Jo Santoss
Jo Santoss

Cravings for meat?

Fish, eggs, veggies,
Jo Santoss

Koko the gorilla - Message for Humans

God gave us this gift to take care of it, some do a good job others are selfish.
Jo Santoss

The Proper Way To Receive Holy Communion

Amen 💗
Jo Santoss

The Angelus .prayer The Angelus is a prayer devotion to the Incarnation, It is traditionally said …

Many many years ago in Ireland it was broadcast on TV (Radio Television Eire 1) 3 times a day. You stopped what you were doing and said it.
I wonder if they still do🤔. I doubt it.
Jo Santoss

Richard Baris - Polling Expert & Director of Big Data Poll with 6+ years experience testifies under …

What's the point nothing Will be done about it. They will do it again and again. Because republicans in Congress are cowards.
Jo Santoss

ABC News Journalist Breaks Her Silence, Reveals She Developed Heart Condition Due to Covid Vaccine …

Most people I know that got more than one suffered serious side effects. Everyone I know that got it still got sick after the so called vaccine. What was the point of getting it???
Those that didn't get it didn't get sick 🤔
Y'all got played.
Jo Santoss

Zelensky pimping DC for more blood money. I assumed he was Jewish because of his mocksy and with a …

Puppets, the lot of them. Who is the puppet master? Schwab, Soros, Gates or someone higher or should I say lower much lower down 👇
Jo Santoss

Enoch Burke: Homosexualist Regime Releases Its Victim

Ireland has fallen.
Jo Santoss

John O’looney: Black Watch Troops Have Told Me This Is The Plan...

Europe will fall. The US will fall too if we don't stop these B*Ass*turds now
Jo Santoss

This Disturbing Theory About 5G & the Vax Makes Too Much Sense — Dr. Robert Young Interview

There is "something" in the vaccine that coroner's are finding when they process a body. Something that does not belong in our bodies.
Jo Santoss

U.S. Catholic Priests Are Increasingly Conservative as Faithful Grow More Liberal

Yes the 3 recent new priest passing through our diocese are all very faithful conservative minded Catholics. Thanks be to God
Jo Santoss

PREDICTION CAME TRUE: Prior to the pandemic, in July of 2019, the Health Ranger correctly predicted …

Supposedly there's a reversal for the shot, but I don't know how much truth there is to it. Or if it's any safer.
Jo Santoss

England’s migrant transformation is even bigger than America’s – Allah's Willing Executioners

Eurasia is well on it's way into being.
Jo Santoss

Scenes from a celebration of the same-sex marriage law — at Mar-a-Lago

Trump is no better than the rest of them he touts his conservativism but he's no Christian. Are any of them?
Jo Santoss


Write to bishop zurek and express your displeasure
Jo Santoss

Strickland on Pavone: "The blasphemy is that this holy priest is canceled while an evil president …

Our Blessed Mother told us this would happen pay attention there's more.....
Jo Santoss

Luke [1:26-38] The Birth of Jesus Foretold

In The sixth month of Elizabeth's pregnancy the angel Gabriel came to Mary...
Jo Santoss


As I said originally the original appearance I believe was real I do not know about the rest nor do I think they are important, but the conversations and healings are very real. What is more important the salvation of souls or who's making a buck??? I couldn't care less about someone making money of off it, what matters are those that find Jesus there and return to Him.