Gloria.TV News on the 21st of November. A Sledgehammer of the Left: Bill Donohue, president of the New York Catholic League, criticized the left on the Glenn Beck Program Tuesday for “grossly” …More
Gloria.TV News on the 21st of November.
A Sledgehammer of the Left: Bill Donohue, president of the New York Catholic League, criticized the left on the Glenn Beck Program Tuesday for “grossly” misinterpreting statements made by Pope Francis in order to “get us in line with their agenda. Quote: “I’ve been told many times by a number of people in the Catholic left that ‘we have to listen.’ Since when did the Catholic left have any interest in fidelity to what the Holy Father has ever said?”
Vladimir in the Vatican: This Monday, Pope Francis will receive the president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Some journalists believe that the meeting will also be a preparation for a summit between the Pope and the Russian Patriarch Kirill.
Commending the Catholics: Ghana Parliament has commended the Catholic Church for its pioneering role in the provision of education and other social infrastructure in the country. The House said both the state and the church were in the …More
Sic est! 😀 😉More

Sic est! 😀 😉
Agree with StraightPride!
Thank you for the news!
Thanks for the news
Since Pope Francis of course!
It would be nice to see Michael Voris defend the faith from the assaults, lies and heresies on major news networks.. Rather listen to him than Donahue, any day!
The "Catholic Left"... Didn't know they were 'Catholic'. There's only One 'Right' side, and they're not on it!
Boy Plunges to His Death 🙏 🙏 🙏
Ghana Parliament has commended the Catholic Church for its pioneering role in the provision of education and other social infrastructure in the country.
Catholic colleges, 148 primary schools, 105 junior high schools and 141 pre-schools.
👏 👏 😇
One more comment from Germen
Bill Donohue: "Since when did the Catholic left have any interest in fidelity to what the Holy Father has ever said?”
👏 👏 👏
Vladimir in the Vatican: This Monday, Pope Francis will receive the president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Some journalists believe that the meeting will also be a preparation for a summit between the Pope and the Russian Patriarch Kirill.More
Bill Donohue: "Since when did the Catholic left have any interest in fidelity to what the Holy Father has ever said?”
👏 👏 👏

Vladimir in the Vatican: This Monday, Pope Francis will receive the president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Some journalists believe that the meeting will also be a preparation for a summit between the Pope and the Russian Patriarch Kirill.