
Bishop Schneider Doesn't Believe in "The Three Days Of Darkness"

The "three days of darkness", prophesied by some visionaries, are not recognised by the Church, Bishop Schneider told the Fatima Confraternity (March 13, Video below). These prophecies claim that there …More
The "three days of darkness", prophesied by some visionaries, are not recognised by the Church, Bishop Schneider told the Fatima Confraternity (March 13, Video below).
These prophecies claim that there will be three days and nights of an intense darkness covering the globe during which the Church's enemies will perish, while the only light will come from blessed beeswax candles.
He suggests that it could be a "deception," and says that "we have to be very careful today with so many prophecies and revelations" because it is a tactic of the devil to spread more and more confusion with continuous "apparitions.”
On celebrating the Roman Rite, Schneider said that priests are free to celebrate Mass even against the [unjust] orders of their bishops. In this case, "obedience" would be wrong because Francis and the bishops "abuse their authority" and thus harm the Church.
For him, it is good to acquire former churches and other buildings to allow the celebration of Mass in spite of unjust …More
Credo .
We live in an age of revolution and contestation. Never before have priests taken an active part in revolutionary movements; never before have the Church authorities imposed a new liturgy and forbidden the traditional liturgy.
The traditional liturgy, it must be recalled, goes back to apostolic times, and it's definitive form was codified by Pope St. Pius V, who in his Bull Quo Primum, gave it force …More
We live in an age of revolution and contestation. Never before have priests taken an active part in revolutionary movements; never before have the Church authorities imposed a new liturgy and forbidden the traditional liturgy.
The traditional liturgy, it must be recalled, goes back to apostolic times, and it's definitive form was codified by Pope St. Pius V, who in his Bull Quo Primum, gave it force of law until the end of time.
The New Missal, however, was deviously introduced, arbitrarily imposed, and the Bull Quo Primum (which St. Pius V forbade to be abrogated) was quietly dropped from the opening pages of the official Altar Missal
The new Mass was opposed by the Synod of Bishops in 1967, but some Vatican Officials, in contempt of the will of the bishops, and enlisting the help of six non-Catholic ministers, went ahead with the final version of their work.
The non-Catholic ministers were Dr. George, Canon Jasper, Dr. Shephard, Dr. Konneth, Dr. Smith, and Br. Thurian, representing the World Council of Churches, the Church of England, the Lutheran Church, and the Protestant community of Taize.
The New Missal is indeed a radical attack on our Faith. Sucha tragedy would not be permitted by Christ, save as a punishment for the Church's sins. As long as the Church remains sound, the world is comparatively safe. But let the Church be subverted, and the whole world will be plunged into a bloodbath. In the 15th century, the Church's great sin was immorality, but Faith was alive. Then came the Reformation, and the wars of religion. Today, however, the Church's sin is even greater because it is a sin against the first of the cardinal virtues, namely Faith. Are we then to relinquish all hope and yield to despair?Not in the least! The prophecies give us a warning, but they also give us a promise. They tell us that the Church will prevail and be more resplendent than ever. a wise and holy Pope will restore all things, and he will revered by the rulers of nations. Peace, prosperity, and happiness will be given to the whole world. HOPE, therefore not despair, should fill our hearts
Melbourne, March 1st, 1970. Taken from Catholic Prophecy. Yves Dupont. pages 115 and 116. Tan Books & Publishers. > Pray, HOPE and don't worry. GOD is in control! > 🙏🙏🙏
Jeffrey Ade
Very nice comment. Full of concern for the faithful and hope for the future! God bless you! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Tony Smith
It isn't an article of the faith.
Time will tell if it true or not
Jeffrey Ade
We'll be lucky if any Catholics make it to the three days of darkness, at the rate things are going! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
I'll wait until +Schnieder catches up on the 'popes have to be Catholic' thing before I pooh pooh the 3 days of darkness.
Jeffrey Ade
@Seabass You gave me a good laugh, thank you!
Prophecies about disasters and misery just a warning to make people turn to God through fear.It doesn't have to happen. See, for example, the prophet Jonah prophesied that Nineveh will be invaded by enemies in the next 40 days, causing all its inhabitants to repent of their sins. And God had mercy not to fulfill the prophecy.
Jeffrey Ade
Tony M
Our Lady of Fatima prophesied World War II & it did happen because the people did not respond to the required extent. Do you think the response of our godless world will be enough to avert prophesied disasters??? I DON'T THINK SO!!!
Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition (DRA) 1 Thessalonians 5:20-21 20 Despise not prophecies …More
Our Lady of Fatima prophesied World War II & it did happen because the people did not respond to the required extent. Do you think the response of our godless world will be enough to avert prophesied disasters??? I DON'T THINK SO!!!
Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition (DRA) 1 Thessalonians 5:20-21 20 Despise not prophecies. 21 But prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
Tony M
My opinion of Padre Pio is higher than my opinion of Bishop Schneiders's opinion on this matter of the Three Days of Darkness!!! Bishop Schneider is not infallible in relation to his judgements of what God may be saying to today's world as He communicates to us in Apparitions or locutions.
It is simply his opinion.
One more comment from Tony M
Tony M
And don't despise yet to be approved Apparitions or locutions. Every Approved Apparition went through an initial period where it was not yet approved. The 70.000 people who were present for the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima would not have been there if they took the position of not touching any apparition that is not approved. IT WAS CLEARLY GOD'S WILL THAT THE 70,000 WERE PRESENT FOR THE THEN …More
And don't despise yet to be approved Apparitions or locutions. Every Approved Apparition went through an initial period where it was not yet approved. The 70.000 people who were present for the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima would not have been there if they took the position of not touching any apparition that is not approved. IT WAS CLEARLY GOD'S WILL THAT THE 70,000 WERE PRESENT FOR THE THEN UNAPPROVED APPARITION!!!
English Catholic
According to the official Padre Pio magazine, Padre Pio made no predictions about the Three Days of Darkness. Although the first part of this link deals with Garabandal, the other two pages on the 'Three Days' were sent by The National Centre for Padre Pio: Proof that Padre Pio did not approve Garabandal or… Also, please read the letter sent by the National Centre (on the same link)
P. O'B
There were three days of darkness before the Children of Israel left Egypt on their journey to the Promised Land. St. Paul suffered three days of darkness when he was blinded, before he was baptized. Is there something metaphorical, symbolic, about the three days of darkness proclaimed by this or that seer? (Just in case, I have a blessed beeswax candle...now to get the matches blessed.)
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"I pray these Bishops would now take upon themselves the Cross of their office, before it comes to that and, REMOVE Bergoglio." This is the best comment on this post. True Catholic Cardnals and Bishops must stand up against heretic apostate Bergoglio and his homo-loving crew who are bent on destroying the Catholic Church. Bergoglio was an illegit Pope from day one of his "pontificate".
Koza Nutria
Please realise that even FSSPX do not stand opposite to Francis.( they day his name during the Mass) They in fact have a food time under him.
Why Iam saying that? Because very often people say( I believe you as well) that only good Bishops and priests are in " tradition" and they underestimate so called " Novus ordo bishops". Well, looks like everyone is on the same boat.
It is clear that FSSPX …More
Please realise that even FSSPX do not stand opposite to Francis.( they day his name during the Mass) They in fact have a food time under him.
Why Iam saying that? Because very often people say( I believe you as well) that only good Bishops and priests are in " tradition" and they underestimate so called " Novus ordo bishops". Well, looks like everyone is on the same boat.
It is clear that FSSPX flourishing now under Francis because he gives them monopoly for Vetus Ordo Mass and that's why they do not stand against him openly. In fact they are not different to others.
I am thankful that Bishop Athanasius Schneider has publicly encouraged Catholics to continue to be Catholic.
I pray these Bishops would now take upon themselves the Cross of their office, before it comes to that and, REMOVE Bergoglio.
These men can see the destruction of the vineyard. They need to perform their duty.
Credo .
In God's good time! > 🙏 🙏 🙏
English Catholic
Thank God for Bishop Schneider. LifeSiteNews has been pushing the Three Days Darkness recently, along with doubtful alleged apparitions and ridiculous religious conspiracy theories. I wish it would get back to promoting pro-life/pro-family/pro-marriage issues. These other things can cause immense harm. I remember when I was first received into the Church nearly 40 years ago. A well-meaning but …More
Thank God for Bishop Schneider. LifeSiteNews has been pushing the Three Days Darkness recently, along with doubtful alleged apparitions and ridiculous religious conspiracy theories. I wish it would get back to promoting pro-life/pro-family/pro-marriage issues. These other things can cause immense harm. I remember when I was first received into the Church nearly 40 years ago. A well-meaning but misguided person gave me a booklet by an alleged 'seer' (whose writings were never approved) on the Three Days Darkness. It said that even if I only had one small candle, it would miraculously last for the whole three days, but it had to be a blessed candle. The booklet also said the matches or lighter used to light the candle must be blessed as well. It reeks of superstition. The only beatified mystic I am aware of who mentions the Three Days Darkness was Blessed Anna Maria Taigi, but as every Catholic knows (or should know), the Church, even if She beatifies or canonises someone, cannot guarantee every utterance they made during their lives as being Gospel Truth. Even genuine mystics can be mistaken or deceived, or even misquoted.
Thank you, English Catholic. Those were some very thoughtful comments.
The darkness is palpable. Scripture suffices. Private visions must always be taken with great reserve.
Lisi Sterndorfer
Schneider continues in the video on the three dark days, "We have not to be so in some way materialistic, egoistic, to only to have for me candles and food and so on, to how do you say, to..."
Yes, I'm afraid some Catholics I know approach the "3 days of darkness" prophesy with the same mentality that evangelical Protestants regard "the Rapture".