
Francis Unveils "Life Jacket Crucifix"

Francis blessed during a December 19 meeting with chosen immigrants what he called a “crucified life jacket," to wit, a life jacket attached at a transparent plastic cross and thus replacing the body of Christ.

The object of a rare ugliness, was hung up in the Vatican.

Francis said that it was meant “to remind everyone of the indispensable commitment to save every human life.”

It was alleged that the jacked was used by an unknown migrant who drowned in the Mediterranean in July.

This is another attempt to exploit religious symbols for political goals and for the promotion of human trafficking and mass-immigration that destroys the countries of origin as much as the countries of destination.


Francis, "I decided to display this life jacket,"crucified",to remind everyone of the essential commitment to save every human life, because the life of every person is precious in the eyes of God. The Lord will hold us to account for this at the moment of judgment"
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
His °faith° is in Che Guevera....
Thors Catholic Hammer
What faith? This man "francis" is pagan to his backbone and imbued with implacable hostility to core catholic doctrines on the sacraments and transubstantiation and the Real Presence.. The lazy priests,bishops and cardinals who support this obvious wolf in sheeps clothing are little different.
It will not end well for them as the flock are being devoured.
The Cross is not a political platform. Terrible.
An act of contempt for the true crucifix. In any other age, there would have been an outcry. But in this age, barely a peep. Ho hum. May God help us!
Pope Francis this morning received in private audience António Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations. Guterres was the UN’s High Commissioner for Refugees 2005-2015.
Thors Catholic Hammer
There is no such reality as "pope francis".
Pope benedict xvi never properly resigned the Chair of St Peter.
He alone can still be called pope.
In a sense francis is a victim of Pope Benedicts appalling mistake.
The world is full of thousands of fools wanting to have the wool pulled over their eyes and francis is exactly the man for them.
This "artistic" installation has a double meaning:
1) an act of faith: our Lord Jesus Christ is a lifeguard - He really saves souls from eternal damnation;
2) an act of contempt for the Savior: "You have a lifejacket here and run down my friend along with your funny cross!"
Jorge the Apostate hung this cross in the company of 33 Muslims, whom he brought by air, so they came to Rome from heaven. 33…More
This "artistic" installation has a double meaning:
1) an act of faith: our Lord Jesus Christ is a lifeguard - He really saves souls from eternal damnation;
2) an act of contempt for the Savior: "You have a lifejacket here and run down my friend along with your funny cross!"
Jorge the Apostate hung this cross in the company of 33 Muslims, whom he brought by air, so they came to Rome from heaven. 33 is the number of Jesus Christ, so these infidels are a new real "christ" to Bergoglio. This guy from Buenos Aires has a different religion, he is not a Catholic!
He wants more Moslem youths so he can kiss their feet. Lewd blasphemer. How long oh Lord?
Let's not "obsess" over abortion too much: "We must save them, for we are all responsible for the lives of our loved ones, and the Lord will ask us to be aware of them at the time of the Last Judgment."
Remember the frog on the cross? Similar.