O Maoleoin

Viganò: “We've Been Poisoned by a False Magisterium for Over Six Years Now”

They are still glued to Vatican 2
O Maoleoin

When John Paul II Praised Pachamama..

More Modernist blather.
O Maoleoin

Nick Donnelly - Interview with The Most Famous Deacon in the English-Speaking World

Ecumenism,we all get along to get along.All are welcome in rhe Big Tent.Latin Mass,Nvus Ordo Mass ETC,
O Maoleoin

Cardinal Müller: German Pro-Homosex Bishops "not normal"

The Sword of Damocles.
O Maoleoin

Cardinal Tagle: Failed Evangeliser, Hostile To Old Latin Mass, Promoter of Feel-Good Events

You still don't get it,The Novus Ordo is[ NOT CATHOLIC].
O Maoleoin

Lay Homily: Swiss Bishop Ousted Priest

Spot the dummy.
O Maoleoin

"I Do Not Wish To belong to Idolatrous Pachamama Church" - ICEL Director

The lunatics have taken over the asylum.
O Maoleoin

Francis Starts Advent With African Jungle Mass

Three Ring Circus.
O Maoleoin

Total Discretion: Francis Underwent Surgery

And gone to hell.
O Maoleoin

Francis' Effect in Argentina: Catholics Are the New Protestants

These men will have a lot to answer for.
O Maoleoin

Dutch Bishop Joins Petition Accusing Francis Of Idolatry

Bishop Mutsaerts is wrong,we have had a new religion for nearly sixty years now,namely the Novus Ordo.
O Maoleoin

Cardinal Schönborn: There Will "Certainly" Be Married Priests in Europe

Only one Cardinal ?
O Maoleoin

Archbishop Viganó: Apostasy Under Francis "Unprecedented"

Many are under the illusion we are dealing with the Catholic Church.We are not.
O Maoleoin

Synod Document Endorses Noble Savage, Pantheism - Equals God to Spirits

Still making excuses for the heretics,.
O Maoleoin

Synod Final Document: Celibacy Abolished, "Deaconesses" Requested

We are debating the Novus Ordo church not the Catholic Church.The Catholic Church has gone underground.
O Maoleoin

Vatican, Diving Lesson For Pachamamas Was "Theft"

Not only idols out of the church but they should all be whipped out of the church.
O Maoleoin

Santa Maria in Traspontina: The Idol Worshippers Complain With Police

In the old days,they used to throw the Heretics into the Tiber.
O Maoleoin

Synod Bishops Attend Demonic Way Of The Cross

They will accept everything.
O Maoleoin

Seminary Instructor: There Is “Erotic Component” in Eucharist

Cockroach coming out of the woodwork.