
Gloria.TV News on the 23rd of December

"It's the 'joy of the Gospel,' not the 'truth of the Gospel." What an a$$ !! Flippin liberal Jesuit Reese, what else can one expect from him.

“Saint” Mandela? Not So Fast!

Thanks for posting this. People need to learn the real truth, instead of being misled by the lying liberal media. Flags flown half-mast..really? Please!

"Homo Marriage" - Bishop Paprocki vs. Gov. Pat Quinn (Video)

Lets see more Bishops grow a pair and proclaim, without fear, the true teachings of our faith.

Gloria.TV News on the 21st of November

Thank you for the news!

Days of Deepening Friendship's 2013 Advent Retreat

We need good holy priests to listen to!

Gloria.TV News on the 20th of November

thanks Gloria TV for the news!

Gloria.TV News on the 18th of November

The only way to get rid of the problem is to expose it! But the faithful are too sheepish to put these bishops to task and call them out on it!

Laudes para Lunes, 18 de Noviembre, 2013 said it all bro!

Belly Dancing Circus 'Mass' - Zirkusgottesdienst Kinderhilfe Bethlehem 12-12

If this isn't PROOF that the Devil is working in the Novus Ordo (mess)..what is? So bold that He presents himself (Snake), to Proove it. Yet people are so Blinded Still, just like Adam and Eve was! 🙏

Catholic Mass 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time

More novus ordo garbage! This is why people leave the church.

Ex-priest Gay-Marries His Partner

Disgusting! Just think of all those people who rec'd communion from this man when he was a priest! Afterwards, going to shack up with his lover! And how many more are still out there... In the novus ordo! Sick!

Gay Rage (10-23-13) ChurchMilitant.TV The rage of the Gay 'Rights' movement will not stop until they …

How is a Judge to decipher 'Right' from 'Wrong'? Laws! ... And God has set down His laws for all to obey and live by. But the godless society wants to refer it as "judging others" even though there are those who spit upon God's word and those who follow it! Evidence proves the homosexual agenda is to dismiss God's law. And who does that but.. Satan and his cohorts.

Pro-family Italians ask Pope Francis for aid against ‘homophobia’ bill

Don't hold your breath!

Gloria.TV News on the 11th of October

Elderly sister wearing no habit was robbed...guess wanting to 'blend-in' with society by throwing away her habit has given her a taste of reality.

Gloria.TV News on the 10th of October

Lock the chapels! Have a number code on door like some do for their parishioners. And these people Obama wants to have cross our borders Illegally!!

Man steals Eucharist from Catholic chapel (VIDEO)

Some chapels have a number code on their door, so only parishioners of the church who know the code can gain access. And Obama lets these people into out country illegally!

Gloria.TV News on the 8th of October

thanks for the news.

Gloria.TV News on the 7th of october

"We are now at this stage of Providence that leads us to be closer to the teachings of the Second Vatican Council." In other words, we can continue with dismantling the Church of any vestige of tradition and make it our own.

Gloria.TV News - October 4, 2013 The wrong friend: In an interview with CNBC, U.S. President Obama …

How wonderful.. Marxist Baby killer Obama pays Francis compliments.