
Viganò: “We've Been Poisoned by a False Magisterium for Over Six Years Now”

Day after day, Francis keeps dismantling the See of Peter, Whistleblower Archbishiop Carlo Maria Viganó writes in a December 19 statement. He accuses Francis of using his authority “not to confess but …More
Day after day, Francis keeps dismantling the See of Peter, Whistleblower Archbishiop Carlo Maria Viganó writes in a December 19 statement.
He accuses Francis of using his authority “not to confess but to deny; not to confirm but to mislead; not to unite but to divide; not to build but to demolish.”
“We've been poisoned by a false magisterium for over six years now.”
Viganò observes that Francis humiliates the Church’s highest authority with “dissimulations and lies” and “blatant gestures of ostentatious spontaneity” through which he exalts himself in a continuous narcissistic self-celebration.”
Francis’ recent attacks on the Immaculate Conception are for Viganó a blow at the heart of the Marian dogma, “To attack the Mother is to rise up against the Son.”
Francis deserts the celebration of the Assumption and, unlike his predecessors, avoids saying the Rosary with the faithful, Viganò observes.
He knows about plans to introduce an Amazonian “dew” into the eucharistic prayer of the Novus …More
"No rational person could because a false magisterium is not a catholic magisterium."
No True Scotsman Fallacy, Crackers. Also, the standards you've been using for denying the legitimacy of Francis' Papacy also apply to the last four Popes. And we both know every step of your little dance that follows by now.More
"No rational person could because a false magisterium is not a catholic magisterium."

No True Scotsman Fallacy, Crackers. Also, the standards you've been using for denying the legitimacy of Francis' Papacy also apply to the last four Popes. And we both know every step of your little dance that follows by now.
Thors Catholic Hammer
So according to Vigano the magisterium has been poisoned and false for the last six years.
I agree.
However unlike Vigano I can not recognize the man who has been doing all this poisoning in a false magisterium as a legitimate pope.
No rational person could because a false magisterium is not a catholic magisterium.
Catholic popes do not officially promulgate false poisonous teaching.
The …More
So according to Vigano the magisterium has been poisoned and false for the last six years.
I agree.
However unlike Vigano I can not recognize the man who has been doing all this poisoning in a false magisterium as a legitimate pope.
No rational person could because a false magisterium is not a catholic magisterium.
Catholic popes do not officially promulgate false poisonous teaching.

The conclusions are obvious.
Bergolio does not enjoy the protection of the Holy Spirit because his election in 2013 was uncanonical.
[It was uncanonical because the actual pope Benedict xvi was still holding on to the office despite giving an appearence of a resignation.]
Viganò believes this current time is paving the way for the Antichrist which he says is “inevitable” and “part of the epilogue of the History of Salvation” but he adds: “We know that it is the prerequisite for the universal triumph of Christ and his glorious Bride”
Thors Catholic Hammer
But does,nt Vigano also believes that francis is some type of valid "pope".?
His perception seems therefore quite skewed.
Thors Catholic Hammer
"Viganò believes this current time is paving the way for the Antichrist"
Vigano continues to recognise Francis as a valid "pope".
Francis has published the formally antiChristian document Amoris laeitiae which endorses and promotes sacriligious communion for unrepentent adulterers thereby destabilizing the indissoluble nature of the sacrament of matrimony.
Who can respect anyMore
"Viganò believes this current time is paving the way for the Antichrist"
Vigano continues to recognise Francis as a valid "pope".
Francis has published the formally antiChristian document Amoris laeitiae which endorses and promotes sacriligious communion for unrepentent adulterers thereby destabilizing the indissoluble nature of the sacrament of matrimony.
Who can respect any priest or bishop who supports an antiChrist type alleged "pope" who promotes such evil?
Cardinal Burke's interpretation of Amoris Laeitiae carries more weight than yours. Thors Catholic Hammer
"Who can respect any priest or bishop who supports an antiChrist type alleged "pope" who promotes such evil?"
Those who:
a.) recognize Benedict XVI resigned in accordance with Canon Law
b.) study Church history and realize there have been many bad Popes …More
Cardinal Burke's interpretation of Amoris Laeitiae carries more weight than yours. Thors Catholic Hammer

"Who can respect any priest or bishop who supports an antiChrist type alleged "pope" who promotes such evil?"

Those who:

a.) recognize Benedict XVI resigned in accordance with Canon Law

b.) study Church history and realize there have been many bad Popes before Francis.

c.) acknowledge the possibility some recent popes before Francis may have also advanced "heretical" teachings, JP II and B XVI, included.

d.) recognize the opinion of a Catholic bishop or priest has more credibility than that of a yammering parrot from Leinster, Ireland who repeats the same lies very nearly every day on every post, regardless of how many times those lies get debunked.

That's who. Since you asked. :D
Hendro Munsterman wrote a study on the title co-redemptrix: "Pius XII systematically refused the title when his speechwriters proposed it. Vatican II refused to use it. John Paul II used it only six times, but not any more after 1991. The International Pontifical Marian academy pronounced itself unanimously against in 1996."
Thors Catholic Hammer
The term co-redemptrix does not imply equality.
Not all co-workers are equal.
But for Mary,s fiat there would have been no redemption.
She was 100% free to say no to God
As the new Eve human mother of the new Adam/man Jesus she preceded him in the order of nature.
Is the child greater than its parent?
Mary is certainly worthy of the title co-redemptrix.
It is petty to quibble in my view.More
The term co-redemptrix does not imply equality.
Not all co-workers are equal.
But for Mary,s fiat there would have been no redemption.
She was 100% free to say no to God
As the new Eve human mother of the new Adam/man Jesus she preceded him in the order of nature.
Is the child greater than its parent?
Mary is certainly worthy of the title co-redemptrix.

It is petty to quibble in my view.
Libor Halik
Francis’ recent attacks on the Immaculate Conception are for Viganó a blow at the heart of the Marian dogma, “To attack the Mother is to rise up against the Son.”
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
You cannot get a false magisterium from a true pope, so unless you want to call Jesus a liar, Who said, I have prayed for you, Simon, so that your faith may never fail, then you better start examining ppbxvi.org and stop insisting the Cardinals were infallible in the first 20 minutes after the Consistory of Feb 11 2013. If you do not have proof enough that in choosing Bergoglio in the conclave of …More
You cannot get a false magisterium from a true pope, so unless you want to call Jesus a liar, Who said, I have prayed for you, Simon, so that your faith may never fail, then you better start examining ppbxvi.org and stop insisting the Cardinals were infallible in the first 20 minutes after the Consistory of Feb 11 2013. If you do not have proof enough that in choosing Bergoglio in the conclave of 2013 that the Cardinals are not infallible, then you need to see a psychologist.
Thors Catholic Hammer
It was contrary to canon law to call the conclave of 2013 as pope Benedict never fully relinquished the Chair of St Peter.
He still sits there.
[The attempt to create a sort of "papal regency" with Bergolio is a catastrophic failure.Pope Benedict should immediately acknowledge this appalling mistake]
Well said: "Viganò observes that Francis humiliates the Church’s highest authority with “dissimulations and lies” and “blatant gestures of ostentatious spontaneity” through which he exalts himself in a continuous narcissistic self-celebration.”"
And, for more than fifty years.More
Well said: "Viganò observes that Francis humiliates the Church’s highest authority with “dissimulations and lies” and “blatant gestures of ostentatious spontaneity” through which he exalts himself in a continuous narcissistic self-celebration.”"

And, for more than fifty years.
God bless, Vigano!
I would rather a boy learnt in the roughest school the courage to hit a politician, or gained in the hardest school the learning to refute him — rather than that he should gain in the most enlightened school the cunning to copy him.
Notice how Vigano speaks about the Novus Ordo: "A few weeks after the events at the end of the Synod that signaled the investiture of pachamama at the heart of Catholicism, we learned that the Conciliar disaster of the Novus Ordo Missae is undergoing further modernizations,..."
Thors Catholic Hammer
The problem has nothing to do with the Novus ordo or the TLM. Both rites are valid.
The problem is the false conclave of 2013 called on the basis that confused theologian pope benedict xvi had resigned the office.
He never resigned the office and still sits in the chair of the great and glorious St. Peter.
The man bergoglio who pretends to occupy this chair therefore never properly succeeded to the …More
The problem has nothing to do with the Novus ordo or the TLM. Both rites are valid.
The problem is the false conclave of 2013 called on the basis that confused theologian pope benedict xvi had resigned the office.
He never resigned the office and still sits in the chair of the great and glorious St. Peter.
The man bergoglio who pretends to occupy this chair therefore never properly succeeded to the office.
He is a true wolf in sheeps clothing seen sadly by world as a "pope" of some kind and one that the world understandably loves to bits and refuse to criticise.
Be warned and avoid him. He has no spiritual authority whatsoever.
Arthur McGowan
Why can't BOTH be a problem?
Thors Catholic Hammer
if you have a problem with the catholic mass and its validity dont bother me.
Go see a priest about it.
Novus Ordo is protestantised.
Novus Ordo - Protestantised - yes but valid.............
Moynihan on the new Vigano text: "In this text, we find now a retired Vatican official speaking in apocalyptic terms of the loss of the Catholic faith itself -- of final apostasy... beginning with the loss of due respect for the dignity of the Mother of God, Mary."
Thors Catholic Hammer
it is meaningless from Vigano.
If he thinks like that and yet continues to recognize the patently false pontificate of Bergoglio.
Gesù è con noi
In this religion of the man of Bergoglio, he needs to assassinate the doctrine of the Church in order to completely replace it with the religion of the UN that worships the Pachamama. Bergoglio is like a murderer who planned a fraudulent wedding with the intention of killing a rich woman and keeping her fortune. This man is not a pope not only because he was already a heretic prior to his invalid …More
In this religion of the man of Bergoglio, he needs to assassinate the doctrine of the Church in order to completely replace it with the religion of the UN that worships the Pachamama. Bergoglio is like a murderer who planned a fraudulent wedding with the intention of killing a rich woman and keeping her fortune. This man is not a pope not only because he was already a heretic prior to his invalid election but has also publicly violated the alleged fidelity he owed to his alleged wife. Bergoglio has not only betrayed the Church but also Christ
Thors Catholic Hammer
Well said.
You can have a validly elected pope who teaches heresy. The infallibility given the Church pertains to the entire Church, not an individual. It is not an easy question to solve, and, as we see, Pope Francis "dances around" in ambiguity. See canonlawmadeeasy.com
Thors Catholic Hammer
A heretic can not be a valid pope.The question is exceptionally easy.
In addition since pope Benedict still sits in the Chair of St Peter and never stepped down properly the conclave of 2013 was entirely unlawful and invalid.
the lazy and corrupt cardinals participating in the charade never even bothered to assess properly what the extremely confused "theologian" Benedict xvi was up to.
"Modernists as "masters of error and experts in the art of deception," noting that with them, "it is impossible to seek clarity, since the distinctive mark of modernist heresy is precisely dissimulation."
"The tactic of affirming what one wants to destroy, using vague and imprecise terms, promoting error without ever clearly formulating it, is also typically modernist," Viganò said, pointing to …More
"Modernists as "masters of error and experts in the art of deception," noting that with them, "it is impossible to seek clarity, since the distinctive mark of modernist heresy is precisely dissimulation."
"The tactic of affirming what one wants to destroy, using vague and imprecise terms, promoting error without ever clearly formulating it, is also typically modernist," Viganò said, pointing to Pope Francis' frequent ambiguity." (Vigano)
The theologians and other leading people in the Church, and even the dubia, in their petitions, have never said Pope Francis was an anti-pope. You have to have firm answers. Uncontested statements in order to declare such a person a heretic. This we do not have.
Thors Catholic Hammer
To Agent Rose.
I am a practising catholic and I say and judge that Jorge Bergoglio is a formal heretic and an apostate priest, I also say that he never succeeded to the Chair of St Peter because that chair remains occupied by Pope Benedict xvi who never vacated the office of the papacy.
Therefore every act and statement by this imposter pope francis is devoid of proper legality and he has no rightful …More
To Agent Rose.
I am a practising catholic and I say and judge that Jorge Bergoglio is a formal heretic and an apostate priest, I also say that he never succeeded to the Chair of St Peter because that chair remains occupied by Pope Benedict xvi who never vacated the office of the papacy.
Therefore every act and statement by this imposter pope francis is devoid of proper legality and he has no rightful spiritual authority over anybody.
the cowardly clergy will not challenge this usurper becuase understandably they fear retribution and loss of pensions etc.
Gesù è con noi
@AgentRose To say that Bergoglio is a pope is to place a heretic over the Magisterium, that is to say that Bergoglio from Argentina was exempt from fulfilling the Law of God and could, according to you, oppose Catholic doctrine while remaining Catholic. Bergoglio is not a pope beginning because in Argentina he no longer professed the Catholic faith before his invalid election. In Argentina Bergoglio …More
@AgentRose To say that Bergoglio is a pope is to place a heretic over the Magisterium, that is to say that Bergoglio from Argentina was exempt from fulfilling the Law of God and could, according to you, oppose Catholic doctrine while remaining Catholic. Bergoglio is not a pope beginning because in Argentina he no longer professed the Catholic faith before his invalid election. In Argentina Bergoglio had deviated from the Catholic faith and had become an apostate and a public heretic who had even been denounced publicly.
To Gesu e con noi and Thors Catholic Hammer. Everyone is distraught. There is not one, easy solution. The specific crisis we are experiencing in the Church has never happened in her entire history. I refer you to Fr. Weinandy's (superb theologian) analysis that the Church is in the midst of an "internal papal schism." See www.thecatholicthing.org FAITH and PRAYER
Thors Catholic Hammer
To AgentRose.
Weinandy is deeply deeply confused. There is no internal papal schism because Benedict retains the office of the papacy. He only resigned the ministry. A partial resignation of that kind has no validity. Bergoglio has never been a pope of any description whatsoever. There is no reason to be distraught because a great and necessary sifting of the chaff from the wheat is occurring. …More
To AgentRose.
Weinandy is deeply deeply confused. There is no internal papal schism because Benedict retains the office of the papacy. He only resigned the ministry. A partial resignation of that kind has no validity. Bergoglio has never been a pope of any description whatsoever. There is no reason to be distraught because a great and necessary sifting of the chaff from the wheat is occurring.
Be patient and trust in the basic mass and the sacraments. The outrageous scandals performed by the false pope and his agents will end soon.
God bless Archbishop Viganò, The John the Baptist of our times.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Why would God bless a man who supports and recognizes an invalid heretical papacy?
Vigano is as much part of the problem as the cowards Burke , Brandmuller and Muller.
Arthur McGowan
God does not withdraw his grace on account of sincere error.
Thors Catholic Hammer
To Arthur McGowan. Nobody knows exactly what God does or does not do when it comes to people in material heresy but it is safe to say God seeks to illumine them concerning the truth.
When it comes to formal heretics like Jorge Bergoglio sj there is almost nothing that God can do because such people have cut themselves away from the Mystical Body of Christ. People like Bergoglio hate the truth. …More
To Arthur McGowan. Nobody knows exactly what God does or does not do when it comes to people in material heresy but it is safe to say God seeks to illumine them concerning the truth.
When it comes to formal heretics like Jorge Bergoglio sj there is almost nothing that God can do because such people have cut themselves away from the Mystical Body of Christ. People like Bergoglio hate the truth.
The recent physical attack by Bergoglio on the Asian woman was not because she caught his hand but because her face represented the truth.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Why does Vigano still recognize francis as a valid pope?
In continuing to do so he belittles his own position.
Francis is not a valid pope.
he has no spiritual or worldy authority over any living catholic
O Maoleoin
They are still glued to Vatican 2
And you @Thors, you might want to further learn from mhfm.
Thors Catholic Hammer
mhfm? What is that? I avoid abbreviations and also usually those who do not have the manners to explain them.
Thors Catholic Hammer
The reason almost complete clerical silence surrounds the bogus papacy of francis is fear of excommunication.
Let me dispel this fear immediately.
Jorge bergoglio has no authority whatever in any sphere.
His bishop and cardinal appointments are all dubious legally and when it comes to any sentence of excommunication such is void because a true pope is the final authority on the sentence.
Francis is …More
The reason almost complete clerical silence surrounds the bogus papacy of francis is fear of excommunication.
Let me dispel this fear immediately.
Jorge bergoglio has no authority whatever in any sphere.
His bishop and cardinal appointments are all dubious legally and when it comes to any sentence of excommunication such is void because a true pope is the final authority on the sentence.
Francis is a true pope
2 more comments from Thors Catholic Hammer
Thors Catholic Hammer
To Pat at
Apologies for my sharp words but I always get annoyed when oblique references are made using abbreviations only.
Much prayer is needed for our lawful and only true pope Benedict xvi
7 hours agoMore
To Pat at
Apologies for my sharp words but I always get annoyed when oblique references are made using abbreviations only.
Much prayer is needed for our lawful and only true pope Benedict xvi

7 hours ago
Thors Catholic Hammer
Where is Viganos integrity?
On the one hand he denounces francis by basically calling him the precursor of the Anti Christ but still recognizes him as a valid pope.
Francis is not a valid pope.
He can therefore by judged by anybody.
Those who accept the validity of the francis papacy all collectively contribute to the ongoing spiritual destruction willed and connived at by this truly evil Argentinian …More
Where is Viganos integrity?
On the one hand he denounces francis by basically calling him the precursor of the Anti Christ but still recognizes him as a valid pope.
Francis is not a valid pope.
He can therefore by judged by anybody.
Those who accept the validity of the francis papacy all collectively contribute to the ongoing spiritual destruction willed and connived at by this truly evil Argentinian prelate
Gesù è con noi
The confusion begins with the silence of Pope Benedict XVI.
Gesù è con noi
Under this circumstance, Archbishop Viganò is trying to do his best to defend Catholic doctrine and open the eyes of many Catholics from within the Church.
Thors Catholic Hammer
It is not sufficient to defend catholic doctrine. The wolves in sheeps clothing are attacking the core of the catholic church.The biggest wolf in the pack is the false pope named francis the first. Until the hierarchy and lower clergy address this matter then the situation will only deteriorate further.
All bishops and cardinals will be held to account for their egregious failure in addressing the …More
It is not sufficient to defend catholic doctrine. The wolves in sheeps clothing are attacking the core of the catholic church.The biggest wolf in the pack is the false pope named francis the first. Until the hierarchy and lower clergy address this matter then the situation will only deteriorate further.
All bishops and cardinals will be held to account for their egregious failure in addressing the papal crisis ongoing since 2013 and instigated by a confused theologian pope who still occupies the Chair of glorious Saint Peter but like Nero of Old twiddles his thumbs while Rome is burnt by material schismatics and formal heretics.
Arthur McGowan
It is totally reasonable to accept as pope a man who emerged from a conclave and runs around wearing white, etc. If there is a problem, it takes time for people to wake up. The people who accepted Bergoglio as pope in 2013 were not instantly transformed into formal heretics, schismatics, and apostates. Viganò gives every sign that he is a man who is assessing the mounting evidence as he sees it. …More
It is totally reasonable to accept as pope a man who emerged from a conclave and runs around wearing white, etc. If there is a problem, it takes time for people to wake up. The people who accepted Bergoglio as pope in 2013 were not instantly transformed into formal heretics, schismatics, and apostates. Viganò gives every sign that he is a man who is assessing the mounting evidence as he sees it. It is unjust to hurl invective at him as though he were another McCarrick, Cupich, Dolan, Martin, Wuerl, McElroy, or O'Malley.
Thors Catholic Hammer
These men are meant to be professionals.
They are anything but professional accepting the rubbish peddled by Pope Benedict in his thoroughly defective resignation speech filled with all sorts of errors.
The consequence has been calamituous leaving a formal apostate heretical priest seemingly in charge of the roman catholic church.
millions have been deceived and the cowardly hierarchy and lower …More
These men are meant to be professionals.
They are anything but professional accepting the rubbish peddled by Pope Benedict in his thoroughly defective resignation speech filled with all sorts of errors.
The consequence has been calamituous leaving a formal apostate heretical priest seemingly in charge of the roman catholic church.
millions have been deceived and the cowardly hierarchy and lower clergy refuse to take action.
It will not go well for them
Thank you Arthur McGowan for you reasonableness. Yes, Vigano is assessing everything and is courageous. We have to imagine that many others in the Church who are faithful to Christ are doing the same thing. Faithful lay people and religious who are awake are not running around with "business as usual" attitudes. We have to believe that there are MANY investigating, thinking, analyzing, studying, …More
Thank you Arthur McGowan for you reasonableness. Yes, Vigano is assessing everything and is courageous. We have to imagine that many others in the Church who are faithful to Christ are doing the same thing. Faithful lay people and religious who are awake are not running around with "business as usual" attitudes. We have to believe that there are MANY investigating, thinking, analyzing, studying, begging in prayer in the midst of this crisis. (Remember many "Catholics" still don't know there IS a crisis.)
Thors Catholic Hammer
To AgentRose :It is now going on 7 years since the invalid resignation of pope Benedict. A false pope has been screeching around the catholic church corrupting doctrine and killing the faith of millions of catholics over that time and you talk about reasonableness?
The time fore reasonableness ended some time ago.