Zelensky pimping DC for more blood money. I assumed he was Jewish because of his mocksy and with a little research found out his father and mother were jewish. Source: Jerusalem Post: He had an “ordinary …More
Zelensky pimping DC for more blood money. I assumed he was Jewish because of his mocksy and with a little research found out his father and mother were jewish.
Source: Jerusalem Post: He had an “ordinary Soviet Jewish upbringing.” Zelensky told the Times of Israel in early 2020, on the eve of visiting Israel to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, that his family was typical of Soviet Jews in the 1980s when he was growing up.
Zelensky is actually related to Soros and yes, he's a jewis nazi. That his flag was draped in our Senate is a slap in the face and the action of conquerors in a defeated country.
Jo Santoss
Puppets, the lot of them. Who is the puppet master? Schwab, Soros, Gates or someone higher or should I say lower much lower down 👇
One flag in exchange for billions
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Zelensky's religious background should have nothing to do with our distrust/dislike/suspicions/comments about him and his motivations (which are probably not honorable.....he just wants USA to fight for him.....and it would be stupid if the USA fell into that trap.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
USA should not be involved at all, except for small weapons supplies 2-3x a year.
Dr Bobus
A proxy war with Russia is better than a direct NATO-Russia war over Poland
Kissinger's proposed peace settlement between the two nations would be the optimal choice. I agree with him that continued escalation could lead to a nuclear WWIII. Russia is not the old Soviet. Putin looks back the Czars for inspiration not Communist dictators.
Dr Bobus
Not a Kissinger fan. His greatest talent is self promotion. The source of the problem is that Russia has no natural Western boundaries, and Putin wants to restore the buffer states, incl Poland.
Dr Bobus
Who was it who pushed for Poland to be in NATO? JPII. Poland is protected from invasion from the west because Germany is in NATO. And NATO protects Poland from.invasion from the East.
A friend, a ret 3 star who was Dep Commander all US forces in Europe, told me that after centuries the problem in still Central Europe.More
Who was it who pushed for Poland to be in NATO? JPII. Poland is protected from invasion from the west because Germany is in NATO. And NATO protects Poland from.invasion from the East.

A friend, a ret 3 star who was Dep Commander all US forces in Europe, told me that after centuries the problem in still Central Europe.
It is the US that is escalating an impendiing - possibly nuclear war - with Russia by supplying Ukraine with arms and money. We do more to protect the border of Ukraine than our own border. The days of being the police for GEO policitical events is over. Need to shift the paradigm from gobal police to America first.
I don't agree with everything Kissinger says, but his assessment is correct, that the West and Nato promised in early 2000, that NATO would make no further incursions on states bordering Russia, but now has broken their promise with Ukraine. JP II wanted Poland to join NATO out of his experience with Soviet Communists, however, presently the Communist are the butt of jokes in Russia. The West is …More
I don't agree with everything Kissinger says, but his assessment is correct, that the West and Nato promised in early 2000, that NATO would make no further incursions on states bordering Russia, but now has broken their promise with Ukraine. JP II wanted Poland to join NATO out of his experience with Soviet Communists, however, presently the Communist are the butt of jokes in Russia. The West is also the source of humor about a civilization that tells little boys that they can be girls, and adolescent girls can mutilate their bodies, and perverts can put on drag shows in libraries and schools. The Russians also find the West to be idolatrous that it places some groups on a pedestal and worships them, i.e. Critical theory dogma that is accepted as truth by a majority of millennials and gen Z.

Putin may want to make Russia a great empire, but the Russians for all their faults see the Ukrainian war as a struggle against the acids of Western liquid modernity promulgated via Globalist capitalists and its encroachments. They do not want our Nihilism poisoning traditional Russian society.