Tucho's Infinite Dignity Is "Sheer Balderdash"

Philosophers and journalists comment on social media on Tucho Fernàndez’ latest production entitled "Infinite Dignity" and its first line: “Every human person [allegedly] possesses an infinite dignity.”More
Philosophers and journalists comment on social media on Tucho Fernàndez’ latest production entitled "Infinite Dignity" and its first line: “Every human person [allegedly] possesses an infinite dignity.”
Edward Feser: "No, as the Catholic faith has always taught, only a single human being possesses that – Christ, and only because He is God, not because He is human. God alone has infinite dignity."
Peter Kwasniewski: "No creature has an infinite dignity. That’s sheer balderdash. Only God has, or rather is, infinite dignity; and those who participate in Christ share, finitely, in his dignity as Son of God. Those who rebel against God lose the dignity."
And: "That which is ‘infinite’ is literally that which has no limits or definitio or end outside itself (that’s why God is rightly called infinite). But man’s dignity is very much tied to his nature and his end. If his dignity were truly infinite, then he would stand in no need of God or of redemption/salvation."
And: „Roma locuta, causa …More
Klaus Elmar Müller
The document "Dignitas infinita" distinguishes moral dignity from creaturely dignity. According to the document, moral dignity can degenerate to the point of indignity. Creatural dignity is infinite because man is the image of the infinite God. If this seems illogical to you, consider the infinite nature of human beeing: the infinite longing for happiness or God (Thomas Aquinas speaks of the "…More
The document "Dignitas infinita" distinguishes moral dignity from creaturely dignity. According to the document, moral dignity can degenerate to the point of indignity. Creatural dignity is infinite because man is the image of the infinite God. If this seems illogical to you, consider the infinite nature of human beeing: the infinite longing for happiness or God (Thomas Aquinas speaks of the "appetitus infinitus") and even more so the infinity of the soul, because it is immortal.
Novena - Oremus shares this
No mere man was of infinite dignity, so as to make adequate satisfaction for an offence against God" (St Thomas Aquinas, 'De Rationibus Fidei', ch. 7).
Everyday for Life Canada
Meet the four gods of infinity dignity. It’s the desecration of the Word. Only God has infinity dignity. It’s an abuse of language and meaning.
Jeffrey Ade
Who's the guy in the middle wearing the Masonic Cross?
Billy F
Only God has Infinite Dignity. Man does not. You must be Baptized!!! This is more of the Horizontal worship of Man. This is Modernist and it’s straight from the Realm of Darkness!
Without Baptism and the Sacraments of True and Spiritual Israel, human beings have no dignity.More
Only God has Infinite Dignity. Man does not. You must be Baptized!!! This is more of the Horizontal worship of Man. This is Modernist and it’s straight from the Realm of Darkness!

Without Baptism and the Sacraments of True and Spiritual Israel, human beings have no dignity.
@Jeffrey Ade Hmmm….That fella? Well, around these parts we call him “Kissy”…..otherwise known as the Pervert of the Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith.
Jeffrey Ade
@SonoftheChurch Ouch! We are witnesses to the most sorrowful sight of our Holy Mother the Church being ravaged by wolves! May we not be willing participants! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Our Lady teaches us what we are “pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death” a sinner is not infinitely dignified.
Tony M
Closely following the absurdly titled Synod on Synodality......Bergoglio & Tucho come out with heretical Fiducia Supplicans directing clergy to bless the sinful homosexual twosomes......now they spew out this document telling us all that we have infinite dignity no matter how corrupted and sinful we become in our lives. This amounts to Jorgy & Tucho saying to us all..... sin as much as you want....…More
Closely following the absurdly titled Synod on Synodality......Bergoglio & Tucho come out with heretical Fiducia Supplicans directing clergy to bless the sinful homosexual twosomes......now they spew out this document telling us all that we have infinite dignity no matter how corrupted and sinful we become in our lives. This amounts to Jorgy & Tucho saying to us all..... sin as much as you want....go for it!!!!
There is method in this roll out of documents....all pushing in the one godless direction.

How diabolical is this game plan carefully devised by these two heretics????
Jorge is not the Rock on which the Church is built!!!
He is the precise opposite!!!
Tony M
At this time in salvation history...... when sin is absolutely out of control in the world..... this is going to make all those living in mortal sin feel very comfortable in their sinful lives..... as they move on the wide road toward Hell. Thank you Jorge & Tucho!!!
Tony M
Please all remaining good Cardinals & Bishops in our Church....rise up and defend the True Catholic Faith given to us by Jesus Christ Himself!!!
la verdad prevalece
In hell God punished the "infinite dignity" of the apostate angels. The same fate awaits the false prophet and his henchmen
Everyday for Life Canada
If this City of Man pontificate had not produced one single document the world would be a better place for believers and non-believers alike. Not one.
Everyday for Life Canada
Yes, the rotten fruits.
Aaron Aukema
Technically, that goes for John XXIII and Paul VI as well. Had Vatican II not been called...there would be no Tucho, there would be no Bergoglio...