Francis Reinstates a Papal Title Abolished by Benedict XVI

Francis reinstates the papal title of 'Patriarch of the West' in the 'Annuario Pontificio del Vaticano 2024'. reports that Francis' move is "to promote synodality", but it's more likely that he wants to increase his personal prestige and power, and strengthen Roman centralism.

The title was abolished in 2006 by Benedict XVI, who called it "unclear" and "obsolete". The Councils of Constantinople (381) and Chalcedon (451) established four patriarchates in the East (Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem).

The Roman Church had preferred the idea of the three Petrine episcopal sees: Rome, Alexandria and Antioch. The title "Patriarch of the West" was adopted by Pope Theodore in 642. After that it was used only occasionally.

Instead of playing around with papal titles, the Vatican should be doing something to counter the ongoing collapse of the Church.

Lisi Sterndorfer shares this
Francis has resumed the papal title, “Patriarch of the West,” which was dropped by Pope Benedict XVI.
Ivan Tomas
Well, he is "patriarch of the west" 'but not a Vicar of Christ. Hmmm,... whose patriarch is he then!?
Shall we say, the patriarch of the (temporarily) ruler(s) of the West.More
Well, he is "patriarch of the west" 'but not a Vicar of Christ. Hmmm,... whose patriarch is he then!?

Shall we say, the patriarch of the (temporarily) ruler(s) of the West.
Opera 369
Not intended for the "Historical Titles", but "active titles; how about these additions: "Fake and Anti Pope; Destroyer of the Doctrine' ;Tyrant of the Faithfuls; Love-King of Pachamama; Servant of Davos; Promoter of poisonous injections; Color blind costume model dresser; Deficient amateur of the Arts; Bi-polar synodal administrator; Advocate/Defender of global rot; Manipulative, megalomaniacal, …More
Not intended for the "Historical Titles", but "active titles; how about these additions: "Fake and Anti Pope; Destroyer of the Doctrine' ;Tyrant of the Faithfuls; Love-King of Pachamama; Servant of Davos; Promoter of poisonous injections; Color blind costume model dresser; Deficient amateur of the Arts; Bi-polar synodal administrator; Advocate/Defender of global rot; Manipulative, megalomaniacal, vindictive humanoid; Repulsive and satanical Artificial Intelligence." 🤔
Denis Efimov
Of course, all these titles that Francis has consigned to the annals of history express the very essence of the papal office. It is possible, however, that Francis simply understands that all these titles do not correspond to him personally at all, and therefore he abdicated.
Denis Efimov
You can look at this from a different angle. Francis included the title of “Patriarch of the West” not in his “business card”, but in the section of “historical titles” (titolo storici), and in the photo this can be seen by the end of the word “storici” in the upper left part. Thus, Francis restored historical justice, since it would be foolish to deny that the title "Patriarch of the West" has …More
You can look at this from a different angle. Francis included the title of “Patriarch of the West” not in his “business card”, but in the section of “historical titles” (titolo storici), and in the photo this can be seen by the end of the word “storici” in the upper left part. Thus, Francis restored historical justice, since it would be foolish to deny that the title "Patriarch of the West" has been used throughout history as a title of Popes. In 2020, Francis renounced all of these titles, relegating them to the historical category. Cardinal Cantalamessa on 03/31/2023 praised this decision of Francis, especially regarding the title "Vicar of Christ", saying that this decision is correct, for Christ does not need a Vicar. Now Francis has simply added another historical title to the list of “historical titles”.