if they took the position of not touching any apparition that is not approved. IT WAS CLEARLY GOD'S WILL THAT THE 70,000 WERE PRESENT FOR THE THEN UNAPPROVED APPARITION!!!
Tony M

Bishop Schneider Doesn't Believe in "The Three Days Of Darkness"

My opinion of Padre Pio is higher than my opinion of Bishop Schneiders's opinion on this matter of the Three Days of Darkness!!! Bishop Schneider is not infallible in relation to his judgements of what God may be saying to today's world as He communicates to us in Apparitions or locutions.
It is simply his opinion.
Tony M

Bishop Schneider Doesn't Believe in "The Three Days Of Darkness"

Our Lady of Fatima prophesied World War II & it did happen because the people did not respond to the required extent. Do you think the response of our godless world will be enough to avert prophesied disasters??? I DON'T THINK SO!!!
Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition (DRA) 1 Thessalonians 5:20-21 20 Despise not prophecies …More
Our Lady of Fatima prophesied World War II & it did happen because the people did not respond to the required extent. Do you think the response of our godless world will be enough to avert prophesied disasters??? I DON'T THINK SO!!!
Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition (DRA) 1 Thessalonians 5:20-21 20 Despise not prophecies. 21 But prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
Tony M

Francisco se rodea de aduladores – Cardenal Müller

Google tradujo del inglés: En noviembre del año pasado, el Cardenal Muller dijo: "En un caso extremo, un papa podría convertirse en hereje como persona privada y, por lo tanto, perder automáticamente su cargo si se contradice la revelación y la enseñanza dogmática de la Iglesia. evidente”, véase
Cdl. Müller: Pope would 'automatically lose his office' if he became a heretic - LifeSite (
Google tradujo del inglés: En noviembre del año pasado, el Cardenal Muller dijo: "En un caso extremo, un papa podría convertirse en hereje como persona privada y, por lo tanto, perder automáticamente su cargo si se contradice la revelación y la enseñanza dogmática de la Iglesia. evidente”, véase
Cdl. Müller: Pope would 'automatically lose his office' if he became a heretic - LifeSite (
Cardenal Muller....Las herejías de Jorge Bergoglio son más que evidentes....son manifiestas.... A todos los verdaderos católicos con el 'sensus fidelium'. Amoris Laetitia contiene herejías de las que Bergoglio se niega a retractarse al no responder a las 'Preguntas Dubia'... lo que lo convierte en un hereje pertinaz y manifiesto en el tema de los católicos divorciados y vueltos a casar civilmente que reciben la comunión sacrílega. Por favor, Cardenal Muller con sus propias palabras anteriores, si es manifiesto que Jorge Bergoglio es un hereje tanto como persona pública como privada... es por simple lógica... manifiesto que él no es el Papa. Cardenal Muller cuántas comuniones sacrílegas se han recibido desde ya causa del lanzamiento de 'Amoris Laetitia'. Cardenal Muller, es hora de que llame a Jorge Mario Bergoglio como hereje.
Cardenal Muller, como uno de los cardenales que realmente puede hacer algo al respecto... ¡por favor detenga las comuniones sacrílegas que están ocurriendo debido a Jorge Bergoglio y Amoris Laetitia!
Tony M

Francesco si circonda di sicofanti – Müller

Google tradotto dall'inglese: Nel novembre dello scorso anno, il cardinale Muller ha dichiarato: "“In un caso estremo, un papa potrebbe diventare un eretico come persona privata e quindi perdere automaticamente il suo ufficio se la contraddizione con la rivelazione e l'insegnamento dogmatico della Chiesa è evidente”, vedi
Cdl. Müller: Pope would 'automatically lose his office' if he became a …More
Google tradotto dall'inglese: Nel novembre dello scorso anno, il cardinale Muller ha dichiarato: "“In un caso estremo, un papa potrebbe diventare un eretico come persona privata e quindi perdere automaticamente il suo ufficio se la contraddizione con la rivelazione e l'insegnamento dogmatico della Chiesa è evidente”, vedi
Cdl. Müller: Pope would 'automatically lose his office' if he became a heretic - LifeSite (
Cardinale Muller....Le eresie di Jorge Bergoglio sono più che evidenti.......sono manifeste.... A tutti i veri cattolici con il 'sensus fidelium'. Amoris Laetitia contiene eresie che Bergoglio si rifiuta di ritrattare non rispondendo alle 'Domande Dubia' che lo rende un eretico pertinaceo e manifesto in materia di cattolici divorziati risposati che ricevono la comunione sacrilega. Prego il cardinale Muller dalle sue stesse parole sopra, se è manifesto che Jorge Bergoglio è un eretico sia come persona privata che pubblica........ è per semplice logica….. manifesto che non è il Papa. Cardinale Muller quante comunioni sacrileghe sono state ricevute da allora ea causa del rilascio di 'Amoris Laetitia'. Cardinale Muller, è ora che tu chiami Jorge Mario Bergoglio un eretico.
Cardinale Muller, come uno dei cardinali che può effettivamente fare qualcosa al riguardo ……per favore, smettila con le comunioni sacrileghe che si stanno verificando a causa di Jorge Bergoglio e Amoris Laetitia!!!!
Tony M

Franciszek otacza się lizusami - Müller

Google przetłumaczone z angielskiego: W listopadzie zeszłego roku kardynał Muller powiedział: „W skrajnym przypadku papież może stać się heretykiem jako osoba prywatna i tym samym automatycznie stracić swój urząd, jeśli sprzeczność z objawieniem i dogmatycznym nauczaniem Kościoła zostanie oczywiste”, zob
Cdl. Müller: Pope would 'automatically lose his office' if he became a heretic - LifeSite …More
Google przetłumaczone z angielskiego: W listopadzie zeszłego roku kardynał Muller powiedział: „W skrajnym przypadku papież może stać się heretykiem jako osoba prywatna i tym samym automatycznie stracić swój urząd, jeśli sprzeczność z objawieniem i dogmatycznym nauczaniem Kościoła zostanie oczywiste”, zob
Cdl. Müller: Pope would 'automatically lose his office' if he became a heretic - LifeSite (
Kardynał Muller… Herezje Jorge Bergoglio są bardziej niż oczywiste… są oczywiste… Dla wszystkich prawdziwych katolików z „sensus fidelium”. Amoris Laetitia zawiera herezje, których Bergoglio odmawia wycofania się, nie odpowiadając na „pytania Dubia”… co czyni go uporczywym, jawnym heretykiem w sprawie rozwiedzionych i żyjących w nowych związkach cywilnych katolików przyjmujących świętokradzką komunię. Proszę kardynała Mullera o twoje własne słowa powyżej, jeśli jest oczywiste, że Jorge Bergoglio jest heretykiem zarówno jako osoba prywatna, jak i publiczna…… to jest prosta logika….. oczywiste, że nie jest on papieżem. kardynała Mullera, ile świętokradzkich komunii przyjęto od czasu wydania „Amoris laetitia” iz powodu tego. Kardynale Muller, nadszedł czas, abyś nazwał Jorge Mario Bergoglio heretykiem.
Kardynale Muller, jako jeden z kardynałów, który faktycznie może coś z tym zrobić …… proszę zaprzestać świętokradczych komunii, które mają miejsce z powodu Jorge Bergoglio i Amoris Laetitia!!!!
Tony M

Franziskus umgibt sich mit Schmeichlern - Müller

Google Translated from German: Im November vergangenen Jahres sagte Kardinal Müller: „Im Extremfall könnte ein Papst als Privatperson Ketzer werden und damit automatisch sein Amt verlieren, wenn der Widerspruch zur Offenbarung und der dogmatischen Lehre der Kirche besteht ist offensichtlich“, seht
Cdl. Müller: Pope would 'automatically lose his office' if he became a heretic - LifeSite (
Google Translated from German: Im November vergangenen Jahres sagte Kardinal Müller: „Im Extremfall könnte ein Papst als Privatperson Ketzer werden und damit automatisch sein Amt verlieren, wenn der Widerspruch zur Offenbarung und der dogmatischen Lehre der Kirche besteht ist offensichtlich“, seht
Cdl. Müller: Pope would 'automatically lose his office' if he became a heretic - LifeSite (
Kardinal Muller .... Jorge Bergoglios Ketzereien sind mehr als offensichtlich ... sie sind offensichtlich .... An alle wahren Katholiken mit dem 'Sensus Fidelium'. Amoris Laetitia enthält Ketzereien, die Bergoglio sich weigert, zurückzunehmen, indem er die „Dubia-Fragen“ nicht beantwortet … was ihn zu einem hartnäckigen, offenkundigen Ketzer in Bezug auf geschiedene und standesamtlich wiederverheiratete Katholiken macht, die eine sakrilegische Kommunion erhalten. Bitte Kardinal Muller mit Ihren eigenen Worten oben, wenn es offensichtlich ist, dass Jorge Bergoglio sowohl als private als auch als öffentliche Person ein Ketzer ist ... es ist durch einfache Logik ... offensichtlich, dass er nicht der Papst ist. Kardinal Muller, wie viele sakrilegische Kommunionen seit und wegen der Freilassung von 'Amoris Laetitia' empfangen wurden. Kardinal Muller, es ist an der Zeit, dass Sie Jorge Mario Bergoglio als Ketzer bezeichnen.
Kardinal Muller, als einer der Kardinäle, die tatsächlich etwas dagegen tun können ……bitte stoppen Sie die sakrilegischen Kommunionen, die wegen Jorge Bergoglio & Amoris Laetitia stattfinden!!!!
Tony M

Francis Surrounds Himself With Sycophants - Müller

In November last year, Cardinal Muller said, "“In an extreme case, a pope could become a heretic as a private person and thus automatically lose his office if the contradiction to the revelation and the dogmatic teaching of the Church is evident,” See Cdl. Müller: Pope would 'automatically lose his office' if he became a heretic - LifeSite (
Cardinal Muller....Jorge Bergoglio's …More
In November last year, Cardinal Muller said, "“In an extreme case, a pope could become a heretic as a private person and thus automatically lose his office if the contradiction to the revelation and the dogmatic teaching of the Church is evident,” See Cdl. Müller: Pope would 'automatically lose his office' if he became a heretic - LifeSite (
Cardinal Muller....Jorge Bergoglio's heresies are more than evident.......they are manifest.... To all true Catholics with the 'sensus fidelium'. Amoris Laetitia contains heresies that Bergoglio refuses to retract by his not answering the 'Dubia Questions'.....which makes him a pertinaceous, manifest heretic on the matter of divorced & civilly remarried Catholics receiving sacrilegious communion. Please Cardinal Muller by your own words above, if it is manifest that Jorge Bergoglio is a heretic as both a private & public person........ it is by simple logic….. manifest that he is not the Pope. Cardinal Muller how many sacrilegious communions have been received since & because of 'Amoris Laetitia's' release. Cardinal Muller it is time for you to call out Jorge Mario Bergoglio as being a heretic.
Cardinal Muller, as one of the cardinals who can actually do something about this ……please stop the sacrilegious communions that are occurring because of Jorge Bergoglio & Amoris Laetitia!!!!
Tony M

Francis Hands Hotel to US Oligarch

Agree with all Cardinal Pell wrote there except I would replace the word 'pontificate' with the word 'anti-pontificate'.
Tony M

Who Am I to Judge? Francis Attacks Viganò

@giveusthisday there is chasm of difference between a Bad Pope (as in a sinful Pope) and a Bad Pope (as in a heretical Pope). Never in the history of the Catholic Church have we had any Pope who comes near to Jorge Bergoglio in terms of heresy...idol worshipping (Pachamama)....and blaspheming. Many people are not watching closely enough to understand how bad it is under Jorge Bergoglio. For those …More
@giveusthisday there is chasm of difference between a Bad Pope (as in a sinful Pope) and a Bad Pope (as in a heretical Pope). Never in the history of the Catholic Church have we had any Pope who comes near to Jorge Bergoglio in terms of heresy...idol worshipping (Pachamama)....and blaspheming. Many people are not watching closely enough to understand how bad it is under Jorge Bergoglio. For those who are watching and still defend his position as a valid Pope....their understanding of the nature of the Papacy has been shattered into tiny pieces. Validly elected Popes have been protected over the 2000 year History of the Church from erring into heresy by Jesus' words, " Thou art Peter and upon THIS ROCK I will build My Church". St Robert Bellarmine stated, "A pope who is a manifest heretic automatically (per se) ceases to be pope and head, just as he ceases automatically to be a Christian and a member of the Church". Jorge Bergoglio's heresies are manifest for all of the world to see and they cannot be deleted from the internet. Accepting that a Pope can be a heretic is like accepting that 1+1=3....NOT POSSIBLE!!! I have been watching Bergoglio closely since day one of his coming to the Chair of Peter because this disaster was prophesied by God Himself in the 'Book of Truth' was the resignation of Pope a prophecy given one year to the very day (almost to the very hour) before Pope Benedict announced his renunciation of the papacy).
We must not passively wait for the Cardinals to announce an Imperfect Council to determine an invalid anti-papacy while souls are being lost right now as many Catholics are receiving Communion sacrilegiously because they are believing the abominable Amoris Laetitia heresies instead let us encourage the good Cardinals (in any way we can) to investigate this potential anti-papacy of Jorge Bergoglio in an effort to save as many souls as possible from damnation. To decide to leave it to a future Pope to investigate .....amounts to cowardly procrastination. I was born in 1950 and all of my formative years were spent in the pre-Vatican II Church. I know what True Catholicism is....and I am now seeing an entirely different (opposite) religion emerging.....the New False Church prophesied by Bl Anne Catherine Emmerich.
Tony M

Who Am I to Judge? Francis Attacks Viganò

There is a mountain of evidence that many Canon Laws & Apostolic Constitution Laws were violated or broken in the processes Pope Benedict resigning and Jorge Bergoglio coming to the Chair of Peter.....which would invalidate his election.....see the book Benedict XVI: Pope "Emeritus" "The 'always' is also a 'forever' by Estefania Acosta
Benedict XVI: Pope "Emeritus"?: Acosta, Estefanía, Laverde, …More
There is a mountain of evidence that many Canon Laws & Apostolic Constitution Laws were violated or broken in the processes Pope Benedict resigning and Jorge Bergoglio coming to the Chair of Peter.....which would invalidate his election.....see the book Benedict XVI: Pope "Emeritus" "The 'always' is also a 'forever' by Estefania Acosta
Benedict XVI: Pope "Emeritus"?: Acosta, Estefanía, Laverde, Clara Eugenia, Acosta, Estefanía: 9798708567543: Books
Then of course we have the heresies he has announced from the Chair eg Amoris Laetitia. It is no sin in the face of all of this knowledge to question and investigate his validity. Please faithful Cardinals of the Church...bring on an Imperfect Council to establish the truth of this very, very troubling matter!!!
Tony M

Funeral of Popes: Francis Wants to Remove "What Is Not Correct”

Jorge is the one who needs to be corrected. A tragedy the dubia cardinals didn't do it!!!