Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus

A fire has destroyed a 130-year-church in Nova Scotia, Canada. Nearly a hundred churches across Canada …

Trudeau was referring the genocide by the Catholic Church. The fire in this case has nothing to do with the Catholic Church. It is a Baptist Church that is burning. Why do you feel sorry for the heretics who will burn in hell for eternity for rejecting the true Church, the One, Holy, Catholic, Universal Church?
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus

The Hidden Scandals Surrounding Pope Francis – and the Battle to Succeed Him

Outdated news that I already read a week ago. They just changed the date to make it appear as today's news. Block this trash.
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus

Have a ... vision of what a "True" Catholic Pope was! Pity for the sedevacantists who, erratically …

JP2 was the first "pope" to kiss the Koran. The event took place in the Vatican in 1999 during a visit by an Iraqi delegation.
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus

Pope Francis Claims ‘Deniers of Climate Change’ are ‘Foolish’

On this day of idol worship, God cursed the Pope, the Vatican and all the followers of Francis. The destruction of the Vatican and its idol worshippers is in the making. Soon, vengeance shall strike from Heaven.
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus

German "Catholic" Church Blesses Thirteen "Deaconesses in the Spirit"

It is not only led by Jorge. It has been the intent of all the Popes since Vatican II in what they called the "Spirit of Ecumenism." What we see today is the final fulfillment of the new church that Satan planned from the beginning. At the right moment, Jesus will destroy everything that was done since Vatican II.
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus

WATCH: ‘Devout Catholic’ Signs Himself with the Cross at a Pro-Abortion Event

Making the Sign of the Cross at a Pro-Abortion Event is like a slap in the Holy Face of Jesus, total mockery of the Catholic faith. This man and his kind (like Trudeau) will suffer greatly in hell for eternity.
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus

German "Catholic" Church Blesses Thirteen "Deaconesses in the Spirit"

Really? What is the source of your knowledge? The nuns all want to know since they have been promoted as deaconess!
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus

German "Catholic" Church Blesses Thirteen "Deaconesses in the Spirit"

All these women have chosen to burn in hell with their fallen Bishop who left the Roman Catholic Church.
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus

Remaining Faithfully Catholic Near the End of the Francis Pontificate

God expects Catholic to recognize Francis as the elected Pope. But God does NOT expect Catholic to obey Francis' promotion of mortal sins. God's Commandments come first. Worship of God, not idols, is a Commandment of God. Francis is a lost soul. God expect Catholic to acknowledge that Francis is a following of Satan as his ways are all worldly. As a Catholic leader, he get a "G" grade. "F" is not …More
God expects Catholic to recognize Francis as the elected Pope. But God does NOT expect Catholic to obey Francis' promotion of mortal sins. God's Commandments come first. Worship of God, not idols, is a Commandment of God. Francis is a lost soul. God expect Catholic to acknowledge that Francis is a following of Satan as his ways are all worldly. As a Catholic leader, he get a "G" grade. "F" is not good enough.
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus

Mar Mari Emmanuel: Australian Police Blocks “Misinformation”

It has reached the point where Churches must now have metal detectors to identify those who enter the Church with weapons of all kinds. And parishoners should be appointed as security guards to liquidate the terrorists after they were given their Last Rites. Then you call the police to remove the trash that was found on the street in front of the Church. Self-defense is a right. It is not murder.
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus

Mar Mari Emmanuel: Australian Police Blocks “Misinformation”

In cases like this one, I can understand why a large number of the population support the death penalty for violent crimes committed by immigrants. It is all part of their invasion to convert the nation into their belief.
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus

"Just Stupid": U.S Bishop Justifies Abortion-Joe

In the spirit of eucumenism, to please the Protestants, all the Catholic terms have been changed. The Holy Mass to us is the Eucharist to them. That avoids the possibility of the sacrifice made by Jesus Christ. The Vatican II popes have re-recreated the Catholic faith into a different religion to please the modernists.
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus

Switzerland: Moroccan beats 88-year-old senior citizen almost to death at railway station – police …

They never will. They believe in forgiving 7 x 77... until they get their heads chopped off. 🥵 🥵
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus

Bombshell: Molecular Geneticist: COVID mRNA Shots Were ‘Designed’ to ‘Destroy Humanity’ - Global …

All talk - no action. Do we see anyone being arrested for genocide of the world population? No. Keep on fabricating mysteries.
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus

The Three Divisions of Western Catholicism

When prophecies were written 400 years ago, warning us of the coming Vatican II and its fruit, Jesus clearly expressed His opinion as to what He thought of the Novus Ordo. Who's side are we on?
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus

Future Vatican Diplomat Dies at 31

Died from what? Suicide?
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus

Tucho's Infinite Dignity Is "Sheer Balderdash"

God willed that those documents be produced so the eyes of every believing Catholic will be opened to the fruits that flourish from the Vatican.
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus

Message from God? Interesting facts about the solar eclipse on 21 August 2017 and 8 April 2024!

2,000 years ago, the Apostles were preaching that Jesus was returning very, very, soon. Nobody know!