Range day with Dad. 😂

The Bee Brings You More Reasons to Homeschool

Special thanks to my homeschooled son for showing me this. Also, Tuesday afternoons: Range Day with Dad is actually a thing.
First Friday is upon us again.

First Friday for March 2024

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
Body. Blood. Soul. Divinity. Blessed be Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar!

Under These Sacred Veils Where Thy Love for Me Hath Concealed the Splendor of Thy Majesty!

Even those words do not come close to doing justice to the supreme act of condescension of Out Lord in giving …
Credo .
St. Padre Pio, Ora Pro Nobis. ~ 🙏 🙏 🙏
And the hits just keep on comin’!

Oh Boy… Hos Be Creepin’

I thought I’d seen it all. Seriously, I would advise you not to watch if you are sensitive to this kind of thing. However, this man is more modestly dressed than many actual …
It goes back a long time. My guess, Spellman and company had something to do with it.

Pro Tip: ArchNY is Thoroughly Gay and It Has Been for Years

Absolutely no one is buying the BS press release from the rector of St. Pat’s. Case in point, see the article below from PIX11 New York. C…
@SHJ-IHM No video of the "reparation Mass" will be seen. Cardinal Dolan himself has said it was "done on the Q.T." so as not to inflame the situation …More
@SHJ-IHM No video of the "reparation Mass" will be seen. Cardinal Dolan himself has said it was "done on the Q.T." so as not to inflame the situation further. How's that for being pastoral: blaspheme publicly, repent in private. What a leader!
Father Karl A Claver
The Catholic Church has been ruled by modernists whose only desire is to destroy Her. The faithful remnant has gone underground.
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Happy Lent!

Esto Vir.

Here we are, friends. Another Ash Wednesday is upon us. Two of my favorite bloggers – Ann Barnhardt and Mark Docherty – have brilliant posts about a topic that is pivotal to a successful Lent …

I Hope You’re Clinging to Christ: My Thoughts on the “Catholic Cartel”

There has been much talk lately of the so-called “Catholic Cartel”, that is the highly organized arm of the institutional Church …
John A Cassani
Are there any good bishops in this country right now? It would take some real doing to prove it. If there are, it’s long past time that they put their …More
Are there any good bishops in this country right now? It would take some real doing to prove it. If there are, it’s long past time that they put their cushy jobs on the line and speak up, but I’m not holding my breath.
First Saturday and St. Blaise

First Saturday of February / Feast of St. Blaise

If you have not done the five first Saturdays devotion, why not start now? And go get your throat blessed while you’re at it!
Blessed be the Name of the Lord!

February 1

That is the date, 42 years ago, when yours truly became a twinless twin. I am 46 now. 15,340 days. That is how much time has elapsed since a house fire claimed the life of the sister I entered …

That Fr. Isaac Mary… What a Godsend!

Lest you think this blog is turning into a feeder for the Soldiers of the Immaculate Podcast… I know, you already saw Ann Barnhardt and Nurse Claire post about this …
Septuagesima Sunday: Fr. Isaac Mary on the Four Last Things

Septuagesima: Getting Ready for the Big Fast

Here we are again, friends. Barely a month post-Christmas and it’s already Septuagesima Sunday! Where did the time go? Start preparing now. God will give …
Come and take it…

Honor the Texas Flag!

Those words form the beginning of the pledge of allegiance… to Texas! Yes, it’s a thing. This Jersey transplant has lived here for almost 13 years now and it’s one of the first …

One Never Fully Knows the Marvelous Will of God

Almost two years ago I was moved to pick up writing my blog again. It had lain dormant for a few months and I lost my direction motivation. The very evening …

She’s At It Again

She being St. Rita, or course. I do so love having her as a special patron saint. I am still mystified that God showed me at an early age the life of this marvelous woman and permitted …
Finding X

X and Such

As a homeschooling father, I have come to accept that my days will be taken up with the bizarre. Case in point: this evening, as I sat and watched one of my favorite movies – Frequency* with …
Cheers to Dad (and all good fathers)!

The Brandy Manhattan

If Ann Barnhardt can occasionally drop a food post, why not me? Today, January 17th, marks seven years since my dad went to his judgment. I pray for his soul daily at Mass. He taught …
John A Cassani
I will have to try this one, as the Manhattan has always been my drink of choice. Mostly, I see it as a way to make cheap whisky drinkable, as it is a …More
I will have to try this one, as the Manhattan has always been my drink of choice. Mostly, I see it as a way to make cheap whisky drinkable, as it is a completely different drink when made with higher quality liquor. Never thought to try with brandy, but I will!
Harvey Millican
An actual cocktail glass is proper for this drink. The one pictured seems to be some artistic rendering of a cocktail glass. I like the classic kind …More
An actual cocktail glass is proper for this drink. The one pictured seems to be some artistic rendering of a cocktail glass. I like the classic kind shaped like an upside down cone on a stem.
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Update: Please watch this video. It is the father who forgave his son’s killer. Full video in link.

To Forgive is Divine

Yesterday I shared with you the events of my day – that I had been in a courtroom while a friend of mine spoke to his son’s killer and forgave him and offered him a rosary. It was …
chris griffin
I cannot agree with this video of a father making a 20-minute statement to his son's murderer. If the father wants to forgive his sons murderer, then …More
I cannot agree with this video of a father making a 20-minute statement to his son's murderer. If the father wants to forgive his sons murderer, then well and good. He does not realize that many murderers enjoy seeing the relatives suffer and enjoy their grief. Stay away from murderers.
Witness to the Love of the Cross

“As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us”

This morning, I sat in a packed courtroom in support of a dear friend. This friend was making a statement to the court as a matter of public record. Two …
English Catholic
@Harvey Millican I wonder how many of us would do that. I mean really. I wonder if I could do it. I've always found such examples deeply edifying, but …More
@Harvey Millican I wonder how many of us would do that. I mean really. I wonder if I could do it. I've always found such examples deeply edifying, but the flesh is weak . . . I'd like to think I could forgive such a heinous crime if it were done to me, but I know from experience, I've had great difficulties forgiving people when their offences against me have been far less serious. God bless this man for his example.
Credo .
Just beautiful! 😍

Tucho: A Time for Choosing?

Have you heard the one about the antipope who appointed his sodo-“friend” head of the doctrine office, made him a “cardinal”, and then scrubbed the internet of that same …
Every knee must bow!

The Holy Name

On January 2nd his year we celebrate the feast of the Holy Name of Jesus. Remember, this name is the ONLY name by which we may be saved. I still remember my mom telling me when I was a …