WikiLeaks: Clinton, Obama, Soros Overthrew Pope Benedict In Vatican Coup

George Soros, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton orchestrated a coup in the Vatican to overthrow the conservative Pope Benedict and replace him with radical leftist Pope Francis, according to a group of …More
George Soros, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton orchestrated a coup in the Vatican to overthrow the conservative Pope Benedict and replace him with radical leftist Pope Francis, according to a group of Catholic leaders citing evidence from various sources including WikiLeaks emails.
Pope Benedict XVI reigned as Pope of the Catholic Church from 2005 to 2013 before unexpectedly resigning in unusual circumstances. Becoming the first Pope to step down since Pope Gregory XII in 1415, Benedict is widely considered the first to do so on his own initiative since Pope Celestine V in 1294.
However the group of Catholic leaders cite new evidence uncovered in emails released by WikiLeaks to claim the conservative Pope Benedict did not actually resign on his own initiative, but was pushed out of the Vatican by a coup that the group of researchers are calling the “Catholic Spring.”
Soros, Obama and Clinton used the United States’ diplomatic machinery, political muscle, and financial power to coerce, …More
Vatican needs to be cleaned up .by the power of the Holly Spirit
"Fake" news discredits sensational yet factual news. Never mind Clinton, Soros, Obama and Francis. What is Benedict's motivation? money pressure? For a long time there has been talk of needed reform in the Vatican bank that I believe he was addressing, although I obviously have 0 1 details.
To jest bardzo mozliwe,
co sugeruje powyzszy artykul.,..
Czy to tylko domysly?
Nawet jesli do tego doszlo,
jest to pewnego rodzaju doswiadczenie Boze
dla dzisiejszego Kosciola swietego.
Nie ma przypadkow.
Jest sprawczosc i dopust Bozy.
Stad trzeba nam rozumiec te sytuacje
bardziej na poziomie ducha.
Widziec wscieklizne szatana z jednej strony,
a odejscia od Boga i pograzenia sie w grzechu
wielu …More
To jest bardzo mozliwe,
co sugeruje powyzszy artykul.,..
Czy to tylko domysly?
Nawet jesli do tego doszlo,
jest to pewnego rodzaju doswiadczenie Boze
dla dzisiejszego Kosciola swietego.
Nie ma przypadkow.
Jest sprawczosc i dopust Bozy.
Stad trzeba nam rozumiec te sytuacje
bardziej na poziomie ducha.
Widziec wscieklizne szatana z jednej strony,
a odejscia od Boga i pograzenia sie w grzechu
wielu dzieci ochrzczonych - z drugiej.
Czas ten to swoisty tygiel, lug farbiarzy ...
Jedni pojda po wieczna nagrode - inni na wieczne potepienie.

Swieta Maryjo, Matko Boza, Niepokalana -
modl sie za nami,
abysmy zachowali wiare i milosc do Boga w Trojcy swietej Jedynego; aby nic nie odlaczylo nas od Niego.

i dont know if these news are true or not ,but evil can do a lot of bad things ,and money and power are always an incentive to sell your soul to the enemy
I do not wonder any more!
Beware False News
Francesco I