
Unique Expression Of "Roman Rite": Tattoo Eucharist

An April 14 Tattoo Eucharist will be presided over in Vienna's St Ruprecht Church, Austria.

St Ruprecht, the city's oldest church dating back to 740, is notorious for displaying a homosex flag.

The organiser of the event is the umbrella organisation of Austrian religious orders in their centre for religious vocations Quo Vadis.

An advertisement calls the Eucharist a "Holy Mass for colourful people." Tattoo artists and tattoo machines will be blessed. The next day, free tattoos with Christian motifs will be offered.

Next year, the Austrian religious could organise a Eucharist with a free intelligence test. That would reduce the number of participants to a minimum.


Getting tattoos has an allure but should be mightily resisted by christians
Tattoos are expressly forbidden in the Old Testament in Leviticus 19:28, and used to be considered an impediment to Holy Orders. What was prevalent for sailors & criminals is quite common today even for priests! 😱 😲
English Catholic
@Orthocat I agree. I loathe tattoos. One priest who got a tattoo even made a video about it. A UK blog covered the issue. I think the comments about this priest and his tattoo speak for themselves! Priests & Tattoos: Is This Disgusting/Scandalous? Or, Are "With-It" Clergy Just What We Need? - Catholic Truth
This is beyond parody