Jo Santoss


The Vatican has NOT condemned Medjugorje. That is from a exorcist priest in our parish I'll believe Him.
Jo Santoss

Is Christmas based on a pagan myth?

Jo Santoss

Please pray for Fr John Stone Melnick Fr John has Covid, and a severe incapacitation of his respiratory …

That forced oxygen is not good for covid patients. It's killed more than it has saved esp. the elderly.
Jo Santoss

Poland: Eucharistic Miracle?

We are living in dark times, only the body and blood of Christ can save the world. Not from pain that we must endure, but darkness.
As our Lord suffered so must we.
Jo Santoss

Accusations Against Famous Jesuit Artist

Jesus is present at Mass whether it's the NO or a traditional. The priest whether he is NO or trad has the authority of Jesus. The consecrated body and blood on the alter is that of Jesus. To condemn an entire Mass and call it a cult because of your misunderstanding of what actually happened at V2 is a form of calumny. Spreading falsehoods.
Jo Santoss

Pilot Dies During Takeoff, "The Captain is Out" [ATC audio]

Jab jab forced on pilot's.
Jo Santoss


The local bishop? That's News to me. Where did you read that? Because it was neither condemned nor refuted by the church. It is still under investigation by the Vatican. So how do you guys know more than those actually investigating it on the ground. How do you explain the healings, the conversion of those that have gone there. Reputable priests that have gone? Something amazing happened there, that …More
The local bishop? That's News to me. Where did you read that? Because it was neither condemned nor refuted by the church. It is still under investigation by the Vatican. So how do you guys know more than those actually investigating it on the ground. How do you explain the healings, the conversion of those that have gone there. Reputable priests that have gone? Something amazing happened there, that is a fact. Whether these people are still receiving messages or not I do not know, but to dismiss it out of hearsay or some video you watched claiming it's a scam. Remember santan works through "well meaning" people as well as those that hate us.
Jo Santoss

Exorcist: Porn Distorts a Person's Sexuality

So True. Satan uses porn to distort Gods creation. He uses it to drag you down to the pits, pray to our Blessed Mother for intersession because these demons will mercilessly hound you. THIS is not a battle to fight alone. God bless 💗. You are loved you don't need porn.
Jo Santoss

If You See A Man With A Painted Fingernail, Here's What It Means - Patriot

I wonder how many of them participate in child porn and sacrifice? Abortion? I agree with Orthocat ^ virtue signaling for most.
Jo Santoss

Cost of living: People in Cardiff 'eating pet food'

There has always been poverty, but we are just noticing it more now because so many who were "getting by" have been pushed into it by our greedy/evil governments. The rising cost of living is just the begining. This is being orchestrated to create dependency. A poor and hungry people are easier to control.
Jo Santoss

French Priest Rebuked For Speaking Truth

when Jesus told His disciples to follow Him, it was not for glory, wealth, fame etc but to suffer as He suffered, that has not changed. Persecution is a martyrdom to be sought after not to run away from.
Jo Santoss

Klaus Schwab has a new logo: a swastika, and it fits him ! – Allah's Willing Executioners

looks like a gay Nazi flag, how appropriate.
Jo Santoss

Be everything

Christian, (husband and wife) married, conservative, hunter, patriot.
Jo Santoss

4-Year-Old Boy Stops Breathing, Dies Week After Common Activity Almost Every Kid Enjoys - Patriot

so sad unfortunately most people do not know this is a thing, it happens so infrequently its had to diagnose. Rest in the arms of Mary little one.
Jo Santoss

😡 😲 Poznajcie twarze niektórych globalistów-satanistów 😡 🥺

Brainwash the zombies
Jo Santoss

He Bestoweth Me a Title

Very cool 😎